Why Newjeans wearing wigs make kpop fans in twitter mad?

  • First with Hanni and then Danielle, over a freaking wigs. Hanni get tons of hate and shades from kpop fans there comparing her with other blonde idols. Danielle short wig get some fans mad because she copying their idols and saying Ador hate her for giving her that short hair.

    Why non fans care about other idols hair that much? I know twitter is a weird place but idk that people gatekeeping hairstyles that much there or care that much over other idols styles.

  • First with Hanni and then Danielle, over a freaking wigs. Hanni get tons of hate and shades from kpop fans there comparing her with other blonde idols. Danielle short wig get some fans mad because she copying their idols and saying Ador hate her for giving her that short hair.

    Why non fans care about other idols hair that much? I know twitter is a weird place but idk that people gatekeeping hairstyles that much there or care that much over other idols styles.

    It will be better if you add some more information like which wig are we talking about and which idol are fans accusing her of copying

  • umm cultural appropriation?

    ironically, since nj’s image is so vanilla and harmless (to the point some people claim they’re boring) and their concept is so far removed from the typical girlboss wave of “feminism” in recent years, which normally borrows elements of black culture in varying degrees, there’s no chance nj will ever do sth that can be misconstrued as “cultural appropriation” in the jobless sphere of the internet, and being “problematic” will probably be the last thing they’ll be dragged for by stan twitter lol. Hence only stupid conspiracies and dumb things to get mad over, like this, arising i guess :pepe-cringe:

  • ironically, since nj’s image is so vanilla and harmless (to the point some people claim they’re boring) and their concept is so far removed from the typical “girlboss” wave of “feminism” in recent years, which normally borrows elements of black culture in varying degrees, there’s no chance nj will ever do sth that can be misconstrued as “cultural appropriation” in the jobless sphere of the internet, and being “problematic” will probably be the last thing they’ll be dragged for by stan twitter lol. Hence only stupid conspiracies and dumb things to get mad over, like this, arising i guess :pepe-cringe:

    they died their hair blonde, clearly using white culture for their own profit


    u r m o m g a y


  • Out of topic but I like idols using wigs more than dyeing their hair in different color for different occasions and for each comeback. It's crazy how some of them are not bald yet with the crazy amount of bleach they used.

    Rosé is lucky she have money to maintain that blonde hair for years cuz I know her scalp is fighting their life really hard each time she bleached her hair.

  • ironically, since nj’s image is so vanilla and harmless (to the point some people claim they’re boring) and their concept is so far removed from the typical girlboss wave of “feminism” in recent years, which normally borrows elements of black culture in varying degrees, there’s no chance nj will ever do sth that can be misconstrued as “cultural appropriation” in the jobless sphere of the internet, and being “problematic” will probably be the last thing they’ll be dragged for by stan twitter lol. Hence only stupid conspiracies and dumb things to get mad over, like this, arising i guess :pepe-cringe:

    typical girlboss wave of "feminism"

    either a woman who hates on women or a sexit pig

    good job on being as toxic as the comments on nj


    standing ovation

    Standing Ovation Gif - IceGif

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


  • spoken like a true someone who doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about :pepe-joy: You should look up what girlboss really entails before running your trap in some sort of foolish outrage and thinking you’re a righteous warrior fighting for good or sth lol

    The term is conversely used with sarcastic and pejorative undertones, to denote women who attempt to raise their professional lives by practicing the same abusive and materialistic practices found in the patriarchal society.

    The current brand of surface-level, subtle-as-a-sledgehammer, lacking-in-nuance, black-and-white feminism prevalent on social media and bleeding onto the outside world is truly a blight on what true feminism should be fighting for and diminishes so much of the efforts made to actually further women’s rights by people who have some sense in their head. It’s honestly fucking disgusting to read some of the shit being said and practiced disguised under the (false) feminism shield, and the worst, most ironic thing is that they actually believed they achieved sth. Braindead lot

  • spoken like a true someone who doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about :pepe-joy: You should look up what girlboss really entails before running your trap in some sort of foolish outrage and thinking you’re a righteous warrior fighting for good or sth lol

    The term is conversely used with sarcastic and pejorative undertones, to denote women who attempt to raise their professional lives by practicing the same abusive and materialistic practices found in the patriarchal society.

    The current brand of surface-level, subtle-as-a-sledgehammer, lacking-in-nuance, black-and-white feminism prevalent on social media and bleeding onto the outside world is truly a blight on what true feminism should be fighting for and diminishes so much of the efforts made to actually further women’s rights by people who have some sense in their head. It’s honestly fucking disgusting to read some of the shit being said and practiced disguised under the (false) feminism shield, and the worst, most ironic thing is that they actually believed they achieved sth. Braindead lot

    bla bla bla :mooning:

    there are all kind of feminist, not just on kind hon. And every one is entitle to do with their being whatever they want. Hide their body, show their body. IF i a girl wants to glow up has the same rights to the one how does not want to shave her legs. So f*ck off and don`t try to tell me WICH KIND OF FEMINISM IS OK :blowing-kiss:

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


  • bla bla bla :mooning:

    there are all kind of feminist, not just on kind hon. And every one is entitle to do with their being whatever they want. Hide their body, show their body. IF i a girl wants to glow up has the same rights to the one how does not want to shave her legs. So f*ck off and don`t try to tell me WICH KIND OF FEMINISM IS OK :blowing-kiss:

    Again, truly spoken like someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about lol

    I never said a damn thing about controlling how women dress or show their skin - that’s obviously an archaic misogynistic thing to do, and it’s nobody’s business but their own. That’s just basic decency lol. Has nothing to do, tho, with my point about faux-feminists who hide behind that label to spew the most vile, hateful shit and display dismissive attitudes towards women who they deem to be an-feminist for stupid, superficial reasons like their outward appearance or interests or attitudes etc. It’s a counter-productive practice and go against real feminist values. That’s not what actual feminism stands for. You lose any credibility you have if you think you can do whatever you want and are above criticism as long as you call yourself a feminist lmao

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