horror movies you like?
This is horror comedy.
Also classic
Also classic
I love this one
Also classic
what's it about?
what's it about?
It's about ghost. But I won't spoil. The movie is really great. Highly recommended!
I really like Coherence
Not sure if its horror..
It's about ghost. But I won't spoil. The movie is really great. Highly recommended!
woah okay T___T I'm definitely going to watch it someday
I really like Coherence
Not sure if its horror.
what's it about?
I really like Coherence
Not sure if its horror..
Oh. Coherence is really masterpiece. The film is so underrated tho. The director is really genius making such a great film with low budget. But Coherence is definitely sci-fi/thriller.
what's it about?
mhm, i'm reading a description of it and it's fairly interesting
what's it about?
Parallel realities
Oh. Coherence is really masterpiece. The film is so underrated tho. The director is really genius making such a great film with low budget. But Coherence is definitely sci-fi/thriller.
I know right?! The kind of movie not many people know about but when you watch it, you need to recommend it because is so good! Especially compared to the “horror” movies that are more mainstream
PS. Triangle is soo good too, it kinda follows the same idea. The end is
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original, not the remake travesty)
The Wicker Man (the original, not the remake travesty)
The Ring (the original, not the remake travesty)
The Ninth Gate
Jacob's Ladder - It's Silent Hill before Silent Hill. Not entirely true but there are elements in the movie the game borrowed liberally from. A good psychological film with a bit of body horror and unsettling visuals. Made me guess what the heck is happening until the last scene.
Identity - Not a perfect movie and the multiple personality disorder trope has been done to death but it's a fresh take.
The Others - Kind of a throwback to classic horror films and yet it still was able to create some tension and genuine scare. Good twist although it was kinda telegraphed halfway through.
A Nightmare on Elm Street - Made me sleep with the lights on.
The Thing - One of the few movies where the sequel is way better than the original. Some of the practical effects aged poorly but aside from that, it holds up pretty well. The last scene was perfect and even today, its being discussed and argued.
In the Mouth of Madness - The final movie in John Carpenter's Apocalypse trilogy (The Thing was actually the first, followed by Prince of Darkness). It's Lovecraftian and mindbending, what's not to like?
Event Horizon - Probably the only film Paul W.S. Anderson has done that is actually very good. Another Lovecraftian film but in space. Also Dead Space-ish. There are also some gnarly internet theories about the movie connecting it to the Warhammer universe.
The Shining - The twins and that room. Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid.
Shaun of the Dead - My introduction to Edgar Wright movies as well as the duo of Nick Frost and Simon Pegg. I think I've re-watched this movie every year since it was released on cinema. Same with Hot Fuzz.
The Ring - I like both the original and Gore Verbinski's take. It's remake done right.
A Tale of Two Sisters - I watched the movie knowing the twist as it was a forum recommendation and spoilers abounded. Still, even with that knowledge, it didn't detract to my enjoyment. I can't say for certain if it's a slow burn type of horror but it does felt like one which I do like.
28 Days Later - Fast zombies. I don't care the films try to bend backwards explaining they are rabid people and not the undead as for all intents and purposes, they are zombies. The idea of a fast-moving zombie turns the convention of the genre on its head. I'm not sure if its the first to introduce this variant of zombies but it sure made it popular.
30 Days of Night - Just the way I like my vampires. Brutal, bloody, and not sparkly.
Boogiepop Phantom - It's not outright jump scare kind of horror but more like the WTF kind with its weird cast and the non-linear storytelling.
Phantasm - Another movie that scared the heck out of me back when I was a kid. The Tall Man and his deadly silver orbs were the stuff of nightmares. It was awesome.
silent hill and mirrors werre pretty scary as well
Silent Hill wasn't too shabby. I would've liked better it if they pushed it further. Pyramid Head tearing the whole skin off a girl was gnarly though. Still, it's probably one of the better video game-to-films movie out there and the list isn't that long to begin with.
Mirrors got trashed by critics. It wasn't that bad I think. Probably doubly scarier if you have some innate fear of mirrors. If anything it's way gorier than Into the Mirror. There were some good kills all through out the film.
Silent Hill wasn't too shabby. I would've liked better it if they pushed it further. Pyramid Head tearing the whole skin off a girl was gnarly though. Still, it's probably one of the better video game-to-films movie out there and the list isn't that long to begin with.
Mirrors got trashed by critics. It wasn't that bad I think. Probably doubly scarier if you have some innate fear of mirrors. If anything it's way gorier than Into the Mirror. There were some good kills all through out the film.
The concept of them are scary enough. Imagine the world suddenly turning into silent hill
the shining
the ring
alien (this is more sci fi but it's still scary)
the exorcist
the sixth sense
28 days after
gerald's game
I don’t like horror movies, my least favourite genre. I don’t like the violence and feel it is gratuitous and unnecessary.
I don’t like horror movies, my least favourite genre. I don’t like the violence and feel it is gratuitous and unnecessary.
Not all horror movies have gratuitous violence
Not all horror movies have gratuitous violence
No, but a lot have violence and I’m not into any movies with that in it plus I don’t need to be scared out of my wits either.
Never meant to stop you from disliking it and let's be real, I couldn't even if I try. All I'm saying is violence isn't only a purview of horror but is present in most other genres and some form of violence is necessary to move the film forward since films do need some sort of conflict in their story.
Never meant to stop you from disliking it and let's be real, I couldn't even if I try. All I'm saying is violence isn't only a purview of horror but is present in most other genres and some form of violence is necessary to move the film forward since films do need some sort of conflict in their story.
It isn’t necessary when you watch people being decapitated and dismembered or being tired up and having pot shots of. I’m not talking about cops and robbers and a bit of bang, bang, you’re dead. The type of violence I’m referring to is extreme and unsettling and that can be in mainstream movies. I’m not going to sit here and argue with you all day about something as trivial as whether I like horror movies, I was just posting an opinion on it. Could you please give it a rest now? We’ve both made our point.
Anyone knows what horror movies would keep me at night awake?
You are free to ignore me. We can't police what others do in the forum unless they are clearly against the rules. Like I said there is an ignore function.
I wouldn’t have to if you stopped bugging me. Now I’ve asked you nicely twice, could you please please stop messaging me? I don’t want to continue this.
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