Even if you are not biased, can you pls vote for TXT?
I don't care for boy groups but since you asked nicely and brave girls are not on the menu I gave them my votes.
I don't care for boy groups but since you asked nicely and brave girls are not on the menu I gave them my votes.
I care cause they are Korean and this underdogs😜.
Don’t need to mention the backstabbing bruh
Nice thread
I voted
I voted but I'm not sure if i voted correctly 😂
Lets hope so
I pick 25 and voted, is that correct way to vote
I voted but I'm not sure if i voted correctly 😂
I know what you mean lol
I pick 25 and voted, is that correct way to vote
Yes. You log in click on their name and choose 25 then vote.
Gimme 1000 akorns and I just might vote
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