In Germany there used to run a show where a man and a woman firstever met on the day of their marriage. They are selected by "science" and the dumb thing is you allready wear your fancy dress and go to the wedding and than decide in front of everyone you know if you marry that guy or not... most couples of that show broke up a few weeks later cause they figured out they don't like eachother

What's the dumbest concept of a TV-show you ever saw?
I have heard of one called "Who's Your Daddy?", even though it was a cancelled one.
The show's premise was that an adult who had been put up for adoption as an infant was placed in a room with 25 men, one of whom was their biological father. If the contestant could correctly pick out who was their father, the contestant would win $100,000. If they chose incorrectly, the person that they incorrectly selected would get the $100,000, although the contestant would still be reunited with his or her father.
Well... the Korean variety Hello Counselor was also kind of silly...
We have this show in the UK called naked attraction. The premise is that contestants come on naked and pick potential partners purely based on seeing each other naked.
We have this show in the UK called naked attraction. The premise is that contestants come on naked and pick potential partners purely based on seeing each other naked.
I love that show
We have this show in the UK called naked attraction. The premise is that contestants come on naked and pick potential partners purely based on seeing each other naked.
Oh, I was about to mention a Danish TV show that has a similar premise, but I haven't watched that show....
The 2 worst ones I can think of are:
- The Chamber - A game show where they basically put people in torture chambers while asking them trivia questions. People were disgusted by the concept, and it was cancelled after a few episodes with some being unaired. One of the contestants got hospitalized after and won a lawsuit.
We have this show in the UK called naked attraction. The premise is that contestants come on naked and pick potential partners purely based on seeing each other naked.
We had something similiar in Germany. The show was later on cancled after just 3 or 4 episodes... basicly there are 10 naked men behind a screen, the woman than has to rate the men by their penis and the best penis goes on a date with her ...
We had something similiar in Germany: basicly a person who has a lot issues (1 boob to small, crooketh teeth, a lot of belly fat hanging around from weightlos, eyesight issue,....) and after 3 weeks the person (mainly a mother 30-50 years old) was reunited with her family after the plastic surgery. The show aired for a few years and they never scensored the before-pictures that they showed as a trailer on the TV-ads they showed troughtout the day... it was weird
User: we have random shitty show
We have something similar in Germany.
User: we have a brand new totally unique show about cats who have psychic powers and they travel the world solving ghost mysteries but it turns out they are the Illuminati and control people's minds all along
We have something similar in Germany
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