Han So-hee became known to global fans with the hit Netflix series Gyeongseong Creature and My Name.
However, Han's mother, Ms. Shin, in her 50s, was arrested today on charges of opening an illegal gambling establishment.
From 2021 to the end of last month, Ms. Shin operated 12 gaming establishments in Ulsan, Wonju, etc. under the guise of a so-called 'pants president.'
Customers would access gambling sites where Ms. Shin was the general manager, deposit game money, and gamble with them, such as baccarat.
Ms. Shin had previously been fined once for the same charge and also has a history of fraud.
Ms. Han So-hee personally apologized for her mother's 'debt-trading' controversy four years ago.

[단독] 檢, 영화배우 한소희 모친 구속…불법 도박장 개설 혐의
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