To select November's winners, various threads were taken into consideration. Those containing tons of spam, fights or are locked were disregarded. Only those containing mostly discussions were considered - they contain some arguments, but nothing major since we can't have a 100% discussion thread.
First Place: Custom Title (Threadmaker of X Month) + 500 akorns + Custom Static Badge of their choice (available for 6 months)
Second Place: 250 akorns + Static Badge of their choice (options are in the akorn shop)
Third Place: 125 akorns
So, here are the Winners:
First Place: FeLiNa - "but namjoon!" - an analysis of kpop's biggest scapegoat
Second Place: Weitangent - Are sm Stan’s valid in saying hybe copied sm’s aespa concept?
Third Place: itiswhatitisss - Is it safe to say Aespa are now a top2 girl group?
PS. FeLiNa please DM me the picture/badge you want so that I attach it to your profile. It's custom, so you can choose anything you want.
Weitangent the akorn shop is yours, choose any static badge you want to own and I'll give it to you