Do you think Twice will enter the Melon Top 10 with Talk That Talk?
Honestly, don't know. After what happened with Scientist. Idc what Once say, Scientist was not THAT bad.
It was a good song. I personally liked it more than Alcohol Free, which was Twice's last song to do decently on Melon, so the way it flopped was very shocking for me. Also, the way Cry For Me (the best song Twice has put out since 2019 imo) made no noise at all....
So, yeah, I'm not good at judging what the GP will like.
I think yes and within a week or even less.
I think so girl groups are very in atm.
Hell yeah! (positive affirmations)
I hope so
I hope they do, another good song this time around.
i think it will
Maybe for a short spike like real time or daily due to being a new release but I don’t think they will stay in tpo 10.
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