Not that I think he needs to appear like Seungmin and Hyunjin did, don't get me wrong. But It got me thinking how he really needed some time off from idol life.
There was a sequence of situations that got me thinking he didn't seem well. But this month it got worse.
During Stray Kids ' Day 1 concert at Kyocera Dome, he had a couple of missteps and left the stage for some time, cause he wasn't feeling well, then came back. The same day, the other 7 members did a livestream to talk of the fans together, but he didn't appear once in the live.
During the VMAs, he was clearly so off and Chan was constantly close to him
Then, one day before the accident, their appeareance on the Tommy Hilfiger's event made everyone worried about him. He seemed exhausted.
Since then, he disappeared. People asked about him on Bubble Community to Seungmin and he said Lee Know is on his hometown, so probably with his family. But I hope fans stop asking about him to the members so it won't make him anxious thinking he needs to comeback soon.
I just want him to rest and be well.