Fortune magazine suggests Korea loses 5 trillion won opportunity with BTS enlisting
Article: Fortune magazine, "Korea loses the opportunity to make 5 trillion won a year with BTS enlisting"
Source: Asia Economy via Naver
1. [+604, -129] We will lose our country without our army. Five trillion won is not the issue here. We are one of the only divided countries out of the four superpowers, and we've handed out too many exemptions as it is. If you are a healthy celebrity, you should be taking the lead in promoting our country's security and ensuring that we continue in our strength.
2. [+233, -22] Okay, but what if you also calculated the money that all of our men in our twenties are losing because of their mandatory service?
3. [+166, -26] That doesn't mean that the responsibility of service should be passed solely to other young men
4. [+190, -51] Why is this even news? ㅠㅠㅠ BTS enlisting has raised the morale of young Korean men by 5 trillion won, none of which can actually be converted into a cash amount 👍👍👍
5. [+148, -27] Okay but that 5 trillion won would go into BTS' pocket, not mine. I had to worry about how to keep my finances afloat while serving for 27 months. Just hurry and serve.
6. [+26, -3] I think people's hypocrisy is showing by how they're rushing BTS to serve but then demanding that they enlist as a group so that they can come back to group promos as quickly as possible. Why should they? Let them enlist whenever they want. People are so shameless..
7. [+22, -2] But is Korea seeing that money? Or is it Bang Shi Hyuk... either way, that's not my money. If anything, we're helping people not waste their money on merch that's just going to be piling up in their bedrooms.
8. [+17, -3] No matter how much money is lost, duty is duty. There are rules to everything, and the moment you start giving out perks and exemptions, that's when standards crumble. I have never seen a celebrity who tried to weasel out of service have a healthy career in our country. They are forever branded with the embarrassment of their duty. If you consider the long run, BTS made the better choice in the end.
9. [+13, -1] What would 5 trillion won matter if we lost our country to war? What even is the point of putting stuff like this in the news?? Has this journalist even served in the army himself??
10. [+7, -0] So did the rest of us have to serve because we weren't worth 5 trillion won to you?