Posts by Popper-of-Ks

    Who’s tf you are to call an idol lazy because she doesn’t want to promote on music shows as if it’s mandatory. You don’t know even know what you’re talking about.

    I'm me, and I'm calling her lazy. Because she is. The fact that it isn't "mandatory" for her doesn't make her any less lazy to not put in the same work as everyone else. Would you ever tell your boss, "I don't NEED to do this so I'm not doing it?" Because that's a great way to end up unemployed.

    Bro, 35 is 70 in Kpop lol, there are no other 35 year old idols still making regular comebacks in music. If IU is 1343 years old as Whyknock says, Tae is 1347 at least.

    Irene just turned 33. She still promotes every comeback. Somehow I doubt 2 years is making much of a difference. :/ Not to mention Taeyeon wasn't even promoting most of her early solo releases, which were like 5-6 years ago.

    I'll believe it when I see it TBH, she said the same thing last year and SM still kept her on ice.

    I wouldn't be surprised if SM questions the profitability of an Irene solo after her scandal, especially coming this late in her career. I'm also taking a wait & see approach, but they must have promised her something considering she renewed. It's just the fact that she keeps having to reveal solo songs during her birthday parties that makes me think, "Yeah, that's never getting a proper release."

    Personally, I'd rather see an Irene & Seulgi comeback. It's been almost 4 years.

    " you just insist on putting a more positive spin on it." while u just insist on putting a more NEGATIVE spin on it which is far from what Taeyeon meant in her statement ... it shows your poor choice of wording, twisting or your personal feelings. it is one of the three

    I know exactly what she meant -- she was making an excuse for her own laziness. I'm just putting the more reasonable spin on it. I tried not using the "L" word, but y'all forced my hand. She's being lazy, refusing to do the same work as everyone else with her job. No other way around it. Sorry if the truth of the matter offends you. I'd also like to remind everyone that she's 35, not 70. Music shows being "exhausting" is not a valid excuse for not putting in the work.

    Should have been doing it since 2020 tbh. That it took 9 years for Sana to host a popular variety show is criminal tbh. JYP wasted all of Twice's peaks in terms of visuals and popularity, thank god for loyal Onces who are keeping them afloat by buying tix, merch, albums.

    Don't think we didn't notice the backhanded "compliment." :rolleyes:

    Miyeon's described ideal type:

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    That photoshop shouldn't work as well as it does... :|

    I just dont think owning your own sexuality in an appropriate space is ever up for criticism.

    Like even if a kpop idol (over 18/21) decided to become a porn actor id even be like “okay, go off!” Because i’m not a god and it will never be my job to decide whats an acceptable lifestyle outside of harming others

    You're welcome to think that way. I'm sure you know many will not, as they have more conservative views on sexuality, especially many Koreans. But I don't think that age-old disagreement is actually at the core of why people had a problem with The Idol. Besides the fact that it simply wasn't considered quality television, many viewers, even sexually liberal ones, didn't like The Idol because of how icky it was in general. I don't have the time or interest to give a complete rundown of everything wrong with that dumpster fire, but it painted both sexuality and the entertainment industry in a very poor light. One might say it was just being honest, or you could say it was simply a reflection of the people who made it. Two different ways of wording the same thing, really, but either way it doesn't make the whole thing any less icky.

    More to the point, I don't buy the popular excuse that the show wasn't what Jennie thought it would be, as she was brought in after the show had already changed directions.

    No, they have to wake up at 2am, go to salons, go to music show at 5am, greet fans and journalists, have 2 to 3 rehearsals, perform, wait for the winner, greet all producers and repeat. This type of schedule is exhausting.

    Snsd and Taeyeon are kind of group who had car accident and then run all the way to make it in time to perform for music show. She is kind of idol who did her due, I am not sure why it is so strange she wants to take it slow now, in no way she gave "I am too good for music show" vibe, I think this is your personal feelings speaking.

    Ether way it is good idols are speaking up for change. I think some outdated practices in kpop should be changed and thay change could result in better content overall.

    I already said music shows should change how they work. But it's an objective fact that she thinks she's above doing them. Most of her solo releases have not been promoted on music shows. She's the only person I can think of who's refused to promote so many times. It has nothing to do with my personal feelings, but hers.

    Hmmm they didnt like... break laws or hurt people

    She didnt like do an online performance for underage fans either…. And The Idol was literally completeLY re-edited from what Jennie shot…….

    Err... editing always comes after shooting. She still shot what she shot. Its not like they replaced the original Jennie with an AI one. I wasn't even criticizing her though. She can appear in as many god awful shows as she wants, I was just pointing out someone's obvious-as-ever agenda.

    Yes, within reason.

    I think they have to be actual mistakes and errors of judgement though, not just "shit I dont personally like". Your examples, Crazy Horse and The Idol are the latter. You didn't like them, and thats a YOU problem. Same with pretty much most "dating scandals". They aren't mistakes or errors of judgement (usually). Just more shit someone else doesn't like. An idols choice of chain store coffee or soft drink also falls here.

    But... and thankfully in kpop, especially girl group circles, actual mistakes and error in judgement are rare. Things that are genuinely offensive (even if done in ignorance), dangerous, of poor judgement or a sign of shitty personality. Stuff like what Irene got caught doing, she needed to take her lumps on that. Any drink driving scandals... and sorry to say to Onces, but Chaeyoung did deserve a bit of backlash for the shirt thing, although I think it got a bit out of hand.

    Translation: "Blackpink don't actually make mistakes, but these other groups do."

    Nah, that's a YOU problem. ^^

    "We have to sing early in the morning."

    No, you have to lip sync early in the morning. ^^ I also found it odd that she talks about delivering other sorts of content when she really didn't deliver any on her last comeback, which felt like it wasn't promoted at all. Music shows should definitely change how they work, but she's basically the only person who gives off a "I'm too good for music shows" vibe, even though she started doing them again for a while (SM probably made her.)

    She better be trolling...

    At least on Running Man you won't have old men (or Heechul) leering at you the entire time. X/

    The golden age of Korean variety shows is long dead. More groups should do like Twice and create their own variety program for YouTube.

    Hyper sexualising of Asian women is common in the west - or to my knowledge - at least in north Europe/America. There’s plenty of studies on the topic. This makes fetishism an easy next step. There’s an insanely annoying fascination with the stereotype that Asian women have smaller v*ginas, are more submissive etc. I can easily see how men that already have that mindset lean into kpop / anime with a twisted mindset.

    Just bc you don’t follow that route - good for you, said without sarcasm - don’t mean others don’t. Let’s just say there’s a reason that air traffic from Scandinavian countries to Thailand will flash signs that sexual crimes done abroad are punishable in their countries of origin.

    I don’t really care about this discussion in the context of BP, it’s more a general subject for me. But since you mention it - BP are maybe more raunchy that other kpop gg, but they are still more cute if you compare to western girl groups and early on they did so cute concepts too.

    Hypersexualization of all women is common in the west. I can't say I notice it being particularly prominent with Asian women, nor am I even familiar with some of those stereotypes you mentioned, but yes, I'm sure some of that baggage does come along with those who actually fetishize Asian women. I just don't think anyone in Kpop is doing cute concepts and such to appeal to the west. Those people are outliers who wouldn't make for a lucrative target demographic. My point was that the main audience for "innocent" Kpop idols can be found in Korea itself, and other Asian countries, and I'm sure that's not what appeals to all of them either.

    We haven't had any girl groups of our own in ages, but if I were to compare BP to groups of the past, I would put their image right on par with Destiny's Child or even the Pussycat Dolls. They aren't the most scandalous thing ever, but they've never been what I'd call "cute."

    new jeans isn't cute though that's actually something good about them despite me not being a fan of their music. You guys need to learn not everything is girl crush or cute there are other concepts

    Nah, it's a cute concept for the most part. Which is fitting given their ages, and they've already received notable criticism & controversy on the occasions where they've strayed too far from the path of cuteness, so there's no point in pretending that isn't the path they're currently on.