The best/only leverage YGE has in Blackpink negotiations vs. huge international companies is the BP brand

  • The girls could probably go to almost any of the big international music companies. The companies may be willing to spend huge amounts of money to sign the girls, but there is one thing they definitely cannot give them: use of the "Blackpink" brand/IP, including everything associated with it, like their lightstick design.

    The girls are individually big, but Blackpink is bigger, so losing the ability to use the brand would hurt.

    My opinion: there is nothing that even UMG, or a similar company, can offer (that YGE can't) that could compensate for the loss of the use of Blackpink IP, even if they had no interest in working as part of the group and went 100% solo. The only exception would be if they (Jisoo) left the music industry entirely to pursue other things (acting), but even in that case the brand would still be valuable.

    Of course, they could dislike working in YGE so much that they leave anyway, or work out a contract with YGE that allows them to use the IP, but YGE could charge a ton of money for that if they are willing to let the new company use the IP at all.

    The Five Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
    BP2.jpg Very-Very-Very-Smaller.gif BP1.jpg

  • I don't think the girls care anymore, if this tour and comeback promotion has proved anything is that BP are extremely out of sync in everyway. What is even the point of staying in the group if they will give low performances every 2-3 years?

  • Exactly, that’s why I personally don’t think the girls are renewing. YG has more leverage than blinks realise, if they think the girls can ask for whatever they want, they’re wrong otherwise it would have already been a done deal lol. YG has the power to push back, after all the BP brand belongs to them and they built it. It’s like the biggest leverage lol!! If you see their content without the BP name or not uploaded on their channel, it barely gets the views compared when the BP name is attached. But oc the girls will have their instagram accounts so they can still live off that…

  • For the most part they support ex-artists. Its a family, but a very dysfunctional family.

    Their leverage is also strengthened by signing Rose. They can and were j*erks before, like with Naeun and her apink group promotions.

  • they just dont want to be a group anymore, they are so huge they could pull off leaving together with their brand rights and continuing as a group even on different companies but they just dont want to.

  • Jennie has literally has one solo song in seven years, I don't get why she would re-sign. ONE!

    They can re-sign with yge for group activity and with another label for their solos. If that's an option ofc

    More comebacks is something that YGE could easily provide (hire more staff/producers if necessary). YGE hasn't in the past, but I'm sure they would if Jennie made that a condition for resigning.

    The Five Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
    BP2.jpg Very-Very-Very-Smaller.gif BP1.jpg

  • they just dont want to be a group anymore, they are so huge they could pull off leaving together with their brand rights and continuing as a group even on different companies but they just dont want to.

    YGE's under no obligation to sell the BP IP for any amount of money. It doesn't matter how "huge" the girls are.

    The Five Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
    BP2.jpg Very-Very-Very-Smaller.gif BP1.jpg

  • More comebacks is something that YGE could easily provide (hire more staff/producers if necessary). YGE hasn't in the past, but I'm sure they would if Jennie made that a condition for resigning.

    We are talking about ONE song in seven years. Not 5, ONE. I'm sad for blinks but if i were her I'd sign contract with someone else, someone who will give me opportunity to showcase myself as an artist. There's no excuses for giving jenny only one song. Again, ONE!

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