my first bf broke up with me today after being together for a little over two months. i thought we would last longer considering he said all this things about wanting to be in my life as long as he can but things happened where he became distant towards me. we use to talk on the phone every night, texted me often and we would hang 2-3 times a week. things change though after a while and i would have to wait hours to get a response from him and we hanged out less often. at first i thought he was ignoring me but he told me he was depressed and personal things were going on so i understood, i was also/still suffering from things so i wasn't upset but i thought we would work things out. we were going to hang out today but told me he had things going on,things happened and i just told him how we don't talk that much anymore but understood he has his own life and was going through things but i still couldn't help but feel sad we weren't talking as much, the only time we could really have a conversation was when we hanged out in person which was once a week barley even that. he said he wanted to be honest about he feelings that we shouldn't be together cause we were both depressed and things wouldn't work out. he must have been thinking about this for a while cause it was out of nowhere. i wasn't mad at him, i was obviously sad. i understand why he broke up with me, he was suffering and didn't think he could be in a relationship anymore. i knew one day we would break up but i thought we would last longer than two months. i don't have any friends at all to go to for advice or just talk about it, im all alone so what's some good advice to get over a first breakup?(also, sorry if this was all over the place)

how do you handle a first break up?
my first bf broke up with me today after being together for a little over two months. i thought we would last longer considering he said all this things about wanting to be in my life as long as he can but things happened where he became distant towards me. we use to talk on the phone every night, texted me often and we would hang 2-3 times a week. things change though after a while and i would have to wait hours to get a response from him and we hanged out less often. at first i thought he was ignoring me but he told me he was depressed and personal things were going on so i understood, i was also/still suffering from things so i wasn't upset but i thought we would work things out. we were going to hang out today but told me he had things going on,things happened and i just told him how we don't talk that much anymore but understood he has his own life and was going through things but i still couldn't help but feel sad we weren't talking as much, the only time we could really have a conversation was when we hanged out in person which was once a week barley even that. he said he wanted to be honest about he feelings that we shouldn't be together cause we were both depressed and things wouldn't work out. he must have been thinking about this for a while cause it was out of nowhere. i wasn't mad at him, i was obviously sad. i understand why he broke up with me, he was suffering and didn't think he could be in a relationship anymore. i knew one day we would break up but i thought we would last longer than two months. i don't have any friends at all to go to for advice or just talk about it, im all alone so what's some good advice to get over a first breakup?(also, sorry if this was all over the place)
Oh puppy love, I so miss it. Those weird feelings, trying to understand the butterflies and so on.
Now let's be real mate, and I'm a jaded old fuck. But two months? That's nothing, nada, zero.
No matter how much you felt it to be real.
My advice to get over it? Get a new boyfriend. And flaunt it in his face.
So he can understand what a catch he lost.
you can either wallow in hate or doubt or whatever or you can move on...I mean each individual is different with respect to how they handle a break up...
what's right for some might not be right for you for example:
some people get back on the saddle and find another fling or relationship
some people go deep into work or study
some people cry and need condolences from family friends
some people need to bitch and moan and whine for a while
each is a perfect healthy and normal reaction - it really just depends on where you at
my first bf broke up with me today after being together for a little over two months. i thought we would last longer considering he said all this things about wanting to be in my life as long as he can but things happened where he became distant towards me. we use to talk on the phone every night, texted me often and we would hang 2-3 times a week. things change though after a while and i would have to wait hours to get a response from him and we hanged out less often. at first i thought he was ignoring me but he told me he was depressed and personal things were going on so i understood, i was also/still suffering from things so i wasn't upset but i thought we would work things out. we were going to hang out today but told me he had things going on,things happened and i just told him how we don't talk that much anymore but understood he has his own life and was going through things but i still couldn't help but feel sad we weren't talking as much, the only time we could really have a conversation was when we hanged out in person which was once a week barley even that. he said he wanted to be honest about he feelings that we shouldn't be together cause we were both depressed and things wouldn't work out. he must have been thinking about this for a while cause it was out of nowhere. i wasn't mad at him, i was obviously sad. i understand why he broke up with me, he was suffering and didn't think he could be in a relationship anymore. i knew one day we would break up but i thought we would last longer than two months. i don't have any friends at all to go to for advice or just talk about it, im all alone so what's some good advice to get over a first breakup?(also, sorry if this was all over the place)
expressing your emotions is the first step and you did that.
just accept that it will hurt...but u will def have future relationships.
if you feel sad about it, just let yourself be sad about it but not to the point where you can't get back up from it. don't try to quickly move on, instead, I think it's best to reflect on what the relationship has taught you and what to take from it in the future. (better communication, honesty, making sure things are two sided, etc). though the reason behind the breakup seems to be reasonable, no one can really tell you how to react about it, only you would know. sometimes your heart needs time to accept what your mind already knows, like you were somewhat aware it wasn't working out but still hoped for the best so it's understandable to be feeling down. either way, hope you take care of yourself
that's the most important thing
I'm kind of heartless. It didn't bother me.
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