I like both, but I probably tend more towards sweet. I crave cookies more often than I crave crackers.

Do you prefer salty or sweet snacks?
I like both, but I lean toward salty more often.
it depends
but salty i guess
Sweet - I have a real sweet tooth.
generally sweet unless im on my period
my blood pressure drops then so I crave more salty stuff
Sweet! but I like both
Sweet snacks are better just as long as they're not too sweet. I sometimes can't eat those extra sweet packaged pastries because they're so heavy in sugar and it makes me a little sick.
Sweet snacks are better just as long as they're not too sweet. I sometimes can't eat those extra sweet packaged pastries because they're so heavy in sugar and it makes me a little sick.
salty like my heart
it really depends on my mood and what i'm craving
i have a godlike intolerance to junk food
i have a godlike intolerance to junk food
Really? I'd get sick if I eat too much of it
Of course, it depends on what I'm eating and where I get it from but I have a limit...
i like both but i get sick of sweet too fast
i NEVER get sick of salty
salty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I’ve never liked candy or dessert. I only like vanilla ice cream. I don’t like the taste of chocolate that much. I would much rather eat a bag of plain potato chips than a cake.
If I’m at something like a birthday party, I wouldn’t want to eat cake. I usually do it to be polite, but at my parties I just have giant bowls of chips, popcorn, tortilla chips, whatever. I just love them and could eat them for days.
Popcorn is my favorite food. And I mean buttery, salty popcorn. Caramel and sweet popcorn is disgusting I hate it.
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