[PannChoa] Kingdom having rookies as experts + rap unit battle

  • [enter-talk] ISN'T THIS A BIT WRONG FROM KINGDOM? ㅋㅋ

    If you want to have a special assessment without any system, then you should've just let them judge what they're best at/specialized at, and what's up with this bullsh*t bringing in rookies?

    There's barely anyone who's specialized in rap in this lineup in the first place

    post response:
    original post: here

    1. [+171, -6]
    But Mnet are putting a bunch of good performers on stage, yet they're this incompetent with their judging. F*ck is it that hard to bring 10 rap judges, 10 dance judges and 10 vocal judges? There's not even 10 real judges on the panel right now

    2. [+111, -7]
    The judging panel is a messㅋㅋㅋ

    3. [+86, -3]
    Bobby's goal from the beginning was to grow the kids' thirst for improving their rap. He was able to show it well on stage too, but it's a shame, I wished they could do what they wanted to do. But no matter how much of a shame it was, you can't start hating on other teams

    4. [+63, -5]
    TheI9 were freaking good...ㅋㅋㅋ (I'm not saying this to bash the other team) But I understand less and less what's happening every episode

    5. [+46, -57]
    I seriously think that Mayfly's rap.... Was not memorable. All they were saying was "Paint Play Paint Play", the only rap unit that was good was 'It's One

    [enter-talk] KINGDOM RAP UNIT'S REVIEW

    'It's One was hip hop.

    MayFly was idol rappers.

    I'm not saying one was better than the other.

    And I'm not saying that rapping like an idol is bad, so please don't misunderstand.

    'It's One's rap gave me the vibe that they showed what rap was meanwhile MayFly showed us a performance where they decorated the stage well and they were showing rap and what it means to be an idol, but it doesn't mean that it's not as hip hop either...

    Personally, I think that both did great.

    I'm not questioning if any side wins.

    But those were the feelings I've got from the stage

    post response:


    original post: here

    1. [+159, -33]

    I really liked Paint Play

    2. [+137, -31]

    Paint Play! Paint Play! You should've at least waited for Paint Play's stage to be up

    (t/n: I assume they wrote the post before the performance)

    3. [+123, -12]

    This for real. 'It's One was basically SMTM levelㅋㅋㅋㅋ And it's so cool how Bobby didn't give himself a lot of part, instead he gave Hwiyoug and Sunwoo who are less popular than him more parts

    4. [+70,- 3]

    'It's One was better if you were in the audience. It has the SMTM aura, it would've been so crazy

    5. [+62, -7]

    I'm watching Kingdom for the first time today and to be honest, I'm feeling the same way as OP


  • Mnet messed up with the judging guests, as per usual

    But otherwise, I think people are just so damn biased with certain idols. MayFly wrote all that shit, the message, the lyrics, the imagery, the sound. Some Koreans leave me feeling dumbfounded on what they regard and disregard as real rap...

    I have noticed that in pann you only get praise when you lose in Kingdom, whoever wins always gets criticized. Be it Stray Kids or ATEEZ. This time it had even their fav Minhyuk but they're still dragging the team.

  • Not this shit again...

    do i need to write a paragraph on MIRAE and BDC

    and how they compose, arrange, and write their own music

    how they can rap, sing and dance and have been in the industry longer than

    people who spend hours making 50 whosfan accounts and mass streaming to get their faves up there.

    just because they have the title "Rookie" doesn't make them inexperienced.

    god damn

  • Is there no pic/list of the judges for the uninformed? :whatb:


    #SuperJunior's Shindong and Donghae. And also, a dancer, choreographer, and trainer Lia Kim.

    Weeekly, Tri.be, BDC and Mirae were the "rookies"

  • well making most of the judges as rookies, who debuted like 10 days ago, making them judge idols who have proven their skills over years makes no sense..

    this isnt a judging panel, its more of a hype squad

    I mean if you wanted judges, then you should have brought 10 rap experts, 10 vocal experts and 10 dance experts and made them judge for stages in their expertise..

    the rookies got set up, mnet clearly did it to shift blame

    mnet does not know how to do one thing right but its not liek we all dont know whats gonna happen with the results anyways in the end

  • nah, I think it’s still a “ let’s rag on 4th gen thing “

    The majority of pann posts were still bashing / downplaying them each round. The little threads that got translated for Ateez and Skz when they ranked low had very little support in comparison to what you see the public or fans reception to ikon for example.

    Every round “ they’re the victims, they’re the best, they’re the ones keeping the show alive. “ Those articles and posts pop up no matter the round and context. Like a broken mantra. It’s bias.

    Oh i agree, iKON and BTOB gets the most buzz after every Kingdom ep. 4th gen mostly got dragged for using props in the perfs like they have no talent other than using props in the stage. The only reason I put it as winner/loser situation was bcoz Stray Kids' 2nd round perf was praised along with BTOB a lot so I assumed them coming at 5th made knetz see the light that they're indeed really talented but you have a valid point.

  • ok as an ikon stan i dont like the vibes in this thread but y'all are free to discuss what you want.

    firstly i think that rap level wise it's one>>>>>>>>>>>>>mayfly

    bobby really knows how to bring out a casual swag to the whole thing and the vibes were immaculate. he also gave the best lines/more lines to the other members of his group and they really shone. the emphasis was on the rap, and them having fun on stage which is why this stage was more suited towards smtm or a more hiphop focused show.

    mayfly did great. skz in general know how to use props to bring out the best effects on stage. they can definitely rap but not as well as bobby does. the focus of the stage was perfect for an idol show, it was meticulous and well planned.

    i personally would not let mayfly win over its one, but what's more frustrating is that it's one as a rap team didnt seem to get judged based on rap but more based on props, which i think they did fine without. i wish the judging panel had rappers, not just idols, or at least idols who rap, not just rookie gg members...

    i think its one was better but mayfly was great too

    r o s e s   a n d   p e a c h e s

    Edited once, last by ninichan ().

  • If Bobby presented 'It's ONE' stage on SMTM, he would've been dragged for obvious reasons :pepe-back-away: just because he won a program 6 years ago It doesn't mean he will serve the same kind of quality performance everything he's the stage :pepe-back-away:

    i dont know what youre talking about because it's one's stage was great. sure it wouldnt have won smtm but dragged? stop being shady yikes

    r o s e s   a n d   p e a c h e s

  • constructive criticism is fine but random dragging? naw i dont think so.

    didnt tell you not to give your opinion, told you not to act shady with it

    It's not shady thinking The ONE's stage isn't 'Show Me The Money' worth and different for any kind of typical Idol rapper stage that would be dragged by K-Hip-Hop Community. It doesn't mean I think It was terrible or the members didn't rapped well. Just that I don't think It makes sense that Bobby will be immacute everytime he's one the stage, simple because somethings talent alone isn't enough and people can think others might did better.

    You jumped in your conclusions and started quoting me as you I have any right to decide how I should express myself. Put yourself in your place and have a good day.

  • It's not shady thinking The ONE's stage isn't 'Show Me The Money' worth and different for any kind of typical Idol rapper stage that would be dragged by K-Hip-Hop Community. It doesn't mean I think It was terrible or the members didn't rapped well. Just that I don't think It makes sense that Bobby will be immacute everytime he's one the stage, simple because somethings talent alone isn't enough and people can think others might me better.

    You jumped in your conclusions and started quoting me as you I have any right to decide how I should express myself. Put yourself in your place and have a good day.

    Exactly, well put Mina.

  • That user basically said with some kind words that Mayflay won, because the props influenced in other people's opinion, otherwise the other team would probably won and had the guts to call me out for being "Shady". I have to laugh


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