was gonna post this in the anon section but this potentially has merit for discussion so here... i was just ranting out loud about most of this but i still felt like shit so i decided to write it down.
my mood is so ruined now. i was reading this rlly shitty jongkey fic from 2010 on livejournal because it was on a rec list and i was curious. but one of the chapters updated the day the news about jonghyun dating shin se kyung came out and the comments were hella disappointing. like it was these stupid teen girls crying about how depressed they were because jjong was dating and how disappointed they were because he hurt his fans. they were talking about wanting to comfort blingers and 'the jongkey community.' and some even had the audacity to say they were upset for key? the author was rlly upset and she even titled the chapter 'my otp is dying.' like bitch... the fucking audacity. this is the one time that he needs you right now and you just treat him like this? did you ever think about how he felt to be turned on by knetz and his own fans??? how could you just forget that he's his own person and you can't control his body or what he does or how he feels? he deserved love and normal relationships. i couldn't believe that these people were being genuine. and how could they prioritize a fucking ship over the actual living breathing person they claim to care about? how could they treat him like some doll or character to write about and ship with key and then drop him when he goes and actually finds love?? like bitch you're not depressed you're obsessed. just the fact that they actually thought it was real? that's so baffling to me. like y'all were really out here feeling this defensive and fighting and treating your own idol like shit over a fake relationship between caricatures of real people. did u rlly think when you wrote your little drabble or au that that was actually happening irl? fucking delusional. and making up some shit about key's feelings in your own head and then using that as justification to hate on jonghyun is absolutely fucking sick and twisted. it makes me want to vomit. if you call yourself a fan then you should be there 100% for your idol. fuck, it just pisses me off. he deserved better fans back then. i kept hearing from blingers on twt about how badly he was treated in 2010 and just in general over the years and how people like to gloss over that and pretend everything was perfect back then but it sucks to see it firsthand. really, they didn't know how fucking lucky they had it. i would kill to have been a fan back then and to have been able to support and love him. i guess fans weren't so enlightened about idols dating back then and i should cut them a break because they were probably like 12, but it's still disappointing. i like to think i would have been more mature but i was literally 5 back then so... who knows tbh. if i was in their position i probably would have done the same. it's so sad to think about tho. but yeah. im pretty upset now. and there's really nothing i can do about it. this is what i get for looking up 2010 livejournal fics. so moral of the story... let the past stay in the past? and don't take shipping so seriously that it harms your idols.