• I'll make a positive thread later, but for now I'm just feeling sad with YGE so I'll rant as many times i want bc I'm still seeing Lisa schedule empty!

    I don't want fights tbh, but I'm so frustrated with how YGE is managing Lisa solo and I'll just put here my thoughts.

    - Lisa debut will probably be the only solo activity Lisa will have in years or even in YGE.

    And that's the truth, this shouldn't be considered a normal BP schedule bc Lisa isn't BP, Lisa won't release more solo songs every year from now on, Lisa featuring in another artist song isn't a solo song either.

    - YGE chose the worst possible month/week for her debut and this shouldn't be seen as accident.

    Another truth, she debuted on a national holiday in s.k. so no korean promos, in the west two big artists dropped their albums so Lisa competition is bigger and let's be honest. We are having more updates about BP in Lisa solo debut month than we ever had in months so i also don't like how the focus is divided.

    - nobody knows where her music is targeted for.

    I see so many "fans" saying how Lisa solo isn't targeted for s.k. excusing her lack of promo, but where is she promoting?? Just now it was announced she will send a short message for japanese fans instead of performing there? We have no schedule of Lisa performing her song anywhere and we also don't have a schedule of Lisa interviews bc they don't exist ?? Where is the logic?

    - Just her lack of promo and the terrible management of yge regarding Lisa schedule.

    I think it's soooo funny how a lot of people are saying: oh, we should be patient, Lisa said YGE are arranging her schedule RIGHT NOW... Right now??? This isn't a rushed solo, this isn't a "surprise solo" for YGE so why are they JUST NOW arranging her schedule? Didn't they have time? They couldn't book her? Why is Lisa in her second debut week with just fansigns?? If her song is targeted for the west/sea/aliens or whatever, why couldn't they book her to interviews?? What is happening with Lisa schedule that it's so empty? And this is why I'm sad. We won't see solo artist Lisa anytime soon (this is YGE we are talking about) with new songs, so why should I accept the empty thing? Since last year BP "promos" are good/ok with Rosé promo being good too, so why are some saying this is the BP thing?? This isn't if we compare last year and the solo this year with Lisa solo.

    We should demand changes. We shouldn't go back to 2016/19!!

    And i hope from now on YGE does something with Lisa schedule bc i don't see how they can be this incompetent handling Lisa solo. And girl, Lisa is in demand. There is no way nobody contacted them to interview Lisa or there wasn't any opportunity to include Lisa in some promos. There isn't. Unless YGE come up with a GREAT excuse i won't stop complaining. Lisa deserves way more that she is receiving and that Money performance?? Yes, just after we called them out bc even in Inkigayo Lisa wasn't interviewed. Pathetic.

    And I'll complain too bc the money Lisa is doing for that company and considering how big our fandom is, yes, YGE should treat her right.

    Anyways, it's a long essay and if you don't want to read it's ok. But yes, I'm frustrated and congrats akp, another rant! Kkkkkk

    Bye! :peperain:

  • it's my last thread about it. I'm preparing my hoe thread about Money :mooning: kkkk

    Lisa stans against her? What is happening here??

    Led by LISANATIONS, they are telling her to apologize for supposed CA, cuz they are afraid of the backlash from Twitter stans.

    Even as far as contacting her friends and family to tell her to apologize.

    That is just crossing the line...

    Twitter stans will bash her and then what..... NOTHING.

    This year alone, they bashed her for asking the ywy trainee about his bald head. Called it bullying. They bashed her for that headgear which they said was a durag. It literally looked like chainmail.

    What happened after all that bashing.... Did her career and life end? Has she been ruined.

    They don't realize they are making it worse by drawing more attention to it...

  • why did Lisanation agree to this... those are not even box braids for God sakes...

  • Ksjj they are so damn stupid. These people are so much on twitter that somehow started believing what happens there is important in real life

  • I didn't know about it... Yikes .

  • If her solo wasn't targeted for Korea - you have to wonder why it was mostly in Korean. It's not like the writers aren't English speakers.

    To me this whole thing has shown what YG thinks of Lisa, and it's not pretty. She's not valued as much as the Korean members, even though she arguably brings in the most money. (Though I believe the Chinese bars are discussing pulling out of backing Blackpink projects.)

  • To me this whole thing has shown what YG thinks of Lisa, and it's not pretty. She's not valued as much as the Korean members, even though she arguably brings in the most money. (Though I believe the Chinese bars are discussing pulling out of backing Blackpink projects.)

    if YGs treatment of Lisa continues, then they should. They are the biggest contributor to the entire fandom.

  • If her solo wasn't targeted for Korea - you have to wonder why it was mostly in Korean. It's not like the writers aren't English speakers.

    To me this whole thing has shown what YG thinks of Lisa, and it's not pretty. She's not valued as much as the Korean members, even though she arguably brings in the most money. (Though I believe the Chinese bars are discussing pulling out of backing Blackpink projects.)

    this is my main concern, but well let's wait another week again to see when yge will update Lisa schedules...

    Actually c bars should. With the new restrictions it'll be way more difficult to support BP and their solo activities so just support the solo activities as they are seen as "akgaes" either way kkkk

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