Do you feel this way for groups you support to?

  • So I've been thinking about this for a little while and because I got rid of Twitter and Instagram last month, I have nowhere to ask it but here.

    I had this group I followed since pre debut till now, (they had 8.9K followers pre debut, and it took them a long time to reach 10K let alone 100K). I won't say to much, but since appearing on Peak Time (they are one of the most popular groups on the show) and they gained so much attention and I felt so happy for them!

    I'm not sure why, but I feel so guilty clicking unfollow on Youtube while part of me says, 'I supported them for so long and streamed so many songs back to back for them, promoted them a lot, was one of the first to post about them on twitter. 'It's okay to step back, they have so many good fans to support them now, look what they achieved cause of the show. They are getting recognized.'

    Although yes sometimes I will help with makestar or support certain events, I just feel like a bad fan. Which is weird cause I was the biggest fan for 2.5 years.

    Is this pretty normal? Do you feel this way sometimes? (I should stop making threads, I feel like any of the one's you see aren't always positive, sorry everyone, it's true. I just don't have another place to ask, sorry).

  • but why are you unfollowing them? did you stopped liking them long ago? or they just lost their appeal to you after they become popular?

    personally I dont feel guilty if I naturally stopped liking a group

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  • You and your sister seem to have the same issues.

    you second guess everything you do.

    it's not wrong if you stopped liking a group i stopped following vanner after they did the same thing over and over and over and over and over again for the longest time, then went in a direction of music that i dont' reallly enjoy. I hope they bounce back to the sound that I did enjoy now that they have a whole team. I follow them just to see what they are up to but I dont' feel guilty about anything. musical tastes change.

  • but why are you unfollowing them? did you stopped liking them long ago? or they just lost their appeal to you after they become popular?

    personally I dont feel guilty if I naturally stopped liking a group

    Yes, I think you can address your reason why you want to unfollow them. BebeCarat-0

    I haven't leave any group yet, but I do take a break sometimes and it's because I had some things or works to do that I need to focus my time on it.

    So perhaps rather than fully unfollow them, you could just take a break for a while? If that suits you, and based on your reason why.

  • I think we need to normalise that each person will enjoy their favs in their own way

    some are sasaengs and will break into their fav's houses

    others buy multiple albums

    others will only listen to the TT

    regardless of how you enjoy your favs you shouldn't feel bad and nobody else should make you feel bad for how you stan

  • but why are you unfollowing them? did you stopped liking them long ago? or they just lost their appeal to you after they become popular?

    personally I dont feel guilty if I naturally stopped liking a group

    Hm I guess looking back after I deleted Instagram it was around the same time I turned the notifications off for the group. I've slowly stopped watching their content although I still do enjoy some of their songs in my comfort playlist as they are songs that really helped me during down times.

    Thank you for commenting

  • You and your sister seem to have the same issues.

    you second guess everything you do.

    it's not wrong if you stopped liking a group i stopped following vanner after they did the same thing over and over and over and over and over again for the longest time, then went in a direction of music that i dont' reallly enjoy. I hope they bounce back to the sound that I did enjoy now that they have a whole team. I follow them just to see what they are up to but I dont' feel guilty about anything. musical tastes change.

    I have been told that before, I totally understand where you are coming from.

    I'm actually working really hard on feeling guilty, I will definitely be better about it.

    You could definitely be right about the musical tastes changing, I think that's what it could be.

    Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  • Yes, I think you can address your reason why you want to unfollow them. BebeCarat-0

    I haven't leave any group yet, but I do take a break sometimes and it's because I had some things or works to do that I need to focus my time on it.

    So perhaps rather than fully unfollow them, you could just take a break for a while? If that suits you, and based on your reason why.

    I actually get where you are coming from a lot, I still follow them on Spotify and one of their fanbases (like those accounts that always re posts the latest updates), I'm thinking the same thing to.

    Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  • 'I think we need to normalise each person will enjoy their favs in their own way', I think this is something really well said. And yes, I totally agree with your spoiler as well.

    I think as long as we are able to be respectful and known our boundaries is the best thing.

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, it means a lot.

  • 'I think we need to normalise each person will enjoy their favs in their own way', I think this is something really well said. And yes, I totally agree with your spoiler as well.

    I think as long as we are able to be respectful and known our boundaries is the best thing.

    Thank you for taking the time to comment, it means a lot.

    no probs just enjoy your favs (or not) in your own way

    I've always said as well that the silent majority is often drowned out by the vocal minority...

    the majority of fans enjoy their favs in peace and quite and don't need to make a million twitter posts about how good their favs are or taking jabs at their "opposition"

    the problematic fans however will never be quiet and regardless of whether it's kpop or other music or other hobby they will always give the fandom/activity a bad name...

  • I never feel guilty in unstanning a group. I unstanned them either because I didn't like their music anymore or got bored of their personalities. I tend to be a loyal kind of fan who will stan a group far longer than most people, but I do have to let go sooner or later. I hardly think a group is going to bundle up and disband just because of one fan leaving a fandom.

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