is BP solo just a way for YG to know on which BP member he need to focus ?

  • Bp is already in the basement most of their career, idk what bo u know bc the one I know haven't been as active as they been compared to 2020-21

    YG make all their rappers debut solo first or one selected main vocal, it happen in all their groups, even treasure yedamn got a single after. The difference is blinks aren't like any other YG fandom, YG actually respond to bp members china bars so giving Jennie a solo and leaving like that wasn't gonna cut it

  • Rosie only got sea of hope after her solo, which was a long gig because her appearances were separated in 6 episodes, and even with that, it didn't take more than a weekend filming for her, she didn't get any other job. Same with Jennie, she only had the village survival thing after going viral for running man and that was around her solo promotions, if YG wanted to promote her she would had gone into starring in s2 and the world tour could had been postponed. there is no proof or correlationship with what you implied, specially cause all members had gotten solo tv promotions in SK and around the world, yet YG didn't push them enough to make them a fundraiser of the company in their own. BP still the one saving the company, so their main focus is ot4, solos rn are a way to get revenue since other groups comebacks aren't doing too much for them before having another huge BP comeback and also trying to avoid the backlash of solo fanbases because the delayment

  • Sooyoung. It is your constant need to always mention how BP might end up like 2NE1 for me.....

    I don't care if you purchase that overpriced inflatable sofa for their anniversary, i can't be the only one on here that notices that you almost seem to want bp to disband for your own personal reasons...

    So go on, and keep making these threads.

    yeah I notice some sm stans do like to compare 2ne1 and bp when their situations are completely different

  • but YG is no longer the CEO of YG entertainment



    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • this is not like 2ne1, 2ne1 were no way near as big as BP. YG is stupid, but there not so stupid to give up on their biggest money makers.

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