This is interesting, do you have a source for this quote?

한매연 국장 "일방적 계약 해지+독자적 활동, 신뢰도 흩트리는 위험한 행위"
[스포티비뉴스=장진리 기자] 5개 대중음악단체가 일방적 전속계약 해지 통보에 대한 우려를 표했다. 한국매니지먼트연합(이하 한매연) 이남경 국장은 27일 JW메리어트 호텔 서울에서 열린 기자회견에서 “일방적인 전속계약 해지 선언과 그에 따른 독자적 활동은 매우 위험하다”라고 밝혔다.…
You'll have to google translate it.
Ador is in a tough situation. Barring NJZ from participating in musical activities would be the final straw in breaking trust with the girls, and it is a losing move in court as daisy pointed out previous precedents.
My guess is you could drive a bus through some of the wordings in the contract and the only bite of consequence is the penalties.
The best Ador can do is put public pressure and try to cut off the funding through banning advertisement activities.