Which nationality do South Koreans dislike the most overall Chinese, Japanese or SEA?
International Kpop fans
Chinese > > > SEA > JAPAN
In this order....
north koreans!
Japan, I think for obvious reasons.
If we don't talk about kpop then
1. Japanese - don't forget the economy war that started in 2019, they still can't get over what happened during the occupation, Japanese gov is not helping by visiting Yasukuni and distorting or straight up denying historical facts
2. Chinese - I'd say they're still very hated but what happened during Japanese occupation is more fresh than what Chinese did in Korea
3. SEA - they don't hate them but look down on them because these are poor countries and people from SEA work in low payed jobs in SK
Japanese it's obvious.
They only are in "good terms" with Japan because of their trilateral US military alliance against North Korea (I'm obviously oversimplifying)
They hate everyone
They only are in "good terms" with Japan because of their trilateral US military alliance against North Korea
If you want an insightful look into this US-SK-JP relation you can watch Designated Survivor: 60 Days, because its not that simple as it seems with just JP and SK (and the US) vs NK (the drama showcases some of these nuances)
there are regular polls on this issue.
ranking by most favorable reputation is usually:
japan >= sea >>> china
makes sense bc much of the actual destruction of korea was done by chinese during the korean war.
south korea was about to win until millions of chinese attacked.
china's support of north korea is a big reason why korea is still divided.
no future for china in korea, us, or most anywhere else.
too much human rights violations, military aggression (especially sea), and toxic behavior.
1. Japan because of obvious historical (and territorial) disputes.
2. China because of their government and some historical disputes
3. They look down on SEA people because of skin color and stereotypes they have against 3rd world countries. I don't think it's comparable to what they have against japan and china.
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