The token-stanning and pity-stanning in Kpop isn't a bad thing per say but when it comes to survival shows these kinds of stans don't know how to act.
Nobody well deny that ehat happened to Gaeun and Chowon wasn't unfair but be serious. They wouldn't have fit in Iz*One and you know it.
The problem wasn't so much that Gaeun was too old, but that she looked her age and the work she got done was very noticeable. She was more suited for mature concepts and not the one's Iz*One did. Imagine Gaeun sing 'O My' and 'Why So curious?' at her big age? She would have just made the group look imbalanced.
As for Chowon, she had the talent, obviously, but you know damn well she did not match the visual standard at the time. I say 'at the time' because anyone with eyes can see she got work done and lost weight before debuting with Lightsum, her current group.
If the token stans and pity stans had gotten their way, Iz*One would have been a Kepler 2.0 where the members lack any and all cohesiveness with only like 5 girls hard carrying the group.