Should people with scandals be artists/idols? 9
Yeah why not (3) 33%
Depends on what they did (6) 67%
No, definetly not (0) 0%
I hat this question popin up in my head after I saw an MV on Youtube.
So short said: a Japanese musician was in a scandal in 2019 cause he beat a woman up that refused to go out with him and he only blamed it on how he was "drunk" all the time blah blah he also bought himseld out of prison cause rich and stuff ... anyway my thoughts went to a post on a website people had about him half a year after what happend. He said he wanted to return as vocalist after he was suspended from his company for a while and over a year later he released a new MV 3 days ago. I remember that people back than discussed on if people with such scandals should be celebrity or in this case a vocalist if they have brought a scandal with them and many people back than said they hope people with such scandals who seriously damage their images wouldn't be vocalists or whatever celebrity they are.
Seeing the coments under the MV many of his fans seem to have forgoten what happend and act like "oh we missed you and we love the song" but if he had came back way earlier people might've eaten him alive ...
So what do you think? Should celebrity with image demaging scandals just vanish out of the public's eye or do you think its ok for them to still be popular no mather if their fans can forget what happend or not in the past ?