Posts by MakotoNijima
I don't know when but I'm curious if it will be a mini, a full or a japanese album. I think it's about time SM gives them an release on Japan that is not already existing songs
Yeah that's a good signal, because as you said JYP and Hybe have more presence there. Just pointing out that it's not that SM groups barely have fans on Japan, but that SM makes very low efforts when it comes to jp promo, Iast 127 comeback with Gimme Gimme they gave them like 1 set, cool camera transitions, 50$ and a dream and they still can tour decently, so I hope Aespa succeeds as well.
Nct 127 is also about to have a Dome tour on Japan so it's not like they were inexistent.
It's true SM doesn't focus that much on Japan but they are not doing that bad. They dropped the ball on early 3rd gen though when for some reason they barely promoted exo and red velvet there. They seem to be recovering a little.
Mark is very talented but that doesn’t still get at the point I was making: for example, he seems to like the songwriter acoustic stuff, which is great and all for him and his artistic expression, BUT is the average person looking to buy a Mark album looking for that or are they looking for hot bars (and is the person looking for hot bars enough to drive those album sales? Hip hop is certainly popular with Show Me The Money and hip hop inflected albums can do well in Korea). Or are you saying you think that Mark’s fanbase is large enough to drive sales over the top, regardless of the style of the album?
I think Mark likes all kind of music, he's into acoustic staff but also loves hip/hop. So while I would love for him to go for that hard hitting route, I think he would do pretty well regardless of the music, because:
1. I think he would shine anyways because of how talented he is
2. I think there's a lot of casual K-Pop fans who really like Mark, if SM would make him a decent MV and promo, that would add to his already existing big fanbase. I do also think Mark is one of the members with more potential to catch the average Kpop listener's attention.
People are forgetting that a collab Jaehyun did with an artist who is not very well known for SM station (d.ear), which was released in 2017 (!!!), way before NCT got more popular recently, is STILL pulling huge numbers on Spotify. Before Taeyong with ZOO, Jaehyun had the highest amount of monthly listeners every month, despite only having that song available, and they keep increasing.
Also, this cover he did is sitting at 74 MILLION views.
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.He's the most followed Neo on IG after L*cas despite not being very active.
The demand is definitely there and his potential is insane, though commercial success in Korea will mainly depend on what his solo debut will/would sound like.
If SM would do decent on a hypothetic Jaehyun's debut, just by his korean fandom alone he could surpass the 500k mark easily. I said what I said.
I think there are several members who have clear cut paths and several members who have the talent and fanbase, but I’m not sure how they’d carve careers.
It ought to be Taeil (and I think he can have a solid Kyuhyun style career) but realistically I think Jaehyun and Haechan are the biggest solo potential to me. Both are all rounders who get lots of attention, both have very distinctive voices in the Kpop landscape - I think their path is clearly r&b/r&b pop albums. I think Haechan would be more high energy, while Jaehyun would lean more into the vibe-y kind of feel. I think both would do very well as soloists - not only can they sing and dance well and have charisma but both are capable of managing the interviews and stuff that go with it. (Jaehyun can definitely turn in the charm when he wants to..and has experience from hosting Inkigayo. Haechan is Haechan.)
Taeyong and Ten would be more in the Taemin lane: dynamic performers creating idiosyncratic albums that are always interesting to hear and see. I think they could do well but they won’t do as well as Jaehyun and Haechan.
Mark is the head scratcher for me. He is indeed fully capable, but I don’t see him doing an album of what he’s known best for (his rap). If it’s an album of something else, it may disappoint or not be as interesting to people. I mean I suppose it could be something in the Kai lane?
After that, I think there are people capable of solo success but there are some things that have to be worked out - like Jaemin is tremendously popular but what would he do on a full mini? I also think Xiaojun could really do well as a soloist.
A Mark album would be very musically diverse imo, we are talking about someone who can write his raps and have amazing delivery, can dance insanely well specially on Hip/Hop, and can also sing with such a good voice although we haven't heard him do it that much, he keeps being NCT's hidden potential monster imo to a point that even some nctzens aren't aware of how good and how much of an all-rounder he is.
Taeyong and Ten are the two we can all agree are the most artsy and have the more "It" image yeah
Jaehyun could be insane successful, and Haechan lowkey could also do very well because he's insanely talented both vocally and dance-wise.
Both, skills and success wise
when it came out I didn't like it because to me it didn't look like an NCT release
Yeah I guess it's the most "american focused" 127 release, it still hits hard though...
Share your thoughts and why
They are superior imo, it takes the advantage of being a group to the new level, specially when they can harmonize.
The korean public has been listening to idol music for decades, if you are not already a massive name or have a huge fandom you need to release something memorable and with a proper identity (specially for bgs), something that makes people go "that's good, it's catchy" is not enough because they have a lot of other pop choices. Korean public in general won't care about any non BTS boygroup release unless it's on the 0,0001% that gets viral. Groups like TxT will eventually chart better because their fandom size grows though.
I will correct what you meant: "It's amazing how NCT despite having multiple Spotify pages and clearly divisive music they have 6 songs with more than 80 million streams on Spotify, and have 2 units outdoing all 4th gen boygroups on Korea both physically and digitally"
Also, which failed PD group sold +350k on their last comeback almost a year ago and singing on chinese? Not to mention WayV didn't get the financial push of a survival show at all.
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the NCT brand will be eternal, in theory. There will be a time when there will be NCT units with no original members and there's no way to call it 3rd gen
The concept of generations is too small to fit a complex group like NCT. So that's why it's easy for SM to say that NCT Dream is 4th gen, so do you agree or not
I mean, on theory that sounds very ambicious, and the brand could get "outdated" with time, so I'm only taking on account NCT's history so far because we don't know what the future holds, if NCT is still debuting groups when people are discussing "5th gen" then yeah, we can definitely say NCT as a brand is multigenerational.
IMO it's stupid to frame NCT in a single generation because it's a project that intends to go beyond that
People really think they do something when they say "they debuted the same year ar Blackpink"
Ok... so?
NCT as a brand is late 3rd gen
NCT 127 is late 3rd gen
NCT Dream is late 3rd gen, but their direct competition is 4th gen because of their age
WayV if it's a group considered within the K-Pop industry (which is not really a stretch) is 4th gen
Any subunit debuting soon will also be 4th gen. Imagine calling Shotaro a 3th gen idol because he's under NCT lol