[UPDATE: Countries not even ranking in top 30 get concerts anyway]. Dreamcatcher Company and MyMusicTaste are "blackmailing" Insomnias into buying the chance for concerts in their country

  • So here's a novel take.

    While not a huge group Dreamcatcher has a very passionate fanbase in LatAm and parts of SEA (and Australia to a degree). Fans from those countries have been begging for years for DC to tour in those countries.

    Instead Dreamcatcher Company and the tour promoter they use, MyMusicTaste, has done at least three US/NA tours in the past two years, and are starting a Europe one (they did Europe only a few years back).

    So DCC/MMT have heard fans pleas in other countries and responded.

    In the dumbest way possible

    By "blackmailing" fans.

    They are asking fans to buy a fairly expensive "kit" ($77usd plus high shipping). Has a shirt, poster, tarot card deck and then usual other kpop things like photocards. When you buy, you get to "invite" Dreamcatcher to a city of your choice.

    If 777 people "invite" (read buy kits) DC to a city, DCC/MMT will "look into" doing concerts there. Not guaranteed, just look into. If fans from that city contribute at least $60,000usd.

    It's been received about as well as you'd expect, with more than a few organised boycotts against the kits, DCC/MMT and against Dreamcatcher themselves.

    Personally as much as I'd love Dreamcatcher to come to Australia, I'm not doing this. This is souring me again on Dreamcatcher, and I've been getting disillusioned with them in recent months.

    Also think this is a bad precedent. If it does do well, it'll encourage other smaller companies to try expensive blackmail games for things like tours.

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  • I am ok with it.

    Sure it is more expensive than people posting in social media, but it also gives companies a better idea if support is legit or just all cheap talk.

    Retweeting cost nothing, but if you buy a kit, you are committed.

    A better idea would be to make it contingent on reaching the goal.

    So you pay for the kit, but you get nothing until other 776 people buy it, if that number is not reached by some date, you get the option to still get the kit or your money back.

  • so it's sorta like crowd funding but no really?


    Yeah. I guess that's one way of putting it. I Mean sure you do get some goodies, but people are essentially crowdfundimg the possibility of a concert that still might not happen even if the goal is hit.

    I kind of get that but the data would already exist in album sales (and sales of the not insignificant amount of other merch DCC cranks out).

    The kit is also more expensive than $77 for fans in some areas. For me in in Australia it's about $110usd after shipping fees. That's a lot of coin for more bookshelf fodder and a "maybe". Bearing in mind the tickets themselves for a concert will still cost a lot and the kit won't get you a cheaper ticket.

    People from other countries are reporting shipping equal to or even more than the cost of the kit as well.

    It feels slimy

  • Yeah. I guess that's one way of putting it. I Mean sure you do get some goodies, but people are essentially crowdfundimg the possibility of a concert that still might not happen even if the goal is hit.

    I guess one gets the "goodies" upfront so that's at least some silver lining but I guess from a marketing perspective they are testing the waters to determine if there will be a sizeable enough demand so the company knows roughly if they decide to go ahead with a concert to know how much capacity to book??

  • Yeah, I can see how that can feel slimy.

  • They just need to add a meal voucher to that kit and they'd be good to go.

  • I kind of get that but the data would already exist in album sales (and sales of the not insignificant amount of other merch DCC cranks out).

    Can album sales and merch be tracked to a particular city? That seems unlikely, unless everyone agrees to use their official store. As slimy as this strategy might seem, it's probably an easier and more practical way to guesstimate real demand.

  • Sounds like merchandise sales gimmick. Buy Merch for a chance to win.

    A bit of a ripoff with low value items and overpriced S&H. Better PR would be a kit of higher market value items. A Shirt, Album package and Light-stick.

  • This is ridiculous.

    If they really want to know, they can give some kind of key with a normal album and a normal price, and that they can use to log in and vote for a location. That shows people with genuine in interest in a Dreamcatcher concert (as opposed to a like on instagram) without this weird set up.

    Don't like that they have a goal and then still only 'look into it' when it's met.

    BTS did concerts in multiple locations in South America, Australia and South East Asia in their 2014-2015 tour. That was when Kpop (and BTS) was far less big than it was now, and even then it was clear that the exact three locations you mentioned have Kpop fans and enough to fill venues.

    I checked for albums sold between BTS: 2014 and Dreamcatcher: 2023 as a very crude indicator of interest to see if 2014: BTS and 2023: Dreamcatcher can be compared. BTS had more albums sold but it's not an extreme amount more. If they do one Australian location (instead of BTS's 2), and do 2 SEA locations (instead of BTS's 6) etc, it is very likely that fans with a bit of money will hop over to a nearby country to see their faves.

    Also, Dreamcatcher is the kind of group that has a lot of multi fans support. I don't even stan them, but I would likely buy a ticket if they came to my doorstep.

    It's a bit sad some Kpop companies still see anything that is not East-Asia, the US and Western Europe as Terra Nullius when it comes to Kpop, while it's been clear for many years that South America and SEA have loads of Kpop fans.

  • The Dreamcacther/DCC/MMT "Buy some shit to prove we should tour in your country" gimmick is proof why I hate this concept.

    As of June 7th, according to a post... elsewhere... this is the top country rankings in terms of "who has bought the most overpriced shit":

    Spoiler due to list length

    So CLEARLY there is demand in Canada, Australia and Japan. Canada and Australia in particular have smaller kpop communities but obviously showing the demand by pulling above their weight class and being clearly in the Top 10.

    So waht does MMT/DCC do with these results?

    Announce concerts in the 28th ranking country and two countries that don't even rank... And under the banner of the same "tour", Luck Inside 7 Doors, that this scam of a contest is on

    r/dreamcatcher - Dreamcatcher 2024 World Tour [Luck Inside 7 Doors] in Latin America - Tickets Open Announcement (240607 DC Twitter)

    Why the f*ck ask fans to buy buy buy to get a concert in your country if you aren't going to follow that and jsut give concerts to rando places anyway?

  • ThePhantomThief

    Changed the title of the thread from “Dreamcatcher Company and MyMusicTaste are "blackmailing" Insomnias into buying the chance for concerts in their country” to “[UPDATE: Countries not even ranking in top 30 get concerts anyway]. Dreamcatcher Company and MyMusicTaste are "blackmailing" Insomnias into buying the chance for concerts in their country”.
  • they are risking a lot with it

    they are already 7th year old group

    I know they've signed new deals

    but let's be honest at some point they've lost their "hitmakers" producers

    recent comebacks weren't as good musically

    they have huge fanbase overseas

    but at one point they might stop buying albums if they are "forced" to buy goods

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  • I have not seen any numbers on how well they are selling their tour.

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