Sometimes I really wish I can make threads that can stimulate a productive conversation regarding various topics and subjects. There have been multiple instances where I would type up a whole thread on notes, paste it onto AKP, then immediately delete it.
Though I am aware that there are many mature users on this website, but the fear of trolls and generally immature people infiltrating the thread and turning it into a war zone scares me. I’ve seen users, not known to be trolls— just people with genuine questions, topics, and threads get shredded to pieces. Personally, whenever I get into arguments, even for the smallest of things, I start feeling so anxious and scared that someone might attack my character. Which wasn’t one of my fears when I joined AKP back in 2019. I don’t know when it developed, but I guess the constant bullying that use to occur before the revamp played into it.
Though, I still wish I could go back to the pre-revamp mindset and create threads that could initiate worthwhile discussions— but sometimes lack of maturity I witness here and there prevents me. It almost seems to me, as the time passes, people are becoming more impatient and resentful of others. It genuinely scares me.
I don’t know if anyone else can relate, but this was something I really wanted to get off my chest.