RE: "Aespa Coachella performance could be their big break or career suicide for them in the west"

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    Disagree. Why does it have to be either extreme scenario? Why can't it be something in the middle? The more realistic scenario is that they get their name out there, gain a number of new fans, and call it a win.

    Expecting either extreme scenario is unrealistic. Only K-pop fans put so much weight into a Coachella performance. No Coachella performance has made an act significantly more popular overnight.

    There's this misconception that Coachella gave Blackpink their "big break" in the West. Not true. Blackpink already had momentum right before they did Coachella. Coachella was just one small chapter in their journey that year, but they would have done it with or without Coachella 2019. If anything, it was "DDU-DU DDU-DU" in 2018 that gave them their big break in the West.

  • Its a big deal but kpop fans are really trying to make it seem like this is a do or die situation, they've just debuted there's plenty of time for them to rise. This is one of the many opportunities that comes to them. If they do well, good but if they don't, they can do better later.

    Absolutely agree. It's a big deal because you have to be popular enough as a non-American artist, especially when you're one based in Asia, to be invited.

    Yes, less known, indie American acts get invited, but that's because they have a small niche following in America and they caught the attention of the organizers somehow.

    It takes a lot more for a non-American act to be invited, so obviously, aespa achieved something here.

    But it really isn't the make-or-break situation K-pop fans are making it seem. It's just a performance for festival attendees to enjoy. It's not even broadcasted on primetime national television; it's not the Super Bowl halftime show.

    What matters more is their music. If they release a song that goes viral in the West, that's their "big break." Not a single performance can do that or come close to being that important. Most music enthusiasts in the U.S. don't even care about performances; they just like catchy songs on the radio or TikTok. A lot of these popular American artists put up mediocre performances, but nobody cares as long as the songs are catchy.

  • There's also no such thing as music that's "suitable for a festival," by the way. Coachella has all sorts of genres. That's what it's about. You may associate it with young adults getting hyped, but more than that, it's a celebration and showcase of music.

    If you want to talk about crowd, the Coachella crowd tends to be very open-minded. They're there to have a good time and vibe with the flow, whatever they get, not to be judgmental like K-pop fans often are.

  • This won't be the "end" of their career in the west, and it will most likely not be their big break either. They'll gain new fans, hopefully lots of them, and be more popular afterwards than they were before, but there won't be a career changing moment.

    They have to mess up real bad, like REAL bad, with everything from song choice, to outfits to performance, if this is gonna end their career

  • I think it's a wonderful opportunity to show themselves to a different audience who might have never heard their music before or seen the members perform but I highly doubt it's an all or nothing type deal...

  • K-Pop fans are exaggerating. This won't "break" them at all. Like you said, if anything they'll get their name out a bit and gain some exposure but acting like this will end their career if they don't get a standing ovation with roses thrown at them is ridiculous lol.

    ~ ω

  • I'm just looking forward to seeing if they lip sync or not. I don't really care about what Coachella will do for their careers. This is more a test on the girls (and their stage presence) than their popularity. Honestly If they do their robot slay on stage I think that might be a cultural reset.

  • I'm just looking forward to seeing if they lip sync or not. I don't really care about what Coachella will do for their careers. This is more a test on the girls (and their stage presence) than their popularity. Honestly If they do their robot slay on stage I think that might be a cultural reset.

    OMG same.

    I also hope SM won’t screw this opportunity up by being half ass about their preparations (flash back to aespa’s disappointing award stage). Please do your homework SM, and have aespa sing with a live band.

  • OMG same.

    I also hope SM won’t screw this opportunity up by being half ass about their preparations (flash back to aespa’s disappointing award stage). Please do your homework SM, and have aespa sing with a live band.

    Honestly, this is one of the valid, reasonable concerns in my opinion.

    While it's not the make-or-break situation many think Coachella is, I think aespa can accomplish so much more with live singing at this event. That's on SM to decide. If they don't sing live, it won't be the end of the world, but it'll be a huge missed opportunity!

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