New blackpink badges
All the badges r pretty. Maybe I'll collect them this time. Didn't care about badges before.
I want them now but I'm poor yet
everyones poor tho, so I guess it's fair 😂
everyones poor tho, so I guess it's fair 😂
Transfer me akorns lmao
Transfer me akorns lmao
After me lmao jk
After me lmao jk
Not on your life 😌
I love them!! So pretty. I want. ):
A gif avatar ? What magic is this?? 😮
Your avatar can be in the form of a gif, jpeg, jpg, or png.
we love to see it 😄
JK so relevant he is duplicate lmao
JK so relevant he is duplicate lmao
I think the first one wasn't showing up bc I saw someone point that out, maybe when fixing it they accidentally duplicated it lol.
JK so relevant he is duplicate lmao
I'll get both too
oh I don't like these badges
but they're so cute 😿
they're probably not permanant if that helps
I hope the next ones are to your taste 😺
Should've used the show pictures
Should've used the show pictures
we should be able to vote for badges
Can we ask them to change badges please... the girls have such cools pictures
I think we can.
JK so relevant he is duplicate lmao
wait omg let me edit this
definitely gonna collect them all
Those badges look better than the old ones
Those badges look better than the old ones
tysm !!
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