So, Are Virtual Idols Officially A Hit in Korea?

  • PLAVE, the new virtual BG just sold close to 200k on an album.

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    Just imagine the profit the company is making from that? They have to outsource the vocals of course and have to pay the designers who run the programs to make PLAVE possible. But still, in comparison to not having to pay to train, not having to pay to feed, not having to pay to house, not having to pay for stylists, make-up artists, clothes, stages, managers....

    Sure, they won't get the additional moneys from guest appearances, fanmeets, performances, etc. But if they're sales continue to grow... :eyes:

    Not only that, but virtual GG has been climbing the charts digitally.

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    Like, I didn't think I'd see this happening so soon, and we are? :skull:



    Edited 2 times, last by keyboardwarrior7 ().

  • 200k??????? :pepestare:

    I mean, we shouldn't be surprised right?

    Korea is also the home of a huge manhwa and gamer industry.

    People literally already stan those non-living figures from like League of Legends, Overwatch, etc. It just took one genius to be able to successfully tap into that marketing by combining KPOP.

    I was not expecting PLAVE to be such a big hit, but those same fangirls who like 2D men probably also like this. Plus, their music is actually not bad.



  • keyboardwarrior7

    Changed the title of the thread from “So, Are AI Idols Officially A Hit in Korea?” to “So, Are Virtual Idols Officially A Hit in Korea?”.
  • How would a dating scandal between two virtual groups members play out?

    Well one virtual member of Girl group was allowed to leave the group.

    Bullying or dating scandal?


    After only a few months since their debut, netizens are confused, is Zena allowed to leave the group despite being an AI idol?

    link to article

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  • I almost believed this lol.

    Even though it makes no damn sense.



  • That one is fake Mave company still has ownership of Zena character recently they posted a real on Instagram using her character

    Other than that I'm not surprised about Ai idols becoming popular I mean there is a whole Miku Hatsune existing with her fellow vocaloids

  • like this discussion is inherently fucking stupid.

    Cause these are all real people.

    Some of them being former idols.

    This is like looking at a user on a forum and going "oh they must be their avatar"

    They're just singers using anonminity.

    Holy shit, how the fuck are y'all this inept that you think this is the same thing as computer generated voice?

  • No one even said what you are referring to lol.

    You're getting triggered over something no one even said. :skull:



  • All virtual things are inherently cringe

    but maybe we can reserve the inhuman things that idols are expected to do (not date, not hang out, etc) for these virtual idols and the crazy stans can gravitate towards their “perfection”

    the re :iconpepe: st of us can then support human idols in peace, and let them be human

    True dat.



  • yeah, they are inhuman idols. They are not avatars of the human singers, they are products of the work of the singer, illustrator, animators, marketing team etc etc

    All of that work combines into something that is inhuman and perfect for the stan who needs parasocial perfection and no humanity whatsoever

  • yeah, they are inhuman idols. They are not avatars of the human singers, they are products of the work of the singer, illustrator, animators, marketing team etc etc

    All of that work combines into something that is inhuman and perfect for the stan who needs parasocial perfection and no humanity whatsoever

    This is fucking stupid. The fact that they are actively created and the content prpduced by persons and not an algorithm meams they human products.

    They're as easily capable of all the flaws and faux pas of any normal person cause that's all they are. Normal people with an avatar.

    Would you call yourself with a randomly generated powerpuff girl avatar an inhuman thing?

    Cause what you're doing right now is ostensibly no different than what those idols are doing.

  • there’s no need to lose your shit over this

    human products are not human, simple as that. they have no autonomy, no output that isn’t decided by workmates, no desire to satisfy a creative urge that simply exists

    my randomly generated avatar is just that, I do not try to equate it with my humanity. It’s a single shade of a persona, and I acknowledge it as such

    Virtual idols are less than human, and frankly it’s quite concerning that you have trouble distinguishing between the two

  • Ooo, this is like what Japan did with that one famous avatar singer thingy- Hololive or something, is that the same thing? lol

    Similarly, same as if you're doing vtuber, Twitch streaming and etc. You create a set of persona for it. Maybe its really you, maybe its not. Who knows. But if there's a market, there's a demand~

    It's not like kpop stans aren't already fantasizing with their idols anyways, with this virtual idols, they can still do that. And these idols can sing, so it's a plus too. I'm surprised its not happening sooner tbh. Digital age is crazy for contents. You don't even have to show your face to make money.

    So.. if these idols have a dating scandal with aespa's avatar in Kwangya ..:skull::skull::skull:


  • Tbh I LOVE KDA (music/branding) which is another virtual group but with amazing voices behind them. Pandora from MAVE was a good song too. So if people are liking this new group in a similar way I can understand. :wellr:

    As long as they have good music /good creative mv production I am okay with it. However getting obsessed and delulu about virtual idols on the other hand would be cringe af.

  • I just find your reasoning baffling you can in one vein see how your avatar is a representation of yourself, but at the same time can not intuit that the avatars of these singers are fundamentally no different.

    What is the essential difference between these avatars and the fake personas that idols put up for you on tv or in person?

    They're equally as manufactured and not representative of the person behind them.

  • I just find your reasoning baffling you can in one vein see how your avatar is a representation of yourself, but at the same time can not intuit that the avatars of these singers are fundamentally no different.

    What is the essential difference between these avatars and the fake personas that idols put up for you on tv or in person?

    They're equally as manufactured and not representative of the person behind them.

    because I recognise that that human idol is human and they have a rich inner life of which one part is being an idol

    the virtual idol at best is like a movie. Entertaining, well made, and something I could admire as an object created by genuine creatives. But it’s never going to be relatable or sympathetic as a being in itself

  • because I recognise that that human idol is human and they have a rich inner life of which one part is being an idol

    the virtual idol at best is like a movie. Entertaining, well made, and something I could admire as an object created by genuine creatives. But it’s never going to be relatable or sympathetic as a being in itself

    This is fucking dumb semantics.

    It's not like these virtual idols are all prerecorded Activities with no active engagement with people.

    As someone mentioned, some of them are vtubers, which means they actively engage with their audience.

    Which compared to some idols who have the bare minimum in terms of active engagement is less movie like.

    You're basically saying one is not like the other over a completely arbitrary line.

  • vtubers (or YouTubers tbh) are a really low bar and I don’t see their appeal

    I can’t see myself ever buying tickets for a virtual idol, for that matter. the energy and spontaneity of a good live show is not being replaced any time soon

    I’ve had enough of my young years in front of screens and with covid around. to try and pretend that a cartoon is the same as a human is just a worse option with no real upside.

    and to call the difference between humans and well-made code “semantics” is again, concerning


  • Wait I read some of their comments and I thought they were vtubers lol what

    I just Googled, and it seems like Isegye Idol is a Vtuber Idol group that was created by a Twitch streamer. They were auditioned and cast specifically to be in the group and then stream on Twitch.

    PLAVE, I don't think is a Vtuber thing.



  • I didn't ask you what you think is worth your money or not. It doesn't mattee in the least to me.

    And it's not the difference between humans and well made code. It's the difference between people putting on a facade likely thought up by other people and people putting on a facade that was tangibly made by other people.

    But they're still people. They didn't code the singing or the talking or the personas.

    An avatar doesn't change that. Just like I don't suddenly assume you're not a person and are actually just a chatbot.

  • I think your argument works for a group like Isegye Idol since they are Vtubers, but I think it gets shaky when you look at groups like PLAVE and Mave who are literally given scripts to act out to voice a character.

    The character can always exist, but they can easily change who voices the characters. Much like how they do for KDA. They probably won't have fixed voices actors, so it's little bit different to associate them with being human. Just like you wouldn't associate a cartoon with being human.



  • people are trying to equate the human and the virtual idol. doesn’t that seem weird to you? My avatar isn’t trying to be a human, it’s not the same as you claiming the equality of humans and walls of pretty code

    virtual idols are less interesting, dynamic, and self-actualised. Kpop idols already have limited self-expression and non-humans strip that to unforeseen lows. They take something that could be interesting and dilute it further

    Like I said, at best they are a containment method for those who “need” vacuum-sealed perfection

  • people are trying to equate the human and the virtual idol. doesn’t that seem weird to you? My avatar isn’t trying to be a human, it’s not the same as you claiming the equality of humans and walls of pretty code

    virtual idols are less interesting, dynamic, and self-actualised. Kpop idols already have limited self-expression and non-humans strip that to unforeseen lows. They take something that could be interesting and dilute it further

    Like I said, at best they are a containment method for those who “need” vacuum-sealed perfection

    Out of curiosity, what would your thoughts be on robot idols (we are all headed there eventually :oops: tho idk if we will see one in our lifetime) ? They can have a physical presence and be scripted personas like idols.

  • people are trying to equate the human and the virtual idol. doesn’t that seem weird to you? My avatar isn’t trying to be a human, it’s not the same as you claiming the equality of humans and walls of pretty code

    virtual idols are less interesting, dynamic, and self-actualised. Kpop idols already have limited self-expression and non-humans strip that to unforeseen lows. They take something that could be interesting and dilute it further

    Like I said, at best they are a containment method for those who “need” vacuum-sealed perfection

    No, cause it's incredibly easy to have the empathy and wherewithal to realize there is a person there.

    Of course your avatar isn't trying to be a person. It's the ability intuit that there is a person writing where that avatar is.

    You as a person go beyond just your face. Tone, body movement, vernacular. All of those things are inherently human and can be conveyed without actually looking at a flesh and blood person

    it's like I'm talking to someone who has no peripheral vision whatsoever

    You're acting like you'd be utterly perplexed if you heard the voice of someone around a corner.

  • you’re limited to the physical aspects of humanity, maybe that explains why you seem to equate animations with humans

    the flesh and blood person is the point, that is the happy accident, and that is what can’t be coded in

  • you’re limited to the physical aspects of humanity, maybe that explains why you seem to equate animations with humans

    the flesh and blood person is the point, that is the happy accident, and that is what can’t be coded in

    you are utterly confounding. I'm not talking about animations coded into a prescripted video.

    I'm speaking about things like a person's voice and their captured motions.

    The fact that you can conflate voice with animations and code is baffling.

    You keep saying my responses are conceening, but every subsequent post seems to suhgest such a lack of perceptiveness of being that doesn't go beyond what you can see that I really gotta question your basis.

  • it’s pretty clear to me that there’s a difference and it’s for the worse

    captured animations, all virtual, unreal and designed to simulate a real person. there could have instead be a real person

    what is the justification for the extra barriers between the “performer” and the audience?

    and secondly, what is the appeal?

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