Do you own any KPOP merch? 20
Yess! (15) 75%
Nope (3) 15%
Nope but I want to (1) 5%
Seems like a waste of money tbh (1) 5%
I own a sweatshirt for each of my faves. They are very inconspicuous though, nothing that has their face plastered all over the back or something.
But lately I've been thinking about buying this Blackpink robe but it's just so expensive (around $100)
But on the other hand, I'm a big fan of robes and pijamas so It's something that I would buy and wear.
A few months ago I bought a pair of Blackpink slippers cause they were cute lol the slippers and the robe would match too (:
Should I buy it? If yes, which one do you like more?