What was the worst haircut you ever had?
I had 80cm long hair and cut it myself cause it looked so bad cause of too many knots and it was so hard to brush so I cut it at some point not caring for how long it turned out to be and than thr hairdresser had to fix the uneven parts later on and she really and I kid you not took a electric razor and shaved the back of my head cause of how uneven I cut it and so my hair really looked like when you see short haired male kpop-idols who have bangs
I am a female so that looked pretty bad on me
Choppy bangs.
military haircut
In high school I was like, maybe I'd look nice with bob, so I got my hair cut. She cut it too short and it ooked nice on me but I hated not being able to put it up
I don't think I ever had a bad haircut. I always play safe and boring haha.
And I was lucky as child, my mom always gave us nice haircuts + dress us nicely.
My haircut in the summer before my last year of high school was a bit unfortunate though, because hairdresser 'layered' my hair too much and weirdly, so I mostly wore ponytail for a month or so.
My hair was cut to my earlobes because for some reason, all the aunts and my mom agreed to it. My hairline extends really far down the back of my neck. So they to partially shave it....which looked really stupid.
They tell stories about how they cried when it happened to them, so how was this a good idea to do it to their daughters???
That time when i was 9 and tried to cut my own hair
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