What do atheists do for Christmas?
Christmas in the US is heavily commercialized and has devolved into a secular holiday of sorts, so a lot of athiests still partake in Christmas
they go for a date in Tokyo and eat KFC chicken
Give gifts, hang out with family, take advantage of that holiday pay overtime
Christmas has nothing to do with Christ. Its a pagan holiday made popular by Coca cola.
Do your research mate.
Easter is funded by Pepsi Co?
Probably reading about the history of how Christians once hated, tried to ban "pagan" celebrations around Winter Solstice,
and when that did not work,
Faked it as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus i.e. Christmas,
Then when it got commercialized and fused with other stuff like Kwanzaa, becoming the generic "Happy Holidays", are crying to put "Christ back into Christmas"
And having an hearty laugh about it.
Give gifts, hang out with family, take advantage of that holiday pay overtime
And also drink boozy egg nog or boozy Christmas Spiced Ginger Beer until I pass out
Despise the holiday with extreme prejudice???
ThePhantomThief Do people look out for kangaroos on Christmas?
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