Hoseok really called out hybe

  • First of all I highly suggest you to read this thread, it explains a lot about Hoseok's genius lyricism cause "In MORE j-hope goes full-on Shakespearean with assonance" and also apparently hybe messed Hoseok's lyrics in subs. All lyrics I wrote in this post I took from this translation.

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    Now let's dive in the storytelling I see in MORE MV and song. Tbh Hoseok's art is so complicated musically, lyrically and visually that it always takes me days to dig in fully and understand all layers he put in his art, some nuances I get only after even longer time and some insights can hit me even years after - Hoseok's art is not easy, it makes you think, analyze and wonder which is really amazing and what art should do. For MORE keep in mind that according to Hoseok himself whole music which he planned for album is all about him and his life and thoughts so it's not some fantasy universe like BU was for BTS.

    So we start with corridor and dude delivering box to Hoseok and then key from this box appearing. It's already known that box is basically his history, his life and career under hybe. Hoseok starts his verse with lines about being thirsty for art, about wanting to do his art, to do his music, cause only then he feels himself like fish in the water.

    Yeah, I am thirsty

    Gotta be on top of the of the beat surfing

    (then) I'm like the fish in the water

    Soak up in music

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    Right after that we go to line eenie meenie miney mo with interesting shot where camera jumps from Hoseok himself to the box aka Hoseok's life in a box of career under hybe and then back to Hoseok himself again. Visually it looks like someone does a counting-out (side note: I also love how superior Hoseok himself looks in comparison to that box which just lies under his feet).


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    So basically someone needs to die or get out from this equation in order for other to survive and live: either Hoseok and his art or company and them boxing him - considering that shot ends with Hoseok himself, I think, it's clear who needs to get out according to Hoseok, cause if company with their boxing won't die then Hoseok's own art won't survive.

    He then proceeds with

    Keep my passion I gotta go

    I am still not enough

    And for these lines MV shows this clown/jester (which I think represents company's branding and marketing him, considering scene in MORE similar to Ego scene) who Hoseok leaves behind.


    Then we come to next scene with this lyricspasted-from-clipboard.png

    Whole verse is about him working for BTS, the endless process of making songs which should be liked or which maybe will be liked, he again talks about how he wants to create. And with this verse with these meaning we enter most common averagely looking office ever. But you know what this average office has? This


    They made from lights a BTS sign and it's literally around whole room. So basically this office symbolize BTS as a product/creation or creative process for/of BTS. Does it look like anything creative or anything which creative interesting art can be associated with? Nah, it looks like the most boring office ever cause in Hoseok's view BTS as a product/creation or those who make BTS (company) are all business and nothing else, everything is calculated, everything is on sheets of scenario and assignments Hoseok should follow (and he doesn't want to cause he threw them away), everything is just boring cold grey office with boring stale faces with no raw emotion or even pinch of interesting creativity. Hoseok trips the boss of the room and push him in the damn fax - I hope I don't need to remind you who is the boss and explain what such action from Hoseok symbolizes. Yep, he is totally calling out his company cause he is fcking tired and done with all that bs.

    Now interesting part starts. With pre-chorus and chorus we go from office where Hoseok still works (cause we still see him in the room through the window) into some hidden room, in which we sneak in through the hole in the wall.


    This is his inner side. While Hoseok still works in that boring office his inner self is screaming for more. The sound of this part is toned down exactly cause it's inner hidden side of events. Pay attention that when chorus starts there is a very very weak suppressed sound of alarm going on - I will come back to that sound later.

    Next verse. Again, I just suggest you to read the above thread on twitter, I am gonna post just few screenshot of explanation


    Honestly, I don't think I can add here more than what's already said in screenshots, but yeah he again snaps against company.

    Let's better talk about visual part, cause it's also mindblowing.

    Here we see this scene of Hoseok with some device on him which makes him look like jester/clown and which also looks very similar to scene from Ego MV.


    I think he chose this scene from Ego to copy cause 1) it's only about him not a group (Ego is solo MV), 2) Ego despite of being his solo is a creation he made for hybe product aka BTS so final decision about how everything would look and all that stuff was made not by him but by hybe aka symbolize hybe marketing/branding him, 3) it's very recognizable scene cause the only other similar situation we have is Boy Meet Evil but I ain't sure what scene could be copied from there to directly mean him under hybe branding and marketing (maybe wings on wall but then it could lead to Wings as a whole) plus Ego is more recent. So basically this scene is about hybe marketing and branding him with some devices and person monitoring and writing down every detail about him.

    From this we again go to his inner side which this time is represented by his literal inner side in xray.


    And again we have toned down sound cause here we see what his inner side screams about while company shapes him in what company wants.

    Lyrics go like this:

    Want it: stadium with my fans, even now

    Raking up all the trophies, along with the Grammy

    (but) Fame and riches aren't everything,

    I already know it

    Me work makes me breath so I want more

    When MORE just came out I saw ppl being disappointed that he again mention Grammy and, frankly speaking, I didn't understand this move as well back then (although I personally think that Hoseok is one if those members who actually wanted Grammy, cause yes, he might not like music they've been doing for this but Grammy is the biggest award for a musician and imo he really wants it as musician too), but now I have 2 possible explanation:

    1) he wants those stadiums and audience and even still (either after failures with Grammy or after all these years in industry) is ambitious and eager for more trophies and even Grammy, but he also understands that it's all not that important in comparison to just ability to make art and music he wants, cause this what makes him live, what makes him breathe;

    2) if we keep in mind that this new chapter is not about group but about him individually and pay attention to "MY fans" instead of "OUR fans" then it means that 'even now' as solo artist he wants stadiums with his audience and wants trophies for himself, but it all is not as important as to make his art the way he wants causes it makes him breath - basically although he is very ambitious he understands that as soloist he might not get on level BTS reached but it doesn't matter cause he still are gonna make music.

    Imo it's double entendre, both versions are truthful.

    Then we go further with this lines


    basically it means that despite everything his passion for art is still alive, it's still there and thus he thinks he can make it.

    Visually for this we go through this scene


    It kinda looks like he is gone from bed, even if there is a person it looks so vague that it's basically not even Hoseok himself already under hybe strategies. Maybe, of course, they have to substitute here him simply cause whole scene looks like a one shot to the next door where we see Hoseok himself, but I still think that this scene means that he escaped.


    And through chaos in office we go to another chorus in that inner room of Hoseok wanting more with lil sound of alarm going on in the begining again.

    And the last part. The climax. Where we see Hoseok looking gone mad and crazy and even his flow and delivery changed to that insane drunk-rap.


    Pay attention to how fcking loud alarm sounds here. If in choruses it was barely noticeable then here, after all that crazyness from company and in company, after all chaos, it's blasting. Basically Hoseok is done, he is so fcking done that his inner self screaming about the need to escape and to save himself, cause otherwise he and his art will die, this inner room of his true art will die. No wonder song ends with the same counting-out from which MORE started

    Eenie meenie miney mo

    Dancing baby flow

    Keep my passion I gotta go

    I am still not enough

    And as the last thing we see Hoseok closing that box of his history in under hybe.


    So this is basically what I see here. I wonder so much what else Hoseok will reveal in Jack In The Box, I think in next MV we might see a story of jester or a story of Hoseok escaping or maybe smth else :/

    Btw, about 'Dali' in MORE. Another interesting interpretation! "j-hope is probably intimating that he wants to create artistic work which is similar to Dali, whose paintings are not beautiful to look at but leave a lasting impression on anyone who glimpses at them". So basically he is very aware that his art (MORE) is not typical art for masses like simple pop songs, but it will look so different and captivating that masses will remember it for life.

    Oh, and one last thing. According to Hoseok's recent weverse letter MORE is a song which "I've planned ever since the pandemic started". Let it sink in.

  • no one is dumb enough to believe any interpretations that comes of your delusional self and the likes of yours. He doesn't hate BTS bcos u do

    Just because u r done with bts doesn't mean j-hope is done with his grp lol

    Unlike u who has spent your time hating the grp, he has dedicated years to the grp

    So how do yall interpret MORE as a whole with all symbolls and lyrics? Have you even read explanation of lyrics in thread? How do you explain alarm sound? What exactly do you disagree with in my text? Are you even capable of any dialogue about interpretation of his art or all you are capable is some mumbling about what I do like you know me?...

    I didn't say that he hate his group tho, I specifically wrote "product/creation" to emphasize it as not art in company but as product which is need to be sell it's a different thing (edit: for me at least).

  • To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand j-hoperenderTimingPixel.png

    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand j-hope. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also j-hope's's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike j-hope truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in j-hope's existencial catchphrase "eeni meanie mini moe" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as j-hope's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a j=hope tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

  • Yall really don't see the shadiness in all this? Is there anyone normal who is capable to discuss lyrics in connection to how the put visuals on it and what it all mean?

    no, everyone here but you has too low of an iq to understand j-hope's genius please continue to write lengthy in-depth analysis of his lyrics to fit your narrative and I'm sure everyone here will be in awe and read them.

  • To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand j-hoperenderTimingPixel.png

    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand j-hope. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also j-hope's's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike j-hope truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in j-hope's existencial catchphrase "eeni meanie mini moe" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as j-hope's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a j=hope tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

    He stands with Putin but doesnt know anything else abt Russia? LAMEEEE

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • Have you even read explanation of lyrics in thread?

    Unless he himself explains the lyrics everything else is just someone else's interpretation.

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