What makes a gg have hardcore fans vs casuals/multis?
Twice? Content, content and more content
Twice? Content, content and more content
Content queens!! Wbk
i don't know i like a lot of gg
i don't know i like a lot of gg
You and me both my friend
Hmmm I actually don’t know.. maybe it’s the consistency in having hit songs, I think that’s what bp/twice/Snsd have in common at least in their first years. Or I feel it’s random and based on luck lol
I only a casual listener to many GG, but when they achieve something, I don't know why I feel a bit happy for them
I wouldn’t think it specific to a band if it’s a multi or hardcore. 👀
I mean...that would sound funny to me. I was always a multi so I can’t like BP or Twice?
I'm a fan of gg's and most of the songs from my playlist is from girl groups. Content is what makes a fandom hardcore sans Twice. Although BP has less of that, they introduced kpop to a lot of people so those who discovered kpop through them would always have a connection with them. That's why even when I don't 'stan' BP, when I'm asked who is the gg that I like the most, I'd answer BP because I feel the most connection with them out of all gg's. RV and Itzy (and Aespa to an extent), have many multis because from what I observed, they were/are Blinks first. They haven't attracted many new kpop fans yet that's why they're not the priority. To have a hardcore fanbase, gg's must either have 1) contents or 2) attract many new kpop fans or both.
I wouldn’t think it specific to a band if it’s a multi or hardcore. 👀
I mean...that would sound funny to me. I was always a multi so I can’t like BP or Twice?
Ofc you can.. I’m talking generally we can see if a gg fandom consist more of one or the other. Multis do not put the same effort in a group like hardcore fans do ( streaming voting sales etc)
Hmmm. 🤔 I understand what you mean now.
Just my opinion. I would still say it’s personal preference. In case of BP. They don’t put out much content, mostly music. Maybe the Multis get into them less likely due to that. It’s easy to like gg if you see them on variety shows or YouTube videos. Bp-s music also very diverse. Like if I didn’t listen the discography I wouldn’t like them at all since they title songs are reaaaaaaally not my style. But there is also a lot less known song that I like from them. If you don’t search on purpose then you not gonna find.
In case of Twice....I don’t like they music or style. 👀
There is also a question how somebody becomes a multi. Personally I watch variety. I see a gg or bg I don’t know...they seem funny. I search more content ...I listen they music...and they draw me in.
I think its also the results of Fanwars
For example, in early days of Aespa debut, they were attacked from many big fanbases because Karina false rumor and Kda fanbases because similar AI concept . Not to mention from senior SM group fans feels that Aespa will be the "new golden child" (not that group). Complete package of hardships
All the shits we going through make us naturally attached to them
I am a multistan, but I stan BTS and Blackpink the most and I think I would be considered pretty hard core. For all the other groups I stan, I am usually a casual listener and I really like them. So basically, multistans might not always be just casual stans. There are a lot of multistans that are hard core fans of a specific groups/groups.
I think its also the results of Fanwars
For example, in early days of Aespa debut, they were attacked from many big fanbases because Karina false rumor and Kda fanbases because similar AI concept . Not to mention from senior SM group fans feels that Aespa will be the "new golden child" (not that group). Complete package of hardships
All the shits we going through make us naturally attached to them
I became a hardcore for aespa because of all the hate they received during debut.
In the case of RV, they have a lot of multi because they change a lot of concept so a lot of people are liking one concept and not the other one so it hard for them to be hardcore fans
but in the case of Aespa, we have a lot of content about them with their videos on youtube
plus all the hate that they receive predebut and after debuting, make that a lot of Mys already feel connected to them, and are hardcore fans because they want to support them to become really popular to prove all the peoples who bash them that they were wrong
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