A few things I'd like to mention in response to a couple of OP's points:
1) I don't think DP allows gif. I tried it, but the function is broken. It'll let me add a link to a gif but when I saved it, the gif doesn't move. It's a still frame. Which is highly disappointing. If someone knows a way that will display the gif properly, please let me know!
2) Videos actually can be embedded. All you gotta do is directly copy and paste the link into your post as regular text (instead of using the link feature they provide). As for images, instead of pasting a link, just right click on the image you want to post, then click on "copy image" (not "copy link address" or "copy image address") and then directly paste it on here.
PS: I use chrome so I don't know whether or not the right click would display different terminologies/wording for other web browsers such as safari, firefox etc. But basically, you just gotta directly copy and paste the image, instead of using a link.
Now to answer the question about what I like and dislike:
1) I like that there are more emoji options (we were limited to only few emojis previously. I hope they continue to expand their emoji and sticker options in the future).
2) I don't like the overly white and bright color they've used for the background. It kind of is uneasy on the eyes. They actually changed it to a dark mode with a dark gray for like a day or two and then switched right back to white. Ugh, I prefer something less sharp to the eyes. Maybe something customizable would be nice?
3) I hate how they erased all of the old threads!!! The lack of threads on here makes me bored. And honestly, I occasionally like revisiting old posts, sigh. They've completely erased all of our existence and started new again.
4) I'm not understanding how akorns work, and just by reading their explanation gives me a headache. And honestly, I don't know what's the purpose of the akorn system. Why can't we just be a normal forum where the main focus is on socializing and discussing? Instead of this system they're trying to push.
So far these are the only complaints I have. I haven't been on here long enough since they've rebooted the forum to provide any more feedback.