Does the amount of music a group releases affect how you feel about them?
Personally, i prefer artist with smaller discography. Im saying this not to justify for Blackpink, but i cant imagine myself to listen to every song if the group has a big discography, e.g. Twice. I dont think i will know every song inside out like Blackpink or aespa.
Similar examples from the western pop, I prefer to listen to artists like Bruno, Gaga, Adele who takes their time to release albums. Certain artists like Rihanna, there are just too many albums. I only pick certain singles and songs that I really like to listen. Taylor swift as well.
Personally, i prefer artist with smaller discography. Im saying this not to justify for Blackpink, but i cant imagine myself to listen to every song if the group has a big discography, e.g. Twice. I dont think i will know every song inside out like Blackpink or aespa.
Similar examples from the western pop, I prefer to listen to artists like Bruno, Gaga, Adele who takes their time to release albums. Certain artists like Rihanna, there are just too many albums. I only pick certain singles and songs that I really like to listen. Taylor swift as well.
Monsta X has a ton of songs for their age and i certainly don't listen to all of them. I don't even listen to all of Exo's which is comparatively smaller tbh
* How often they comeback doesn't impact me that much. I get both ends of the spectrum with BLACKPINK and Twice, yet I love them both.
* I prefer newer groups, because their songs typically sound less dated and more modern (in a way). I also prefer newer groups because it doesn't feel as intimidating to go through every song of theirs. That being said, some older groups with huge discographies it can be worth it to get into. If it's broken down in an easier to understand way to listen to, that helps (like with Twice's Once a Day thing).
* They have enough to potentially interest me, but I'd like at least more than a dozen songs that I love before I full on stan them. Just to make sure they consistently release good music, as opposed to releasing a few good songs but mostly not good ones. Plus, this way, even if I don't like their newer songs, I can some older ones I love from them I can consistently rely on.
Just curious, dont u feel a bit weird if u stan a group but you dont listen to certain songs in their discography? I cant really call myself stanning if im ignoring a certain portion of the discography. Maybe a casual listener at best imo. But thats just me.
Im also super curious about what Onces think of this cause Twice by far have the deepest discography among GGs (including japanese release). How do u guys keep up and show love for each release? Do u guys ignore certain releases cause burnout?
Just curious, dont u feel a bit weird if u stan a group but you dont listen to certain songs in their discography? I cant really can myseld stanning if im ignoring a certain portion of the discography. Maybe a casual listener at best imo. But thats just me.
Im also super curious about what Onces think of this cause Twice by far have the deepest discography among GGs (including japanese release). How do u guys keep up and show love for each release? Do u guys ignore certain releases cause burnout?
I don't ignore whole albums or eras. I've actually listened to every song in both discographies. It's just that there are certain songs that i don't like or at least dont like much and don't include in my playlist.
I don't really feel bad since I've seen members of MX straight up not recognize their own songs lol. 200+ songs is a lot!
* How often they comeback doesn't impact me that much. I get both ends of the spectrum with BLACKPINK and Twice, yet I love them both.
* I prefer newer groups, because their songs typically sound less dated and more modern (in a way). I also prefer newer groups because it doesn't feel as intimidating to go through every song of theirs. That being said, some older groups with huge discographies it can be worth it to get into. If it's broken down in an easier to understand way to listen to, that helps (like with Twice's Once a Day thing).
* They have enough to potentially interest me, but I'd like at least more than a dozen songs that I love before I full on stan them. Just to make sure they consistently release good music, as opposed to releasing a few good songs but mostly not good ones. Plus, this way, even if I don't like their newer songs, I can some older ones I love from them I can consistently rely on.
I definitely agree about newer groups needing a minimum amount of songs to stan. I don't understand people who are all ride or die for groups that have released like 3 songs. How do you know you're even gonna like them?
not really
I can like groups with less music just as I can like groups with more music
to me the reason I like a group is more often for the members (and in particular their personalities) - I can like almost any group's music but I cannot be a fan of a group solely because of the music
If a group has too many comebacks it gets overwhelming to try and get up to date and I have other things going on, work etc.
Also, if a group's comeback is less than spectacular which to be honest I found Aespa and BTS to be then it makes the waiting seem in vain and a bit of a let down, that's why I don't get excited anymore.
If a group has too many comebacks it gets overwhelming to try and get up to date and I have other things going on, work etc.
Also, if a group's comeback is less than spectacular which to be honest I found Aespa and BTS to be then it makes the waiting seem in vain and a bit of a let down, that's why I don't get excited anymore.
Yes, It's the worse when you wait a long time and the cb ends up being a disappointment
Just curious, dont u feel a bit weird if u stan a group but you dont listen to certain songs in their discography? I cant really call myself stanning if im ignoring a certain portion of the discography. Maybe a casual listener at best imo. But thats just me.
Im also super curious about what Onces think of this cause Twice by far have the deepest discography among GGs (including japanese release). How do u guys keep up and show love for each release? Do u guys ignore certain releases cause burnout?
if I don't like a song, I just don't listen to it but what I enjoy is the options.
Let's say Blackpink releases a buncha songs you don't like next comeback, do you force yourself to listen to it or do you just unstan?
Since I stan both BP and Twice, while percentage wise I like like 25 of BPs song, I think that's like 90% of their songs.
For Twice I only like about 60%ish, I like about 100/160.
But that's still 100 songs I get to listen to so the percent of songs I like from a group matters little vs the quantity of songs im getting.
nope give me more shit please lol
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