Not too many people know this , although I have said this at least for the 1,344th time, but arguably the singer with the largest fandom in Korea is - IU.
(I will exclude trottists like Lim youngwoong from discussion since they belong to a league of their own and are not relevant for this discussion.)
Armies are still sizeable but most younger Koreans have moved on to newer acts, and about half, probably more than that of BTS events in Korea are attended by foreigners.
When the number of fandoms are announced the companies do not really specify the percentage of foreign fans, but given the concert sizes of acts which sell millions of copies in Korea, the core number of Korean fans who do make to the concerts would be fairly small. Even BlackPink stays at the Gymnastics Arena, 11,000 capacity, with a sizable number of attendees being non-Koreans.
Again the existence of Lee Jieun provides a benchmark. It is said that the recent Uaena (Lee Jieun's fan club), whose only benefit is preferential chance to buy Lee Jieun's concert tickets, was around 60,000. IU has few foreign fans who will attend her concerts.
Wouldn't other industry insiders notice t his fact as well? If the best known singer in Korea can only muster 60,000 loyal fans, the acts which are less known in there would be mustering much less number of core fans.
i wrote this last year
The Handball arena
5,000 seats .…dNo=22009002&dispNo=01003
(1 US$ = about 1,300 KRW)

First week sales of Manifesto album - 1,241,000
Three Kinds
Gymnastics Arena (KSPO dome)
11,000 seats
Stray Kids…c-seoul-special-unveil-11
(Link, image not available yet)
Their last album, ODDINARY, sold a total of 853K in the first week
Three editions, normal, limited and jewel…
Stray kids arguably sold the most albums in the world on 2023. The only contender is SVT, which is also less known - the only member who is kinda of known to the Koreans is Seungkwan since only he tends to show himself in variety shows. BSS tends to release songs more palatable to the Koreans, but SVT as a whole is more geared toward foreign fans. When SVT showed up in IU's Palette which is geared towards koreans only, out of 5 members who showed up 3 were BSS, another (Woozi) was BSS's producer and only one had little to do with BSS which is more geared toward its Korean fans.
Stray kids have not really tried to appeal towards Koreans. They do maintain their Korean fans since JYP has other acts which do need Korea at the earlier stages, but do not really spend too much effort to get more love from Koreans.
The Koreans think Fifty Fifty is finished because it will lose its Korean fandom. When did FF have a Korean fandom? They lose what they never really head, which means nothing. They don't give a crap about losing Korea.
Ironically IU's activities revealed how unimportant Korean fandoms are; it is good to have, but not essential and if these acts have more appeal to the international fans, it is better to serve them and not make their fewer Korean fans to wag the dog.