Hello! So, we all know what time it is. Time to celebrate! Why? No real reason, but as we all know, we need some meat at this celebration. I propose we sacrifice Armedryu on our Once Cult alter. Considering they claim to hate "I'm Gonna Be A Star", they had it coming. No one is allowed to hate that song. There, we can cook them at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. But before we do that, we don't want them to taste chewy, so we need to make them less muscley. Ideas? I propose we turn Rainbowlicious into cotton candy, feed her to Armedryu and then cook the penguin! Who's with me?
No worries, if you're opposed, I can always lightly toast more than one person at the alter. Just kidding, I won't go that far. Yet.
Look, all I know is I'm tired of cleaning the alter and I want to use it already! I want fish nuggets for dinner!
bunnyviolet encouraged me to sacrifice fdblink as well because they're a duck, so they're going to be a special guest of honor as well. Say your farewells!