Posts by Chemotter

    It wasn't an issue until it was established MHJ was in charge of the group at the time when the weird videos was filmed. But MHJ content for a certain weird market segment is what it has always been, like recently dressing members in school girl outfits at airport departures, just like it was when she was in SM with f(x) and its 14 yr olds.

    I don't know why people keep pushing this angle.

    It wasn't anything nefarious. Newjeans dressed in schoolgirl outfits as a spoiler.

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    Part of their promotional activity was the secret transfer student.

    It also maybe ties into Minji's Vaundy cover where she dresses in school uniform. According to her, she chose the outfit and song.

    I forgot what an asshole Steve Jobs was.

    "“How old were you when you lost your virginity?" he asked. The candidate looked baffled. “What did you say?” “Are you a virgin?” Jobs asked. The candidate sat there flustered, so Jobs changed the subject. “How many times have you taken LSD?” Hertzfeld recalled, “The poor guy was turning varying shades of red, so I tried to change the subject and asked a straightforward technical question.” But when the candidate droned on in his response, Jobs broke in. “Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble,” he said, cracking up Smith and Hertzfeld. “I guess I’m not the right guy,” the poor man said as he got up to leave.

    Isaacson asked Jobs' best friend Jony Ive what he thought. Here's his response:

    I once asked him why he gets so mad about stuff. He said, "But I don't stay mad." He has this very childish ability to get really worked up about something, and it doesn't stay with him at all. But, there are other times, I think honestly, when he's very frustrated, and his way to achieve catharsis is to hurt somebody. And I think he feels he has a liberty and license to do that. The normal rules of social engagement, he feels, don't apply to him. Because of how very sensitive he is, he knows exactly how to efficiently and effectively hurt someone. And he does do that.

    The Dark Sides of Popular CEOs
    Learn about the significant missteps of seven once-popular business leaders.

    I just have to google it. Have people been living under a rock about CEOs? In terms of work place behavior, this isn't even in the top 10 worst. Not by a long shot.

    I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.

    She's a middle aged woman taking about her staff and artists that way

    Yes. If you notice, she used some of the same swear words and slangs in her 1st press conference. It unfortunately means that is how she communicates. It is baked in.

    I don't think she deserve to be a CEO based on her decorum. Her elevation to the head of the company was a mistake, and she probably screwed herself out of any future opportunities as the head of a company. I'm all fine with that.

    However, it is hard for me to discern if there is malice behind the choices in her words or if she just talks like this on default.

    well, in people defense...feminists these day is suffocating.... :pepe-peek:

    in other defense, who wants to work with people who suck at their job but good at screw someone else life... :iconpepe:

    Feminist in Korea means something different compared to the West. Most Koreans do not like to call themselves feminists since there is a huge negative connotation attached to it. Koreans prefer egalitarianism.

    It all went wrong when Korean feminists started to mirror the incel. Basically, they went down the path of an eye for an eye. In the process, they burned a lot of good will. In fact, 페미 has turned into a sort of an insult.

    Nothing new here. It is another recreation of the Kakaotalk presented by Hybe at court. I believe the cyber wrecker Lee Jin Ho released the same thing. All of this was addressed at MHJ's press conference.

    I think you are being disingenuous in how you frame it. Are people saying MHJ is a Saint or a good person? No. However, people are doing a cost-benefit analysis.

    Has she been better or worse for Newjeans compared to Source Music? What have her actions told us? She got them out of debt as soon as possible. Gave them a large portion of the profits. She gave them better living and working conditions compared to before. She kept the parents in the loop unlike Source Music, who didn't let the kids meet their parents.

    Yes, she shit talks in her Kakotalk, but she hasn't done anything to harm Newjeans and their parents.

    No board has a fiduciary duty to commit illegal acts. They have to look after the interests of the shareholders within the confines of the law.

    Any board will get a third party opinion on the matter at hand, e.g. music experts of their own choosing, and then act accordingly. If they wanted to get rid of MHJ, they can quickly do it. It is the responsibility of the board to let go of the CEO when the latter has acted badly.

    What is the illegal act you are talking about? Did you see the quote I was responding to? The person was talking about breaking the spirit of the contract by settling with Shakatak in order to trigger one of clauses in MHJ's contract.

    Do you think the courts will look favorably on that?

    Yes, the interest of the shareholders is to beat the charge of plagarism. You don't want your creative team to get trashed in the media. Whether it is 250 or the other writers, these are veterans of this industry.

    There are specific clauses that has to be triggered in her contract to dismiss her without paying her put options.

    Hybe's first attempt was to accuse MHJ of Breach of Trust, but the court said there was no breach of trust towards ador, only Hybe. They struck out.

    The second attempt was Belift lab and Source music suing MHJ for defamation. There is a clause in her contract that says she can't cause harm to other sublabels, and winning those lawsuits are seen as a just cause for dismissing MHJ. That is why Hybe is letting both sublabels go after her despite the terrible optics.

    One of the other clauses says she has to cause a certain amount of monetary damage to Ador in order for her to be dismissed. Newjeans have been doing well, and Ador has been one of the top performers in Hybe.

    What would the court think if Hybe directed Ador's board to intentionally sabotage MHJ by agreeing to the settlement? Do you think the court will look kindly to that? Do you think these accomplished producers and song writers will want to work with Hybe and Ador's new board?

    Her contract is pretty iron clad. That is why they haven't dismissed her. For now, they have to wait out for her contract to run out, and most likely, they'll have to pay the put options.

    I am using half of the listed products you mentioned. Guess what I’m admitting using those brands even if half of them were bought before boycott began. And guess what I’m boycotting as much as I can, and I’m not publicly posting it on my instagram, Facebook or any other Social Media for 65m audience. Guess what I’m not defending my fave for publicly supporting McDonalds. Guess what, I’m at least spreading awareness about boycott and about conflict. If your so called brain have at least processed how boycott will affect Israel or Governments even if it is selective, then you wouldn’t have been yapping all about that. If you think selective boycotting is hypocrisy, then let’s just stop all alone boycotting and start buying and eating all those products. And of course sharing with our 65 m audience. Armies are the most hypocrite fandom in the world. At least blinks admit that they did something wrong

    Hmm. What are all these excuses? It is ok for me b/c x,y and z. That's all I'm reading right here.

    Also, I'm not a BTS fan. I see you trying to redirect the conversation as if this is a BTS fandom thing.

    You don't use Amazon? You better check that. Amazon's AWS is the biggest cloud provider. Do you use netflix, twitch, linkedin, facebook, bbc, espn, adobe, twitter, etc?

    Oh, right. Do you have Intel Pentium and Celeron computer processor chips in your computers? You better throw those out since they are produced in Israel.

    Did you know spotify is pro-israel since some people claim they removed a pro-palestinian song? You better not listen to that.

    Youtube? Owned by google. Better not use that either.

    What about most of the generic drugs manufactured by Teva? Better not use that either.

    People are being selective in what they boycott to minimize the discomfort that'll cause in their daily lives. If you get to be selective, why can't some South Korean do the same with McDonald or something else?

    It is hypocrisy at the finest.

    People forget how insulated East Asian countries are. If you are on the Korean side/feed of Insta/twitter/any social media that has algos recommending content, it is possible to not know much about what goes outside of the country.

    I was watching a vid where little korean Kids didn't know who Billy Eilish was. I saw a vid where Japanese people didn't know who Kim K, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, etc are.

    Yes he isn’t obligated to pick a side or care, but it is called a sense of humanity. This war is not about religion. Also there are plenty of Christians and non- Muslim communities in Palestine. You think Muslims care about Taehyung except his Muslim fans? No never ever. But what he did is just act of ignorance, and promotion of genocide supporter McDonalds. He is not a random guy from the countryside. He has 65 million audience. If he didn’t care he shouldn’t have posted that photo of him eating McDonalds. He should’ve kept himself silent about that situation. If he picked a side then it is his choice and people and fans have the right to criticise him, or boycot him too.

    This is disingenuous as hell. How big was the Christian population in Gaza before the war? Approximately 1k. 99 percent of Palestine is Muslim. I don't know why you would frame it like that.

    He can do whatever he wants.

    Isn't Amazon and google on the BDS list? Why the hell are you using sites hosted by AWS or google cloud?

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