
    Lee Seungheon (founder of Dahnworld): (we are/they are) doing 'Healing Yourself Brain Education' brain education (T/N: Lee Seungheon/Lee Ilchi is the creator of "Brain Education" - see here)


    Lee Seungheon: That's why BTS is currently studying Brain Education

    Crazy, f*ck, HYBE-yah, let's sue

    Excuse me... will this post be taken down?

    Lee Seunghwon (Dahnworld's founder)

    post response:
    original post: here

    1. [+379, -8]
    Wow-yah... for real, that place got bitten by a crazy dogㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    2. [+369, -1-]
    They even dug this up, impressive

    3. [+367, -6]
    Lee Seongheon revealed the meaning of "H-Y-B-E" himself. The source is Hoverlab's broadcast today

    4. [+289, -7]
    They really must view the general public as dog foodㅋㅋㅋ

    5. [+213, -4]
    I used to f*cking hate Hoverlab but nobody can come close to them in terms of courage. "The media was all cautious and not reporting any news, but they started live streaming on YouTube. Eventually, I found it... But seriously, how did they find this?

  • Was wondering if anyone was going to translate this one.

    Btw, one thing that translation does not mention because it gets mentioned later on in the comments is that Chinese character after Love Yourself can also be related back to Dahn World leader.

    And no, there really is a video like that from what I gathered from people commenting on that specific post.

    And yes he said healing yourself brain education. And yes there are enough evidence to show that Dahn World is likely a cult, including stories from people who were harmed whether monetarily or otherwise (such as SA).

    Dhan World takes elements of yoga, taichi, shamanism and whatnot and created an ideology and classes based on those ideology. Dahn World does have strong ties to that online university, which is legitimately accredited online university. However, how much independence it retains from Dahn World is unknown since the Dahn World's founder is its president/chancellor (k netz previously showed proof with old newspaper article that had published this fact) and there seems pics of him at uni events. Also, unknown what type of legal and real divisions/separations are there, if any, from the online uni to Dahn World.

  • There have been accusations that the organization operates a manipulative "cult" that uses coercive persuasion and thought reform methods to create deeply devoted Dahn masters (teachers) who persuade others to devote all their time, energy, and money to Body & Brain programs, events, and ceremonies, and to become loyal Dahn masters themselves[24].

    In 2002, a former Body & Brain employee filed a civil lawsuit in Alameda County, California, for Unfair Business Practices and Undue Influence against Seung Heun Lee, et al. The case was reportedly settled out of court with no admission of guilt.

    Several popular media outlets reported on the plaintiffs' allegations, including Glamour Magazine, WE tv, and CNN; WBZ Channel 4 News in Boston interviewed two of the claimants on June 11, 2009.

    On January 5, 2010, CNN broadcast a critical report about the organization with interviews of former Brain & Body members alleging severe physical, mental and financial abuse by Brain & Body personnel and staff, including one former member stating she was coerced into donating funds to the organization by taking out student loans totaling over US$40,000. Allegations were dismissed in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona August 25, 2010.

    Rolling Stone Magazine published an article in March 2010 entitled "The Yoga Cult" alleging that "Dahn's calling itself 'yoga' is just a marketing ploy to enhance its appeal to Americans;" that instead it is a mind control cult designed to part people from their money. According to the article, the group brought in $30 million in the U.S. in 2009 and charges as much as $100,000 for a seminar.

    An article in Forbes magazine in July 2009 contained similar allegations against Body & Brain. It reported allegations by former members that they were pressured to train to become paid “Dahn Masters,” paying up to $10,000 each for workshops that lasted as long as three weeks. If students could not afford the training, the article states, they were encouraged to take out loans and carry credit card debt. Plaintiffs in a suit against the group claim that once they became "Dahn Masters" they were then given recruitment and revenue quotas that had them working up to 120 hours per week.

    Wrongful Death Suit

    Among other media reports, a 2006 CBS news report and the Village Voice described a wrongful death lawsuit filed against Body & Brain's founder and related entities. According to the lawsuit, Julia Siverls, 41, died in 2003 from heat stroke and dehydration during a master training hike at the Ilchi Meditation Center in Sedona. The lawsuit also accuses the Lee of "breaking wage and immigration laws, evading taxes and sexually abusing female disciples." According to a document filed by the Southern District of New York of the United States District Court, the case was dismissed on August 1, 2008.

    from their wiki page


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Thanks @bobsyouruncle.

    Not sure why I was reading some people on here discounting the online uni and Dahn connection. It's also been suggested that Dahn world has connection to politicians in high positions. K netz actually traced it out but I'm not going to post that here since that's going in territories I would rather not touch. And of course if you add the suspicion that BSH is a member and also that some of Hybe upper folks may also be members, well it adds up to some pretty interesting story.

  • Anyone with a brain can tell "HYBE" entire name, structure, similar colour scheme is inspired by the "Beehive & its structure" so it's ridiculous.


    Out there, drug dealer, serial killers etc also be talkin about "BTS" the worldwide stars, and does that mean BTS is a drug dealers or serial killers? This guy is obviously using their name for clout, and there are probably more out there like him. Just the difference is that he is on media unlike others.


  • Thanks @bobsyouruncle.

    Not sure why I was reading some people on here discounting the online uni and Dahn connection. It's also been suggested that Dahn world has connection to politicians in high positions. K netz actually traced it out but I'm not going to post that here since that's going in territories I would rather not touch. And of course if you add the suspicion that BSH is a member and also that some of Hybe upper folks may also be members, well it adds up to some pretty interesting story.

    Anyone who's discounting the connection between the university and DahnWorld is either ignorant or being purposefully obtuse because it's one of the only things in this cult conspiracy that is an undeniable fact, it's public information that the founder of DahnWorld is the same person that founded the Global Cyber University.

    Also, this is somewhat related but right now there's also a video that contains contents of an old video of his circulating in k-forums and in this video he mentions that the students of Global Cyber University all learn "Brain Education" which is specifically a technique he developed and teaches in the cult.

    ETA: i didn't realise that i'm replying to a translation of the exact post i was referring to :cryingr:

    anyways, here's the video that's being referenced above and where he mentions that ALL the students learn "Brain Education" as part of their curriculum.



    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



    Edited 9 times, last by bobsyouruncle ().

  • If I remember it correctly there are accusations that there are elements of brainwashing in their "education" and other undesirable things from not just Korea but from US too. Someone in reddit shared that they used to offer these courses online until 2019 or so.

    Oh and their endorsement of not just cult connected online university but also cult's products. TXT was also getting noted for wearing Dahn World merchandise that costs thousands of dollars. Hybe is breathing life into old allegations and people are digging more into it. Crazy

  • Sorry but I can't understand why the current bang vs min and hybe vs ador became BTS rant? Aren't they in military? Is this how usually works here? I personally don't think everything should be connected to BTS, its boring.

    This is a separate topic. People are just using BTS to show that Hybe has connection to the cult under discussion. These allegations have been with BTS since their early years. But now with Hybe always using BTS name and framing it in such a way that they stand front and center, some people have refocused on old BTS scandals and started digging out old allegations and bringing new materials to support those allegations.

  • I honestly don't think BTS members is in the cult or know of the cult (at least not until recently). What likely happens is that they are artists under HYBE and BSH and executives were using their fame and credibility to push for that University or whatever relationships he had with the President. Using them as 'famous person do this so you should too', which is disingenuous and disrespectful to their fans.

    In the video you can even see the President pushing the brand BTS out so consumers, newer fans, would probably want to join because BTS name is there. Its unfortunate, but seems like BSH gave permission or the green light for this President to outright nominate BTS. If anything, its time for fans to questions BSH and HYBE.

    Since BTS brand is huge, they will be associated with anything relating to HYBE whether the fans like it or not. If I were to make an example, MMM would probably be associated with RBW for ANYTHING RBW related. That's how I feel, because those groups are the flagship. We don't like it, but its the public that put them on the chopping block.

    This issue is hot because of the on-going battle, Im sure it will eventually die down like any other things in the long run. Unless we change for the better, and really make corporations take responsibility.


  • Agreed on the university.

    It's so self-evidently Danhworld. The question prompts is why can the Cyber University extensively use 'BTS' on their promos and why are, with I guess the noticeable exception of a Block B member, the BTS members the only major idols to have attended this Uni.

    There are definitely links there, with the University's seemingly free use of using BTS on promotional materials implies implicit acceptance by Hybe.

    Lots of things could be coincidence, or just hearsay, or just tenuous connections (like the omg mv) but the University can't be avoided by Hybe. Why did the BTS members go there of all places?

  • This is a separate topic. People are just using BTS to show that Hybe has connection to the cult under discussion. These allegations have been with BTS since their early years. But now with Hybe always using BTS name and framing it in such a way that they stand front and center, some people have refocused on old BTS scandals and started digging out old allegations and bringing new materials to support those allegations.

    Okay but what does that connected (alleged) cult do? Like is there any hint of information about it or we are saying its a thing and it's bad and everything is part the plan since beginning (time when BTS was created) this is interesting to know. I for one don't think there is much difference between a so called cult or some fanatics of few major religions.

  • Okay but what does that connected (alleged) cult do? Like is there any hint of information about it or we are saying its a thing and it's bad and everything is part the plan since beginning (time when BTS was created) this is interesting to know. I for one don't think there is much difference between a so called cult or some fanatics of few major religions.

    It's guilt by association. BTS works for BH/HYBE, which is controlled by BSH, and there's several little connections between HYBE and organizations founded by Ilchi Lee, who has several controversial issues behind him. The cult, SA and wrongful death lawsuits, spreading of pseudoscience and all sorts of New Age bullshit that clearly is just there to manipulate and scam people out of money.

    And I'm sure you know how people love to call out others using guilt by association. You work for a company who's boss is friends with a homophobe, you're no better than the homophobe. You get your drinks from a company that supports Israel which is killing Palestinians, you are a Zionist. It's really just bad publicity for HYBE, and indirectly to BTS. The cult seems well connected, so probably nothing is going to happen to them and their money schemes. The "cult" is probably where BSH found investors to help with his business. Everything in the world runs through connections.

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  • Well if that LSH founder's claims are true, most likely idols who attends that online uni likely goes through their indoctrination/"education" class too.

  • It's guilt by association. BTS works for BH/HYBE, which is controlled by BSH, and there's several little connections between HYBE and organizations founded by Ilchi Lee, who has several controversial issues behind him. The cult, SA and wrongful death lawsuits, spreading of pseudoscience and all sorts of New Age bullshit that clearly is just there to manipulate and scam people out of money.


    And I'm sure you know how people love to call out others using guilt by association. You work for a company who's boss is friends with a homophobe, you're no better than the homophobe. You get your drinks from a company that supports Israel which is killing Palestinians, you are a Zionist. It's really just bad publicity for HYBE, and indirectly to BTS. The cult seems well connected, so probably nothing is going to happen to them and their money schemes. The "cult" is probably where BSH found investors to help with his business. Everything in the world runs through connections.

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    Thank you for letting me know, I never knew the problem with cult was actually forced/manipulative piramid scheme which is against the law.

    Ever been to faith healing session and all those "gatherings" which requires donation to "spread goodness" but all it does is letting the priest buy new luxury cars? :p

    This is realistically impossible and illogical, if you want to boycott everything related to Israel then you even have to boycott almost all foods as they contribute a lot in modern farming methods and meat as well as food for the animals in farm also comes from farming through them, also majority of fertilizer are made is russia, atleast raw material for it.

    I hope the artists (the directors, staff, idols, trainers) don't face the heat of this issue which I think they are right now.

  • Rofl. This is a karma for the people who always calling bp high-school dropouts - calling them stvpid etc, while apparently their idols attending online cult school lol. Brain education lol

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