Posts by Blossomin88
She's so wrong for thinking mnet will favor her again like they did in Gp999. She was getting tons of good edting there because they want her to debut and because they lacks of main vocal material. She need to be more careful tho if she want to debut. It's so obvious that she's not the mnet main pick anymore.
If a label actually sued for a complete music take down, everything on paid sites and official channels that contains the song would be scrubbed.
Its still up on every major streaming site.
If there's an issue, it's purely with the MV. And that's assuming there's an issue and not someone just fucking with the video. Which has happened before in kpop.
I think it's more about how they promote the song not the song itself. Trending a hate rodrigo hashtags and used it to promote this song is just an idiot move. This is a weird song obviously but just mentioning a celebrity name won't really make things going like this. But they take it to the whole next level by directly using her concept and copying a lot of aspect in that mv. Other than on streaming site, everything about this song has been deleted, her tiktoks and tweet about the song has been deleted, and even the highlight medley and teaser is gone. This is obviously not because they are being hack if everything was deleted.
Le sserafim and Ive. I'm wizone but yeah both groups didn't really make me interested. Good songs tho.
This is everything lol. I have never really thought a kpop album gonna be this cute lol. I love powerfuff girls, I love anime and this is exactly how I used to draw before. This is just make me happy, I don't really expect I will see a kpop album like this. Their album is so satisfied to see. Their teams are really good at marketing their groups to non fans 😭.
well STAYC is like a special case tho it's hard to give them as example because since debut they've already two times changed dorms, now each members has own room, in the past Rado promised them iPhones and he fulfilled it, later Yoon wanted professional camera so he bought it to her, and also overall the possibility of working with one of TOP 3/ TOP 5 kpop producers itself is different than starting in company like Attrakt, even when song is great Siahn isn't on same 'fame' and respect level as BEP
Your point is not really related with what I said. I'm talking about profits here. I said that Spotify didn't paid a lot like you think and 50/50 didn't have any jobs to make money despite being viral. Basically they're still not profitable and I can even said they're not making anything at all. Stayc have a lot of promotion that making them able to make money from it during their careers and while being that active, they need two years before able to paid for their debts. So, how anyone and even fifty fifty themselves actually expect to get paid while doing nothing and all the royalties of their songs goes to Siahn. The company probably in red right now with how much they spend while gain nothing.
Yes the company need to be transparent to them financially but I don't think JHJ will not willingly showing them that if they threatened to sued him directly. They're all he has. It's basically just an excuse and not even a clever one.
but it might be true tho
if I remember well 8M streams on spotify in month was 40k USD
we know what numbers Fifty Fifty did
they still have 34.2M monthly listeners
+ it was revealed there was two investors who came to company and put money into it
so with such surprising big 'income' members either should be paid already or if they've had trainee debt they should receive some notices month after month about financial status, after all they are WORKERS of that company
we really need to kick in the butt all old fashioned labels which treat kids unfairly
I don't think Spotify paid that much anymore since a lot of songs can easily getting virals in tiktok. Even Scoop Dog complaining about this. Streaming money also take time to be cash out. Not to mention that the owner of Cupid is Siahn not Attrakt which obviously the company wouldn't really get anything from the song. Their company also doing a lot of deals and ads to promote them. Yt ads, Spotify ads, radio playlist in US and who knows what more out there that they doing. Yet the girls didn't actually bringing anything so far that actually translate into real profits with that huge spending. No concerts or at least college festivals, no cfs, no fan calling, no fan meeting, no huge album sales and basically no nothing.
Even Stayc needs 2 years to pay back their trainee debts while doing a lot of things like fanmeeting, cfs, etc...
Fact: Fifty Fifty is not KPop
Fact: Fifty Fifty does not care about what the Kpop community thinks, since they never seeked the Kpop fans' support
Fact: They don't really care about what Koreans or foreign Kpop fans might think. They know these won't support them, and will act without paying too much attention to Korea or foreign KPop fans.
Q: Can they even promote and continue their careers with all these lawsuits allegations behind their back?
Q: Who is the last Asian acts especially gg/woman that being successful in the west by only promoting there and not in their home country especially with concept like 50/50 outside of tik tok hype?
Fact: One hit wonder happen all the time.
Fact: Even psy still being relevant because of his popularity in Korea.
Fact: Korean support most of time will equal to Asian support especially for gg. They didn't have both.
Q: Who actually their fans if they are not a kpop group? European ghost from Renaissance Era?
Q: From all their album sales, how much actually being purchase by non kpop fans or coming from western countries? Did they really make money there?
Fact: If they're not in kpop category, they will lost almost all support they have, non kpop fans won't token stanning and buying their albums or going to their concert.
If you can actually giving a receipt thattheir real fans are mostly not a kpop stan (not that casual listeners that only consume their Cupid in tiktok and Spotify but won't support them as a whole) I will agree with your statement that they're not kpop. They didn't need to be successful in Korea but not like they even found success in other places that's not TikTok or Spotify either.
Some alternate possibilities
- The girls knew Siahn was more helpful/useful to them and they had good relationship thus, when Siahn was leaving Attrakt, the 2 parties discussed and agreed to leave together.
- After Siahn left, things got worse thus, the girls talked to Siahn to help take them out. Siahn responded.
- Law firm loves high profile case for publicity. This case can help put its name out thus, it offered a generous discount.
This viral song could possibly be the group's highest time to make profit. It makes even less sense for them to wait for the next hit (which may never come) to get paid. If the ship leaks, it is better to not wait until it sinks.
It is very common for smaller companies to not track its finance properly, that is an elaborate task. Some companies do not even have accountant.
Sorry you just made a fool of yourself thinking you know the situation better than them.
Except you forget that whatever happens right now didn't help any of them. The girls or the company. The girls claims towards their company is weak as hell. So, I don't even think the situation get bad between them, they're simply getting poached by SIAHN and Warner as his support. They have that barbie ost, a long planned promotion in the US and basically everything that a nugu group will never get. SIAHN will not registered their songs under him if he wanna left that company peacefully or didn't have ill intentions since the beginning.
And who in kpop actually ever sued their company for something like exposing what surgery they're taking (no other private information leaked other than this), forcing them to keep promoting without one of their member ( in 2nd May Attrakt released a statement about Aran's hiatus situasion but never the other girls but suddenly they all went to hiatus which we can conclude something here) and that financial disclosure one, not that they cannot negotiate the term with JHJ and threatening to sue him. He cannot afford to lost them.
I don't know better as much as you don't know better. I can make my own conclusion as much as you can. It's kinda obvious situasion tho that the girls seeing the other side more greener in siahn and wm. But anyway they still need to know the consequences of these lawsuits battle. They might unable to promote for months to years until all these case end. Really bad move tho and you can't convince us it's not. They're not having huge popularity to doing this in their one year careers with one hit song.
You want me to believe it's all the girls decision without outside influence when they hired an expensive law firm for this?
Ngl, the girls might didn't know the consequences of all this messy lawsuits and just following what SIAHN or Warner told them to do. It never make any sense for any groups to filed a lawsuits after only a year of their careers especially after having a huge viral hit. For what? One of the example is because the company told them to still doing a promotion perhaps without Aran after their huge hit? For what else again? Exposing their girl private life such as? And lack of financial documents, I think this one is acceptable but again I don't think their ceo will not being transparent to them if actually talk or negotiate to him while threatening him to sued the company in front of his face.
Sorry girls, but this didn't make sense. I really hope they know that this never end well whenever they win or lost. They will lost all the hype they had while proceed with this lawsuits that might take years to resolve. Not really a smart move from them. Kpop community only loud about this but will not really stay loyal to the group especially they didn't have a stable fanbase yet to support them like Loona has.
People were going to compare them either way because they are both coming back at the same time, so I don't think it really matters.
If you think it looks cheap, I mean, that's an opinion.
But as an NMIXX fan, I think they look beautiful here (though JYPE definitely needs to step it up). In the end, I think that's what matters.
Obviously they look pretty. I don't think the girls will ever look ugly with whatever concept Squad giving them , I mean they can even make that weird Loewe's paper clothes photoshoot or whatever it is look decent. It's more about the execution. Just disappointed with how much money their company has but how bad the execution and their creative direction are.
Cringe. That's self explanatory. Btw this is the first time I didn't enjoy her voice. Overall, this song didn't sound that pleasant to me. Smiley definitely on the top and idk if she will able to get such song again. Smartphone was just an attempt to copy smiley but didn't really success. Love war is okay but she didn't suits that vibe. She need to find her niche bc that izone hype already gone and cannot save her. There's a significant drop in her sales and it's not a good results to get in this booming album sales era. Some of her fans definitely didn't really enjoyed her few recent cb that much.
Which side the girls prefer?
At this point I don't even believe the girls have power to choose their own side. Obviously they will go to whom with most power and connection (Warner+ex co-ceo side). They will lost everything if they siding with Attrakt, from their only hit song (illegally purchase by the ex co-ceo?) to their connection with warner. They might also being 'banned' from the industry because of warner connection.
Siahn also seems to be very manipulative and dangerous by how he easily betrayed his business partner after only one hit song in less than a year. I hope the girls can sense this earlier, that man is greedy af. I can imagine how he will easily dump the girls if they're not doing well anymore.
Well according to kpop stans, your faves only talented because they're in the nugudom. Once they hit certain degree of success suddenly they're not talented anymore.
Idk why people said it's better for 50/50 to be under Siahn. He's dangerous and greedy. This is only their first year and only their first hit and he's doing all of this. I don’t think any CEO like SIAHN - someone willing to commit fraud for that sweet tiktok money - should be in charge of a group. Imagine what he can do to the members and how he can easily control and manipulate them if he can do this to his business partner that trusted him so much.
When kpop fans especially those stans twitter (the hell of kpop) hate that group and all negative opinions or 'constructive criticism' about them being massively like. And more kpop fans suddenly agree that the group is only popular but not talented. Anything saying the group is untalented and didn't deserve their popularity getting a lot of likes. I was active in Twitter back then during 3rd gen and I see opinions like this about Bts and Bp with thousands of like every two business days. It's the way how I know they gonna be the biggest among their peers. Hate definitely created more protective fandom.
Also it's a sign that the group actually treating those kpop fans' faves so they collectively attacking the group indirectly. It's as simple as how hard people trying to bring them down and how some people always trying to cancel them. You can see it at every cb for example, there's always someone who getting triggered with anything they do. Remember the infamous Bts sajaegi accusations until their company need to go to court? That's one of the extreme example of this case. Mostly, they just trying to create the dramas online or something to make the group get cancelled.
That's one thing kpop stans never learn or realize. If you don't want any groups to succeed or surpassing your faves just don't talk about them. Don't attack the group. Armys and Blinks literally become the strongest, biggest, loudest and also toxic because of this. But who cares, look where both of this group stand right now, on the very top.
I'm not active in Twitter for now so idk who's their target and punchinb bag there right now. But whoever they are, congratulations for them because they already made it.
It's enough for the company to keep going but not really profitable for the members. If the company know how to cut their budget from anywhere for their group's cb, they obviously have no problem to survive.
In that 50k sales, the highest the idols can get especially coming from a small company is only maybe about 15% out of the total profits. The net profit can only be obtained after deducting all the production costs for their cb.