Answer the Question From The User Above
I can't speak to any generation prior to the 3rd since i only got into kpop in 2019 so my answer would be temporary group like IOI because if you didn't get into them when they were around then they would be a mere blip in the kpop history but apparently they were really really huge at the time rivaling groups like BP, RV and Twice and the only reason i know was i watched their programs and the variety shows and listened to their music much after their disbandment...
What is a food that you never ever want to try
What are the 7 wonders of the ancient world?
1. The Great Pyramid of Giza
2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
3. Colossus of Rhodes
4. Lighthouse of Alexandria
5. Zeus Statue at Olympia
6. - 7. The Mausoleum thing somewhere. I forgot the final two and googling feels like cheating. Sorry.
What do you consider is the biggest unfixable mistake in your life so far?
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