Posts by girl_group_lover

    I just saw the Make Me Ah dance practice clip of some of RaNia's original members and boy, that would have been epic if they released it with that lineup. Say what you want but RaNia's first lineup was the best in skill (vocals and dance), ESPECIALY JOOYI!. All the later lineups felt weak. Demonstrate was the last comeback where I was actually somewhat impressed by their performance (and that's thanks to the 3 original members Xia, T-ae and Di). under a rock then. Cuz for the longest time, they were huge (and technically still are?) Before Asia was listening to Kpop, they were listening to Jpop/Jrock first. Even back into the 80's (maybe even 70's), Japan was ruling with their music. And if you dug a little deeper, you will see how greatly they influenced the Korean music industry and eventually Hong Kong/Chinese music industries. They were the pioneers of bringing western elements in to eastern music, then creating the basis and formula for Asian music.

    For decades, EVERYTHING has been about Japan. Their tech goods, their electronics, their games, their music, their anime, their manga, their dramas and their variety shows etc brought a new wave and impact to other countries. What we see from Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan today (their media & entertainment), was a direct result of Japan's influence. It's almost not an overstatement to say in the earlier days, Japanese media and entertainment was basically copy and pasted into the said industries; a direct replica. And then the said replicas eventually evolved into what they are today, especially Kdramas, Kpop, Cdramas (specifically Taiwanese dramas, and modern day Chinese romance dramas), Manhwa/Manhua (Korean and Chinese versions of Manga).

    Not only did they impact all of Asia but also the west as well. The fact Pokemon, Digimon, Yu Gi Oh etc can be broadcasted on TV in the U.S speaks volume. Pokemon and Digimon premiered in the late 90's on U.S television (Yu Gi Oh in the 2000's). When has any other Asian media been able to make it on U.S television? Plus, this was the 90's, a time when people's acceptance of foreign media was low. But Japan was the only one who could not only enter and but also rule the U.S market with their media and entertainment. Japan as a whole was and still is super influential.

    Basically there is a huge demographic for Japan's entertainment and media, MUSIC included. For a good while, ESPECIALLY music. There's a reason why Kpop companies have been trying to break in to the Japanese market (ever since BoA and TVXQ in the early 2000's). Don't question it. Japan is huge. Especially when it comes to entertainment and media. Let's just say this, between making it big in Japan and making it big in the U.S, Japan is where a Kpop group could make hella fucking money. Groups like TVXQ and 2PM could come back once in a blue moon in Korea but still be making $$$ because they are active in Japan. Japan alone can provide for them. THAT'S HOW BIG JAPAN IS.

    Guess I’m doing the first controversial one. Twice dance-line should look like this imo:

    Momo - main dancer

    Mina/Sana/Jihyo - lead dancer

    Yeah that's what I feel like it should be. But for some reason, Mina is also a main dancer, like??? She and Momo are not on the same level. Dance skills aside, they have never treated Mina like a main dancer before. She's almost never center of choreo or had a dance break. And then Sana having lead dancer position removed from her profile is the biggest ??? of the century. And the fact Nayeon is listed as a lead dancer when a whole Jihyo exists. IDK what JYP is thinking.

    Side note: The two lead vocalists in the group, Nayeon and gets treated like a main vocalist, the other gets treated like a sub vocalist. Even though I don't want to, but they might as well change their positions to main and sub vocalists to better fit Twice's current situation.

    Eh I'd like to see one but I doubt Jessica would be mentioned in it. It's obvious Jessica had some of falling out with the members. Ever since she was announced to have been kicked out of the group, they've pretended like Jessica never existed in the first place. Unless they eventually forgive each other and get past whatever conflict they had. I don't think there's going to be any mention of Jessica in a documentary on SNSD.

    Girl group edition:

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    Boy group edition:

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    I personally think not allowing your idol to grow up is the worse and probably most extreme example of infantilization. For example, forever forcing and limiting their idol into what they consider as innocent and pure. I think the most well known case is something like f(x)'s Sulli. Honestly, she was really just like any other person on instagram but because she was known for the "innocent" and "pure" image, anything she posted that was remotely mature, got backlash. People were all like "Oh she shouldn't behave this way". And criticized her for dressing too explicitly, partying, drinking etc. Yes, she was like the nation's little sister during her years in f(x) but she aint 15 years old anymore. No one stays the same age. Everyone grows up eventually. one else would get shit for partying because it's normal but because it's Sulii, this girl they wanna keep a baby forever, everyone was flipping out. It was so gross. And these people didn't realize she was already a fucking adult.

    I hope he didn’t word it that way because it can possibly irritate China. He sounded like China needs Korea to be big. Just take slow steps LSM.. China is slowing opening up to kpop again, don’t make them shut it again.

    And Culture Technology is really his thing, right? I don’t even know what that means

    He already pissed off Chinese netizens with his wording. You've guessed right lol. I was on Douyin (Chinese tik tok) earlier and boy, people are obviously not happy. Idk how the Chinese government will feel when it gets to their ears.

    LSM always had this Chinese market boner and it's understandable, the stan market there is huge (the dedication of C-bars are unparalleled). He went close with EXO, but was short-lived when Luhan, Kris, and Tao left the group. I'm just confused why he keeps insisting this world culture/culture technology bullsh*t

    It started with Super Junior/Super Junior M, then peaked at EXO, now he's pushing WayV and he still hasn't given up. I like how you phrased it, a Chinese market boner lmao. :D:D:D