Posts by girl_group_lover

    The song is catchy. But I do feel like it was a downgrade from Fancy and Feel Special. They were finally showing a more versatile side of themselves but this song and concept didn't bring anything new to the table. It's like they reverted back. Plus, the song sounds outdated. And after finding out this song was made a few years back, it all makes sense. More & More sounds like a song that should have been a follow up single/repackaged single that came after Dance The Night Away. But the song's not a bad song. It has a very delightful and catchy melody. The composition makes sense. Nothing too abnormal or irregular, it's just somewhat more generic than the previous 2 comebacks. Signal is the worse song imo.

    TL;DR: I like More & More but I can see why it was a disappointment. Because Twice set a new standard with their 2019 comebacks but More & More failed to hit that bar. PS: I think Signal is their worst song.

    Blackpink, simply because Blackpink has the same level of recognition (considered a top girl group), and Blackpink isn't being overworked like Twice was in their peak, meanwhile there are less members in the group, meaning more to split between the 4 of us (pay). Imagine working your ass off, having 4 comebacks a year + Japan activities, and just to have that pay be split between 9 ppl. You barely get anything. And that's probably why Blackpink members make more money individually. Cuz its the same amount of income, at a lesser work load, with less members to split. At the end of the day, income is the main point, I need to be able to live before I talk about dreams and passions.

    Not sure what you mean... we have 11 styles to choose from. We aren't changing them, it is your choice.

    Huh? But I have not physically changed the layout myself. But ever since the new forum has launched, I've had it automatically change colors (background) multiple times; randomly. I've seen a total of four colors/styles now and I haven't done anything to it at all. If I'm not doing it, neither are you guys, then is this a glitch or a bug that we're not aware of? /Shrug/

    A few things I'd like to mention in response to a couple of OP's points:

    1) I don't think DP allows gif. I tried it, but the function is broken. It'll let me add a link to a gif but when I saved it, the gif doesn't move. It's a still frame. Which is highly disappointing. If someone knows a way that will display the gif properly, please let me know!

    2) Videos actually can be embedded. All you gotta do is directly copy and paste the link into your post as regular text (instead of using the link feature they provide). As for images, instead of pasting a link, just right click on the image you want to post, then click on "copy image" (not "copy link address" or "copy image address") and then directly paste it on here.

    PS: I use chrome so I don't know whether or not the right click would display different terminologies/wording for other web browsers such as safari, firefox etc. But basically, you just gotta directly copy and paste the image, instead of using a link.

    Now to answer the question about what I like and dislike:

    1) I like that there are more emoji options (we were limited to only few emojis previously. I hope they continue to expand their emoji and sticker options in the future).

    2) I don't like the overly white and bright color they've used for the background. It kind of is uneasy on the eyes. They actually changed it to a dark mode with a dark gray for like a day or two and then switched right back to white. Ugh, I prefer something less sharp to the eyes. Maybe something customizable would be nice?

    3) I hate how they erased all of the old threads!!! The lack of threads on here makes me bored. And honestly, I occasionally like revisiting old posts, sigh. They've completely erased all of our existence and started new again.

    4) I'm not understanding how akorns work, and just by reading their explanation gives me a headache. And honestly, I don't know what's the purpose of the akorn system. Why can't we just be a normal forum where the main focus is on socializing and discussing? Instead of this system they're trying to push.

    So far these are the only complaints I have. I haven't been on here long enough since they've rebooted the forum to provide any more feedback.

    hmmm...interesting going by precedent I would have to agree then there are no many GG which have survived certainly none from the 1st gen and not many from the 2nd gen.

    see I like this we can have nice conversation without it becoming a cesspool of shit.

    BTW since you seem to know a bit - when did you get into kpop?

    Oh geez, I've been into Kpop for way too long lmao. I got into kpop during December of 2008 (I remember exactly). So it's been a whole 12 years. I was introduced to a few kpop solo acts prior to that (thanks to older sister, who's 7 years older than I am). But it wasn't until Dec 2008 when I discovered Wonder Girls - Nobody, and then fell in love with kpop. From there I discovered many more 2nd gen groups. I saw their debuts, saw their success, saw their downfall, and saw their disbandment. I basically grew up with Kpop (from middle school til now, my adulthood) and 2nd gen holds a special place in my heart. Which is why I'm too familiar with older kpop groups and think it's unlikely Twice or Blackpink would be any different. Contracts expiration can be very damaging. Sometimes it's the group members themselves who agree to go separate ways (despite having a good relationship, ie: SNSD, SISTAR, Wonder Girls etc), sometimes members have a falling out (ie: 4Minute, Secret). Other times the most popular member rather focus on acting (ie: Miss A Suzy, After School Uee). Other times certain idols get tired of the idol life and just wanna live normally/get married/have kids (After School Kahi, Wonder Girls Sunye etc). But they can't do all of these ^ unless their contract is up. Which is why, a contract holds the fate of a idol group's career. There are too many factors that come into play that make it rare for a group to make it past contract expiration.

    interesting I'm not familiar with pre-3rd gen groups so I'll trust your opinions here. okay then you've convince me that twice and BP are more than half way into their careers lol

    What was my original point? ^^

    Lol my point is, sometimes even brand value becomes useless once a contract expires. A group's existence and activities is limited to their contract. So once a contract is up, it usually, for the most part, means the group's career has come to an end. Which is why I'm saying since Twice is already reaching their 6th year, it is fair to say they've made it past half of their time. Since the 7th year mark may be their very last year. Even if they renew, it'll only be for 2 or 3 more years max; since no girl group has made it past 10 years. With the exception of Brown Eyed Girls, a group that has been together since 2006 and still together til this day (but they also be having 3 years hiatuses). So even if Twice becomes a 10 year group and their disband date is postponed to 2025, they are still pretty much past half way. BOTTOM LINE: they've passed their half time, a girl group's career span is LIMITED! ;(

    Not very likely. Because if they leave, they will end up in different companies with conflicting schedules, and no one to manage their group activities. It's not easy to come together again once they've all decide to head different ways. Also considering how copyright laws work, whether Twice would be allowed to use the name Twice is one story. Whether or not Twice is even allowed to sing their own songs (owned by JYPE) is another. SNSD, 2NE1, KARA, Wonder Girls, SISTAR, who are some of the biggest 2nd gen girl groups has yet been able to come together after heading separate ways. They too had $$$ to their brand name AND the members are close with one another yet no news from them. There are too many things that get in the way of a reunion. Having brand value isn't enough. I mean... IOI tried to regroup and see where that ended up (um nowhere).

    The only groups that have been able to continue on after their contracts expire are Shinhwa and Highlight. And that's only because they all decided to continue as a group under their own label (self managed). A mere 2 cases out of ALL the kpop groups. Other kpop groups who have regrouped after disbandment were g.o.d and Sechskies. And that's only because they all agreed to sign to and be managed together by the same company. The main point is, unless they are under the same label, regrouping is unlikely, even if there is $$$ in their brand name. As seen in the precedents.

    Definitely 4Minute for me.

    But also thank goodness you chose that video as an example because this video also exists...

    The answer would be the opposite if this is the video we're using for comparison :D

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    I like both groups they've done incredibly well and have dominated other GG completely during their time - literally no other GG during the 3rd even comes close.

    Hell even during the 4th we are seeing their impact as gatekeepers of the new generation as well and now in their 5th and 6th years we see new GG looking up to them as their senior.

    So who is the no.1 - too soon to tell, imo its still barely half time for both groups - we'll judge once they finish their careers just how we now look at compare and contrast the success of the 2nd gen GG.

    Ehhh I wouldn't say it's barely half time...considering most contracts are 7 years and only a few senior (2nd gen) girl groups have actually made it past that mark. Generally, most girl groups only last for 7 years. If you think about it this way, Twice doesn't have much time left. They made their debut in 2015, next year will be their 7th year. And whether or not they decide to renew and remain as a group is hard to say.

    Ooooh I'm so happy it's gonna be an album instead of just a single. I was so disappointed last year when I found out Flower Shower was only being released as a single instead of in an album (especially since it was after such a long hiatus). And I was even more disappointed when I listened to Flower Shower and couldn't find myself liking the song.

    Unpopular opinions on Twice's title tracks (by me):

    - Signal is a mess of a song, some parts are really catchy, for example the pre chorus and chorus, but the rap parts are terrible. The rap parts make the song unbearable to listen to. And yes I mean all the rap parts (aka Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Momo and Mina's parts). Signal would be so much better if it had better rap lines in it OR they took out the rap parts altogether. So as a whole, Signal is blegh to me. Idk why ppl love it. Neither do I understand why it got SOTY.

    - Feel Special is amazing (one of their best title tracks). The one song where all the members sound good to the ear. There are many songs where certain members don't suit the song and it makes me go oof (and cringe) when their part comes up. Either because they don't sound good vocally (that specific part is out of their vocal range) or their vocal color is unsuitable (sounding too whispery/too nasally/too cute/too deep etc), or sometimes both. However, Feel Special isn't that way. I think all the members shine in this song.

    Other opinions include:

    - I love Knock Knock, idk why people hate it. It was a great follow up for TT, although not as amazing, but good enough. It's a super fun and catchy song. I also love the fact that it doesn't follow a regular verse/pre chorus format (Knock Knock has no pre chorus). Somehow it's refreshing and it works.

    - Likey has a great instrumental and composition BUT I'd appreciate it more if adjustments to the arrangement were made. I mean I definitely don't dislike the song but if the arrangement was different, I'd like it even more, possibly even Twice's top 5 (title tracks). I'd prefer if the opening did not start with Sana/Jihyo's "me likey likey" parts. It should start with the instrumental only, then straight into first verse. Mina/Nayeon's prechorus should be the actual chorus (hook), meanwhile Sana/Jihyo's chorus should be the post-chorus (post hook). And Mina/Nayeon's part should return for a 3rd time at the end.

    - People are saying how Cry For Me should have been the title instead of I Can't Stop Me, like originally planned. I'd disagree. I agree Cry For Me is a great song and it is catchy but it's not exactly title track worthy. Maybe it could be a follow up/repackaged single, at the most. I Can't Stop Me is catchier in my opinion and has more memorable parts throughout the song. The composition is also way more complex and detailed, it keeps you interested. Whereas Cry For Me has less changes throughout and is more consistent in its instrumental. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but the song is blander in comparison. You can replay I Can't Stop Me 10 times for me before I get tired but Cry For Me 5 times is enough.

    I'd choose Boombayah because it actually sounds like a full song with proper arrangement and composition. Meanwhile, How You Like That sounds like a mashup/remix/unfinished demo of some sort. I constantly feel the need to rearrange How You Like That because the whole thing is lacking in coherency and good transitioning. That intro til this day still makes no sense. It doesn't flow into Jennie's opening verse, neither does that same melody come up later in the song. It's so random. Honestly I'd prefer if they brought back the chorus for a 3rd time but have the instrumental be amped up (more hard hitting) this time, since the previous ones were more chillaxed. Not only does the official ending make the composition of the song strange, it also kind of just ends abruptly. It feels like they kept building the hype up but then ended it without a proper final explosion. It doesn't necessarily hit all the right spots.

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    As a person who has been listening to Kpop since the late 2000's, and basically grew up listening to the 2nd generation idol groups, this thread makes me very happy and nostalgic at the same time.

    In my opinion, I think 90% of 2nd gen songs are old but gold lol. That's a lot to list, so I won't do that. I'll just list the few old songs I've listened to lately.

    HyunA - Change

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    2NE1 - I Love You

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    After School Red - In The Night Sky

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