Posts by Timiblaga

    Just because she might be exposed as a lier (which shouldn’t be much of a surprise) please don’t act like those who couldn’t stand her from the very beginning did so because they saw right through her facade. A lot of you didn’t believed her out of loyalty to Hybe or BTS, regardless if she was telling the truth or not. Like be for real lol

    out of loyalty, my ass....

    Many people did not believe in her because she contradicted herself a lot in her statements, she was a walking red flag in her press conference, her statements showed a lot of ego issues that did not match her imposted modesty, she tried to play the concept of the naive rookie girl in the entertaiment industry when she worked in SM for 17 years, and because she , who believes that shamanism works, went to a shaman to ask her to fuck up another group.

    Do you really think that some people did not believe in her just because of loyalty?, you just have to have 2 eyes to read what she sayd and look how she behaved in the press conf to realize that , up there, in some corner of her brain, there is something that dos not click or quite the opposite, clicks a little bit too much

    I suppose that they got amortized the money that they invested, but i dont forgive backstabbing and ill intentions ( if they are unjustified)

    If you tell me that Hybe did a lot of money with them but they paid them with pocket money or had them in a room old and dirty or whatever , i would be pro fuck over Hybe, but those girls were in no way mistreated for what we know, lots of money in the bank, luxury dorm, and promoted much better than anyone, even than the ones who built Hybe, so the lack of greetings in the elevator does not justify the backstabbing.

    Oh no, my drama gluttony is satisfied with just this one, more is a sin.

    Money calls money, try to reduce the investment on them to average levels and see what is their success, the money that Hybe put on them was not just about MVs, they pushed them in all fronts and that costs a lot ... and helps a lot too.

    About the precedent, I did not say that i would let them go without a cost...if you tried to fuck me over, i hope that you wait the same treatment.

    I know nothing about 5050 and what exctley happened to them so i am not going to answer that because that, i dont know

    I dunno whether they know and I don't think we as the public will ever know...

    I dunno would you give you give up a cash cow that easily?

    If they knew and agreed with it, what is the point of having people who betrayed you, even afterall the investment that they did on them? we are not talking about idk, their contract ended and they decided to go to another company forgetting the money that they put on them, we are talking about a company who was created by Hybe, given for free to MHJ , company which she wanted to take over illegally, if you know this , accept it and support it, you dont deserve anything that you have.

    I dunno Hybe???

    I mean if I was hybe and I wanted NJ/parents on my side I would say hey NJ sorry to burst your bubble(gum) but look at what your second mother wrote about you and hopefully turn them over to my side so to speak

    NJ and/or their parents knowledge is very key but I dunno if they would even speak about it directly

    Them not knowing about the alleged chats does not change that they could have known MHJ alleged illegal activities and still agreed to it but they ok with taking mllions in investment from Hybe.

    If i was Hybe i woud not want them or their daughters at all.

    the issue with NJ and their parents petition is whether they knew of the chat records prior to making the petition or not...

    and would they change their mind post the chat records being released...

    obviously there's still the question of the authenticity of the records themselves and whether a court would accept them

    I dont think that their parents knew about the chats, who was gonna tell them?

    For me , the issue is if they knew what MHJ was doing or trying to do (allegedly) ,something ilegal to take over Ador, if they knew what her intentions were and they supported it , dismissing the investment that Hybe put on NJ, if they are conscious about it and agreed with it, they are the same than MHJ and should be treated the same.

    Some people here accusing others of being company stans when they look like rabid fans from MHJ.....

    I am going to put aside the alleged text messages and all the shit that went down, you dont need them to realize that this woman has some psychological/psychiatric issue, you just have to watch the press conference longer than 5 minutes.

    It was pure emotional manipulation on full display.

    Tell me, what is the NJ production formula?

    big hit could've accused the kpop industy as a whole of a lot of plagiarism

    well.. blood, sweet and tears era....

    Concepts are used and reused by a lot of groups.

    you can see same movements in choreos from differnt groups.

    Promotions are copied over and over again, a lot of kpop groups did the same touring in TV shows that BTS did previously, some of them even hired the previous manager.

    and i can go on and on.

    And this go further than kpop or music industry, like you literally have the whole market full of products that are inspirations of others that are more expensive or from other brands

    legally , you cant do anything because its no plagiarism.

    If you look at individual plagiarism accusations it may seem unserious, but when those accusations add up from the visuals, choreos, sound, pre debut promotions, concepts from NJ auditions, and even to the smallest part like the youtube descriptions, it will become too big to call it a coincidence.

    And people still dont understand what plagiarism is.....that Hybe did it on purpose, probably , but those things are not plagiarism, the visuals, sound, promotions, conncepts , whatever , are not intelellectual property from Ador, MHJ or NJ, those things dont belong to them, the same that it does not belong to Japanese groups who seems to be the inspiration for NJ.

    According to you all, whatever group going to BBMas for performing is plagiarizing BTS, when all kpop groups started to release their singles on Friday instead of tuesday to have better chances on BB, did they plagiarize BTS?

    Do you understand what input and involvement mean? I am not talking monetary capital or Hybe name but I am talking about the level of involvement he has with some of his other groups be it with regards to concepts or music. Regarding capital, how can he refuse to put the initial capital into the business when that was assured to MHJ?

    For someone who claims to dislike Bang, I do not see why you need to defend his assholery? If this happened multiple times then he was definitely an ass, especially if some one greeted him. Do I think it is equivalent to severe mistreatment, obviously not, but does not mean his behaviour is not petty and one has to wonder where it comes from...these petty motivations of his because he isn't like this with everyone. So like I said above, Bang seems to have a tendency to play favourites as is becoming apparent. In fact for a while I would say MHJ was also a favourite of his, not her group, but MHJ as an exec, which is why he would go above and beyond to praise her and give her whatever she demanded, till things soured between them.

    Also what you are talking about with regards to resources, IIRC, Ador broke even and started making profits pretty early on so did they actually receive anymore funding after the initial stage or plough in their own profits is something some Ador stan can clarify.

    When you say involvement in a general sense, it means what it means, involvement, when you give your resources to help someone , you are getting involved.

    "Regarding capital, how can he refuse to put the initial capital into the business when that was assured to MHJ?"

    that does not answer my question, if you dont want other groups being more successful that yours, you dont create a side company ,put someone as CEO, lend her moeny to purchase shares, offer your trainees, assure the CEO all your resources and actually give them all, its no like BSH had some debt with MHJ and this was the way to pay her, he did that because he wanted to do it not because he had some obligation... this is not a way to defend him , its just me stating that it does not make sense to me. If i dontwant you to be better than me, i dont give you the tools to help you be better than me.

    I did not state in any comment that BSH is not an asshole, or petty or whatever but i have stated multiple times that i think that he is quite hipocrite for the way that he moves in businness, something that unortunately is quite usual among all these companies, literally i dont know where you all get that i am defending him or Hybe just because i have more doubts about MHJ honesty in this issue, for various reasons.

    Regarding funding, you dont know if the money that you invest into someone will be amortized, there is no way that you cancertainly know this before putting the money, idk, maybe BSH has some crystal ball or another shaman...

    i am so confused about this because the only time i even though about illit and newjeans being similar was when mhj replied to the hybe audit with that press release. and i followed both group's debut.

    I did not listen to any of their songs, but i suposse its not like Illit copied and pasted it NJ songs, THAT would be considered plagiarism.

    But if their plagiarism accusations are based on 5 girls who dont wear makeup with long black hair, aside some hand movements and some choreo, sorry, but this is just so unserious.

    Do these people understand what is plagiarism?.....

    Bang PD hates MHJ but was not above giving a loan to her? Seeing how you claimed he knew her mentality and so stayed away from Newjeans, then why did he give her a loan?

    Your whole argument and premise is noxious tbh, he had very good relations with MHJ till most of last year as can be seen from their chats and things only soured between them completely this year. Him not acknowledging Newjeans members is more of him being an asshole who mostly plays favourites than him wanting to avoid Me Too allegations. Could also be his ego that they succeeded without much of his inputs or involvement and were doing better than his own gg LSFM.

    stating that they suceeded without much of his involvement is a little bit...untrue.

    The faces of Hybe are BTS and him since the beginning, so they debuted under a stablished brand that could give them everything to put them out there and get what they got.

    whoever thinks that they would have got the same success without Hybe platform should check their reality perception.

    Regarding the ego, all people in high power have ego, but I dont understand a thing, if you ego is easily bruised to the point o getting petty and salty because a girlgroup no created by you is having more success than the one that you created, why do you put to their disposition all you resources to begin with?

    They gave them everything since the beginning, if i dont want other group to have more success than my groups, i dont grant them with more resources than my groups..

    This goes for the one who played the victim about how she was the public enemy n1.

    This is what you said to me quoting one of my comments

    "Your comments have been largely absent of rational argumentation, so it makes your cries for rational complaints fall on deaf ears"

    If you are going to play victim and whining about how you have being insulted being called irrational by me, try to remember that you did it first, that way , we would have saved ourselves from the drama of the tokkie savior who throws a tantrum because someone did the same than them, and that its unnacceptable