Posts by Chemotter


    "The mothers called me every day to check on me in case I did something extreme. They asked me if I was doing well and if I had eaten, and we were in a mess yesterday"

    Doing something "weird" or "extreme" is a common euphemism to suicide in the Korean language. Look up any article on a famous person that's taken their own life, more often than not they'll say they've made an extreme choice instead of outright saying suicide

    I know that.

    The mothers were the ones that called daily to check up on her. Grown women. Nothing wrong with that.

    The other cases are NJ members reaching out to MHJ to give her words of support when this mess started. The NJ members had no idea that MHJ had suicidal thoughts, and she clarified that it was a fleeting thought that she was able to get over with the support of those around her.

    When you separate it like that, I don't see where the impropriety comes from.

    namuwiki transcript of 2nd conference

    저이 저를 불쌍하게 여겨 주셨던 혹은 저를 믿어 주셨던 혹은 저한테는 호감이 없지만 그래도 얘 말이 틀린 거 같지는 않아라고 생각해 주셨던 분들 때문 그리고 우리 버니즈 분들 그리고 사실은 어머님들 우리 멤버들 때문에 버틸 수 있었

    MHJ is talking about people that pitied her and believed in her. She mentions those that might not like her, but think what she might be saying is not wrong. She mentions bunnies(fans), NJ members and their mothers. They all helped her get through the past month.

    어머님들이 제가 혹시 이상한 극단적인 행동을 할까 매일 전화해서 저를 체크해 주셨단 말이에요 잘 계시냐고 밥 드셨냐고 그래서 저희가 어제도 막 울구불구 서로 막 난리가 났었거든요

    Here is the part that you keep mentioning. The ones that called to check up on MHJ daily were the mothers of the NJs members. I can go listen to it, but according to the transcript here, it was the parents calling daily asking how she was doing and if she was eating.

    Nothing nefarious.

    Again, you are doing a creative exercise in writing. You are mixing various snippets to create the a narrative you want to see.

    You are projecting your own bad experiences.

    Nothing inappropriate has happened given the information available to us.

    Is there potential for abuse? Any type of relationship has the potential for abuse whether it is personal or business. However, it doesn't mean you can assume the worst especially when none of the party involved are ringing an alarm.

    Also, this is the entertainment industry. This is an atypical environment. For example, it is like comparing regular business or industry to the NBA.

    “Treat people like family, and they will be loyal and give their all,” - Howard Schultz

    “We treat employees as a member of the family. If management take the risk of hiring them, we have to take the responsibility for them.” - Akio Morita

    "To me, teamwork is a lot like being part of a family. It comes with obligations, entanglements, headaches, and quarrels. But the rewards are worth the cost.” - Pat Summit

    People are being dishonest here. There are different styles to leading a company. In both East and West, you are praised for treating your employees like family. It is the idea of making everyone feel like they are part of something bigger.

    Why are people acting as if MHJ is doing something out of the ordinary and out of bounds?

    People are dancing around the subject without pinpointing what MHJ did wrong. Instead, they fall back on what they think is improper, which is subjective. It is all vague and flimsy insinuation.

    You are making a lot of assumptions.

    She didn't say they were keeping her alive. Do I have to make this bold?


    You make it seem like it is the sword of Damocles where the threat of suicide is hanging over them. You are making this up.

    She isn't humanizing herself with suicide. What an asinine thing to say. She is humanizing herself by sharing her moment of weakness. She is humanizing those involved by showing NJs and their family are extraordinary people. She showed that they are caring and good people.

    In the context of Hybe dropping the hammer out of nowhere, why would it be strange for NJs and their parent to be worried?

    Why does it matter that they are teenagers or young adults? Do you think they are dumb and don't know what is going on?

    No. That is not leveraging. Leveraging for what? I don't think you know what leveraging is.

    These are stories to humanize the people involved. It shows that NJs and their family have great moral fiber. It is a clear attempt at portraying NJs as good kids.

    She is saying that the NJs members were a source of strength when she was at her lowest point and struggling with mental health.

    I can't believe you are trying to turn these stories into negatives. Look at the previous interview that I posted, and how the interviewer responded. There was clear empathy, and she seemed moved by the story. If MHJ was using suicide as leverage against NJ members, the interviewer would have rightly recoiled in revulsion.

    Clearly, you are misinterpreting the context of what was said. You are letting your bias shape the narrative.

    I gave you the exact context. I can translate it if you want.

    Have you never heard someone say they hit rock bottom and some kind gesture was the impetuous to get out of rock bottom? It is a similar story. She didn't reach out to the NJ members. The NJ members had no idea about her state of mind. She was sharing an anecdote where her relationship grew stronger with NJs through what they went through recently.

    I don't know where the confusion is or you are being intentionally obtuse.

    Do not leverage suicide over your employees and their families.

    Why is there even pushback on this

    The fuck is wrong with you people

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    You are being very dishonest. I was curious as to what you were referring to so I looked it up. She didn't leverage suicide over her employees and their families.

    She said she had a moment of weakness where she thought about death, and in an almost supernatural way, NJs members called her during this moment of weakness. They gave her words of affirmation, and she said she was able to move past such thoughts. That's the context.

    How is that leveraging suicide over them? She's just sharing a touching moment that brought her out of a low moment.

    The fuck is wrong with you twisting things to fit your narrative.

    I don't know why people take Lee Jin Ho text leaks seriously.

    This is the guy that played fast and loose with his facts.

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    Lee Jinho's narrative building using unverified facts led Choi Sungbong to suicide.

    In the video above, another victim of Lee Jin Ho speaks about how Lee Jin Ho doesn't fact check and fabricates evidence.

    I get people hate MHJ, but don't use this guy as the source of your hate. He'll weave half truths for his own benefit.


    People and especially Koreans follow the fads. They have moved on to 5th gen groups, Illit, KIOF, BM and Aespa who are now #1 gg in Korea, since Aespa beat them. This was already happening, as SuperShy's time at #1 in Korea was shorter too compared to their previous releases. Hybe reserved the best songs for NJs pre-debut, since they were meant to be their first gg, and MHJ has already used up all the very good songs. MHJ seems more interested in promoting herself than her group currently, so I am not expecting any improvements soon unless she leaves. So thats just Korea where at least they can still #2 or #3 in an empty house. Globally and in Japan the key indicators do not look promising.

    KIOF is not that popular in Korea. They are starting to gain traction, but not to the level of the other groups you mentioned. Their international fandom is stronger than their domestic fandom. For example, the gp knows Belle as shim shin's daughter more so than KIOF.

    I would say Aespa and NJ are on the same level.

    BAEMON is eating everyone's lunch in SEA.

    Again, it has been a good year for western pop. The gp in the west is not listening to kpop as a consequence.

    I'll disagree with the fact that the key indicators for Japan doesn't look promising.

    I would say NJ is dominating East Asia.

    The current problem has to do with the NJ formula. The NJ members keeps it safe vocally, and there are times when the listeners want some vocal dynamics/power. Instead, they bring dynamics through speed change, instrumentals, vocal textures and harmonies. It is why NJs always sound like NJs while they frequently explore different music genres.

    I think that's the next evolution where these vocal restrictions are lifted from the NJ members. You can see them developing and evolving as artists especially during their solos at the Tokyo Dome fan meet.

    If I had to guess, the next full album is where you'll hear a more different NJs.

    Bop. However, I also agree that there doesn't seem to be a coherent identity, and they are throwing out different types of songs to see what sticks. Their styling/vibe was really IVE-esque, and it makes sense since the same director made IVE's 'I AM' mv.


    I think the problem is the US pop is having a strong year, and KPOP is losing some of its pandemic boost. There is more competition in the international scene. It also didn't help that the new songs and choreo weren't tik tok challenge friendly.

    On the other hand, I think they've solidified themselves as a favorite in Korea, and they have a blossoming fanbase in Japan. Their rollout of their Japanese debut has been impressive.