Posts by Timiblaga
I must admit that JK took a mature position.
I am one of those who think that in specific cases you are guilty by association. NJ girls were never neutral, they took a clear position in favour of MHJ and if what she intented to do is true and in other cases did, because iam 99% sure that all the media hate campaign that BTS recieved had a instigator behind , if they have knowledge about it but they still support her, i am sorry to disagree with JK but yes, they are guilty.
It was not their idea but they support the person who had that idea, so for me , it's the same.
I am 99% sure too that BTS members are fed up in some way with Hybe, obs we dont really know what's happen behind the scenes, but the sentiment is there...
Said this, you can support and like a person and have your own ideas and morals, independently if those morals are shared or not with your faves, I like to bits Namjoon and Yoongi but i dont agree with their point of views in many things that hey have said, normalize having your own personality and being your own guide
Are you like 16 or something? Did you suddenly discover tumblr and feminism a few months ago or something? Have you never had a man attempt to cross you boundaries and felt afraid? Or are you just so She-Ra that saying no always works and you've never seen those videos of a woman saying no and the man hitting her in the head with a hammer he pulls out of seemingly thin air.
Have you ever actually done any research into sexual crimes? Have you ever talked to victims of said crimes? B/c not only have I done so, at one point I was working with victims in my short time volunteering for a domestic violence center (Ihad to stop when i almost started smoking from the stress of it all) and let me help you out with some insight you either don't have or refuse to ackowledge. A man does not always threaten you, get physical, or use blackmail right away. A lot of sexual crimes are covert and a lot of violence involved in sexual crimes only comes AFTER the no is said. A lot of times the yes is said to avoid the know and that's true for BOTH genders. You're looking at this through the lens of someone niave who has no real world experience with these situations or crimes and thinks everything can be strong-holded or talked about. Yes they could've said no, but they may have also felt like they couldn't due to the power imbalance that is very clearly there. You are either being facetious or not actually a feminist if you think "just say no" is a valid argument in this case and both are frankly, sickening.
You have this singular overly antiquated, non-nuanced, fnon-intersectional view of feminism where you think this is a matter of us thinking women are incapable of being culpable when that's not the case. No one said that. But the truth of the matter is that for many, if there's a chance to sleep with a celebrity that they deeply idolize, and then they suddenly go "can we not use condoms?" they are likely to agree and what's more the man KNOWS they are likely to agree. By your logic, all the women Harvey Weinstein coerced were guilty too.
it seems to me that you all are pretty obtuse, yeah, we are going to crete a made up scenario where the woman is afraid of getting physically punished because there are stories where a man hit a woman on the head because she said not, EVEN IF THIS IS NOT THE FUCKING CASE.
" PoWeR ImBaLaNce" and who gave him the power of taking decisions over your actions?....the supossed fear that she had of getting hit on the head even if he did not show any physical force over her? or it was because of what you stated in your last paragraph? the power imbalance comes from knowing that you are famous and that you couldd get away with things just because of that, listen to me , if you idolize someone to the point of agreeing with whatever he is asking you, even if you dont like but because he is a celebrity , you cant miss the chance and he takes advantage of that to ask you to do things because he knows that you are going to accept...
get it in you head, HE IS AN ASSHOLE AND YOU ARE PART OF THE FUKING PROBLEM, because you put your morals in sale, i dont like this but depends on who is asking....
dont come at me with the antiquated narrative bullshit, you are just proving my point, women taking conscious actions, i dont want it but he is famous , YOU ARE THE ONE GIVING HIM THE POWER TO RULE OVER YOU, IT'S YOU DECISION, and what you all doing is exactly what you are saying that you dont do , considering that women are incapable of being culpable.... they are not culpable, but they are responsible of their decisions and actions
Stop right there, I don't do that I don't want that
Don't force me
No consent stop pushing yourself to me stop quoting me
Stop right there, I don't do that I don't want that
You are harassing me
i want this
i dont want it
come on, lets do it
come on...
there is a door, its that easy as say goodbye, walk through that door and leave him behind, if he is not imposing physical force over you ,giving you threats, or using drugs to dominate your will ,ask yourself what power he has over you or why you are giving him a power that he does not have to have.
you are full concious of you actions
It's draconian shit like this that creates rape cultures and shields abusers.
Sex by coercion is still assault. Using your power, status, and position to get sex out of someone is still assault, pressuring someone into doing things they were not comfortable with is assault.
as a woman , i totally hate people who portrays women as weak beings at the mercy of men desires....this is not feminism.
if nobody used PHYSICAL power over you, threats, blackmailing or put you on drugs to get what they wanted, nobody is assaulting you, stop excusing and justifying women poor decisions like if they were mentally disabled.
Somebody asked you to do something that you know that is wrong and you dont like, you are conscious and in your 5 senses to make logical decisions, you could decline and leave , instead you decide to succumb to his desires, then you are part of the problem too.
if for you all , women empowerment is babycrying after THEY decided to do whatever the man asked instead of owning your bad decisions in life , god save us....
Nope, he told them not to use protection at all.
This man used the power imbalance he had over these girls to coerce them into doing things that made them uncomfortable and feel unsafe.
did he threat them to have sex or put some drug on them ? if not, the girls should be blamed too
it's that easy as saying " i am not interested in that" , " i dont do that" , " i dont want that"
but it's so cool to have sex with a celebrity right? we can complain afterwards and say whatever.
people who excuse adult women with conscious decisions about what they do or not like they are some poor naive chldren who dont know what they are doing are the same than the ones who excuse men with trashy behaviours.
he can ask whatever he wants, it's up to you if you decide to do it or not, if you dont want it and there is a chance to decline and leave but you stay anyways, sorry, you are not innocent either.
Just because i like him does not mean that i am going to support or justify everything that he says or does.
What he did was wrong, scooters can cause harm too and he should know better.
I personally dont believe The " i did not know that was illegal" , the best thing that he could do is be totally honest and move on, fortunately nothing major happened.
If he knew that he was going to drink, 99% he knew, he should have not take the scooter.
Said all this i want to point out a few things
1. I think that everyone has done dangerous things with their vehicle on the road that should have not done since could have caused accidents, like checking phone while driving, something much more common than what people think, so i am sure that you all are not immaculate to give moral lessons
2. The korean drinking culture is not normal, they incite drinking all the time, it does not matter if its weekend or laborable days, just drink, and for what i have heard, they are not the ones who respect the traffic laws the most in general as society sooo, dont be so outraged when these things happens, maybe instead of just legislate with punishments and fines just try to go to the root of the problem and reeducate people.
Feminist in Korea means something different compared to the West. Most Koreans do not like to call themselves feminists since there is a huge negative connotation attached to it. Koreans prefer egalitarianism.
It all went wrong when Korean feminists started to mirror the incel. Basically, they went down the path of an eye for an eye. In the process, they burned a lot of good will. In fact, 페미 has turned into a sort of an insult.
Feminism before was egualitarism, now its just a bunch of psychotic people with clear mental problems and not resolved traumas against men who want to behave like men did it in the past with women
Why does every comment I see on this just assume anyone under the age of 18 is just some mindless blob incapable of thought? Y'all keep acting like the parents forced them into the situation without any choice. And maybe that's the case, but we simply don't know.
Did any of you even read the article? I just can't see how anyone could've read it and came out with the idea that Minji was just forced into this awful situation with no way out. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I would think that trainees are trainees because they want to be....not because they were forced. It just seems a lot of people commenting don't realize that.
This whole situation is just missing too much information and is far too nuanced to reasonably take a stance on either side. But, I'm more inclined to side against the massive corporation that is willing to drag/exploit their own young group for the sake of....pettiness???....
They are not dumb, but they are not mature either, you cant trust someone who is still a pubescent to make big decisions in life...
Now it seems that its trending considering that minors have the same clarity than an adult , and this is not true, they are inmature, prone to suffer emotional manipulation and easily influenceable, more than anyone, they still dont have the mental and emotional structure to suport any major decision.
I am not saying that parents forced them to do it, i am saying that people trust too much in parenting when the reality is that in many cases , the goodwill is missing, like we have seen a lot of cases , even parents fighting for their daughter money just after her suicide..
When you daughter has 13 years old, you are the most responsable for her acts.
A little bit tired of this drama a mhj but i am going to say something, and this is only my pov....people saying that parents want the best for ther children , that if they say this or that, they are right, those people just need to splash their face with cold water...
Again, this is solely my pov, i am not a parent, but if i had a daughter and i wanted the best for her, i would not let her get into k music industry that young, especially being korean, they know better about what happens there.
unfortunately, korean society is a hiper materialistic society, it would not be the first case of parents who are behind the money and put their children wellbeing in the last place.
and then , there are others who dont support their children at all if they go the path thathey dont want, but when the children is successful and earn a lot of money, they get over their anger and everything is cool, they are the best parents and of course the first ones to ask for money.
Oh, so it's Stray kids , congrats
how is morality got to do it? I'm not quite certain of what you mean my friend?
it's one's choice to buy or not to buy no?
and if that increases the overall sales of one's fandom and they are happy about it so be it? I mean people derive happiness from many different things and if their favs sell a shit ton and that makes them happy - good for them?
that's perfectly understandable my friend - if you don't derive happiness from your favs selling a lot of albums I can understand that - but can you not also understand others might feel differently to you?
its no about selling a ton of album , its about getting titles like that, to what extend is genuine that happiness?
you streams dont match anywhere near your sales, you already know that amount of sales is because of the 20 versions, they are creating an illusion.
Well K-pop was never mainstream to begin with. I’m talking about how K-pop acts are mainstream within K-pop community.
You are saying like if person does love some fashion brand be it LV or H&M, so they should buy only one piece of cloth from them. If they have money they can buy a lot of clothes. Why am I comparing it to the clothing. Because for people who buy those albums, it became a necessity, and they can’t live without it, thanks to K-pop idols’ fan service and para-social relationships.
Many things are not about morality nowadays, because everybody is materialist and consumerist. You think armies or blinks won’t bulk buy their faves albums? They do, just wait until next when they will return, both blackpink and BTS will have much higher 1st week sales than their peak.
All famdoms do that, i am bts fan and i know that armys do that too, i dont deny it, but in bts case, the maximum versions that they had is 4, and in others just 2, never had bundles either, aside of this, their streaming numbers are almost equal to top western artists, as a group and individuals.
i get botherered with hybe when they release many versions of a single but the thing with them is they are backed up by legit numbers, they dont need those single versions..
As i said, what i am seeing since some time ago, its groups with decent siize fandoms , whose fandoms get brave about getting titles with numbers generated by hyper inflated sales due to the amount of versions
I’d prefer to have a bigger fandom instead of public interest. Public interest can disappear anytime, but fandom doesn’t, and fandom power will purchase much more than Public. So both artists and companies make more money. Also, if you are saying this about mainstream bgs, they have streaming power in long term especially for bsides. But your observations are somewhat fair. But when it comes to groups that are not mainstream, they desperately need that fandom power to keep them afloat. So I don’t agree with you with this take.
But ton of sales does not equal to a big fandom, when you realease a ton of versions from the same album and others , aside of that, bundles too, you just need a decent side of fandom ....because most of the fans will want all the versions, this happens with all the groups, so obviously, if you have many more versions, you will sell a lot more...idk what groups you are considering mainstreams, aside BTS and BP, i am disconnected from kpop and just follow my faves, what i can tell you is that what i checked yesterday, its not what i call streaming power...