Former US intelligence Agent claims aliens are REAL and that the US government is in possession of alien bodies and aircraft

  • Former US intelligence official David Grusch claims under oath that aliens exist and that the US government is in possession of UFOs and non-human bodies.

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  • Perhaps, not really distraction but related to the establishment of the new U.S force, space security. This force is meant to be official within next year. No info of what this force will do but, much of its manpower will be in quantum computer.

    The *SPACE FORCE* (USA Military Division = *Equivalent* as ARMY , NAVY , AIR FORCE , etc) will be looking to spend *MONEY* ($$$$) on the creation of (Attack Laser Beam) *HUNTER-KILLER* Satellites in (Orbiting) Space ... It will be the *re-visiting* of (ex-USA PREZ) Ronnie Reagan (1980s) and the *STAR WARS* Military Spending *ORGY* ... This should give USA House Rep. Ms. MTGreene something actually *valid* to RANT ENDLESSLY about it ... I would suggest that Ms. MTG does 'lay off' the notion that JEWS are controlling the ATTACK LASER BEAMS located in SPACE though.
    Plus , how MUCH MONEY ($$$) was spent on USA NAVY NUCLEAR SUBMARINES with 'MIRV' Warhead Missile Capability ??? ... And NOT ONE MISSILE from them ever actually FIRED at any nation yet (just as well) ... The *STAR WARS* Spending for the 21st Century should *DWARF* the spending of the Reagan STAR WARS years (1980s) ... Of course , REAGAN was going to SHARE the STAR WARS Technology with the RUSSIANS at the time for FREE (no cost to them) ... So that the *BALANCE OF POWER* (Nuclear Weapons) would continue to keep 'us' all safe ... 'Happy Days are HERE AGAIN' (song) for the USA MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (ex-USA PREZ Eisenhower) as I see it = *USA Military SPACE FORCE* ... The *corruption* (MONEY SPENDING + STEALING) should be *OFF THE CHARTS* in GIGANTIC SIZE ... Always remember , USA will NEVER BE SAFE ENOUGH , right ??? ... :joy: :)

    So here (me) , looking forward to (USA House Leader) 'Tail Gooner' McCarthy announcing *INCREASED SPENDING* on SPACE 'DEFENSE' is needed ... And also *located* with CALIFORNIA (State) based High Tech firms ... And finally , 'TG' McCarthy will be *certain* to do a Photo Op with *GROVER NORQUIST* = The USA Government *BALANCED BUDGET* is VERY IMPORTANT too , right ??? ... :wink:

    Edited 9 times, last by krell ().

  • Beginning to sound like a James Bond movie. Killer satellites is the main Plot in multiple Bond movies.

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    Space Force is logical separation of Military purpose and mission. Before Space Force the US Air Force handled most of the Space based projects. Like how the US Air Force was created relieving the US Army of handling Aircraft.

    Super Power Military is mind boggling huge.

    Picture below shows Military aircraft flying, at least the ones their allowing to be seen. It changes depending time of day. But this is typical distribution. US is 99% of Military flying in the World. Even in other Countries there are US military aircraft. Types of Aircraft the US are flying are of the most serious.

    Screenshot 2023-07-31 153611.png

    Navy Laser test.

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  • Cool story but we've already got a lot going on

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  • Beginning to sound like a James Bond movie. Killer satellites is the main Plot in multiple Bond movies ... Space Force is logical separation of Military purpose and mission.

    Is ELON MUSK actually *HUGO DRAX* ('Moonraker' = Ian Fleming BOND book) reincarnated (cloned) ??? ... :wink:

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