Display MoreThe two most voted parties today ... I am so mad
CDU is a party that did so much wrong in the past, that mostly young people stoped voting them, however they are the most voted party now with over 28% which means our new chancelor will be a stupid ass
Things why Friedrich Merz is a bad choice as chancelor:
1. When there was a vote for new laws he was against a lot of them including:
- No same sex marriage
- No medication for transgender kids
- Dosn't considers it a need to send men to prison who abused their wifes at home
and some other things...
2. He also wants to force unemployed people into work that they are not trained for and might be underpayed and where the people will not be happy with + he also wants to cut pay for unemployed people so the unemployment insurance should not pay for their living or apartment no more which in his mind would make people consider finding work, which will not work out since people can't work for whatever job, especially not if there is no place to work and as mentioned before the people are often not suitable for those jobs (handicaped, not trained, makes them unhappy,... etc.) and companies might not even want to hire someone who is not suitable, especially not if the company can't pay for more people working for them
3. We had a fundraiser on TV a few weeks back and celebs aswell as Youtubers and streamer donated for kids in need. Some people donated even over 100.000€ (a Youtuber donated the most money tho) and Merz just said: "I am donating 1.000€ per 1% of our last election results in (name of one state in Germany)" and he only donated around 5-6k altho he earns millions each year and could've donated the most money of them all.
4. In a lot interviews he said so much BS that people with a sane mind questioned why this guy was even allowed to speak
2nd most voted party with 20% is the AfD who is considered as right winged. Court also tried to get them banned but it did not work out...
Why AfD is a bad choice to be voted for:
- Wants to force people into marriages
- Wants to force people into getting children
- Considers the traditional family as the only valid form of household
- Wants the DM back, which is the currency Germany had before the Euro
- Wants to deport refugees back to where they come from
- Wants to get rid of a lot foreigners who live in Germany
- Wants to build a boarder around Germany
- More passport controll for people travling in and out the country
- Also wanting to force unemployed people into work
- Wants to get rid of a lot things that benefit children, lower income people or handicaped people
I can't no more with this stupid shit, why do people vote these 2 parties? Who removed their brains when they went voting? I ...
this is unbelivably stupid, you guys. I am not sure what will happen when the next chancelor gets into office, but we are screwed.
I don't know much about German politics but from what I have seen the current SPD doesn't really have any good solutions or answers to the rise of fascism and the problems that led to it.
It's kind of concerning that the moment sort of reflects the SPD inability to have an effective response to the Great Depression and the crisis in the Weimar Republic in the early 1930s.
Die Linke seems to be the closest party in Germany to the one that represents my views.