Stray kids vs nct and red Velvet and twice is a thing but none of these come close to above mentioned fanwars especially onces and blinks you can't unsee without bickering about each other in twitter.
sm and yg fans
Stray kids vs nct and red Velvet and twice is a thing but none of these come close to above mentioned fanwars especially onces and blinks you can't unsee without bickering about each other in twitter.
Reveluvs vs onces toned down after some years because it was clear that Red Velvet was behind BP and Twice popularity wise. The same reason you would see Exo-Ls and Armys fighting a lot, but nobody would bother to drag ahgases (got7 fandom).
I should have phrased myself better to avoid confusion, I didn't mean SM (as company) destroyed YG, rather that SM did much better job long term and now both companies are not on the same field. The time also proved SM business model to be the one that works the best. So SM won in the end.
JYP stans were not company stans because there was not JYP stans to start. Even 2PM was selling half of what boygroups in mid tier companies were selling. Twice was the first group in JYP to have a sizeable fandom, so before Twice they were not at the same playing field as SM or YG, the company was just much smaller to a point I never even understood why they were part of Big3, in my mind there was only a Big2 with JYP being closer to Cube or FNC than SM/YG
Yes, pretty much agree. JYP was considered part of the big 3 because of its age, being a company that was big in the 1st gen kinda just carried over even though their 2nd gen stuff was a bit more middling.
Only other thing I would say is I think JYP kept in the normie-public conscience for a long time better than most companies. People like Rain (I know he left JYP but I think the association remained), Sunmi, Suzi, 15& etc were pretty famous to average non-idol stans. I think stuff like kinda adds to why JYP remained in people's minds as big 3, and also helped boost its market capital, which has generally been Big 3 competitive, despite its actual revenue being lower.
Yes, pretty much agree. JYP was considered part of the big 3 because of its age, being a company that was big in the 1st gen kinda just carried over even though their 2nd gen stuff was a bit more middling.
Only other thing I would say is I think JYP kept in the normie-public conscience for a long time better than most companies. People like Rain (I know he left JYP but I think the association remained), Sunmi, Suzi, 15& etc were pretty famous to average non-idol stans. I think stuff like kinda adds to why JYP remained in people's minds as big 3, and also helped boost its market capital, which has generally been Big 3 competitive, despite its actual revenue being lower.
JYP artists used to release many hit songs, so they indeed have high mindshare but JYP as a company was mediocre at everything else, with their management being outright awful. Wonder Girls management was particularly wild. Miss A had yearly comebacks only to sell the company image, because their music schedule was noexistent and they didn't have a fandom, nowadays the group is all but forgotten except being being "Suzy & Girls" despite their numerous hits
2PM had many hits, but after some years were reduced as touring slaves in Japan because they were the only financially viable JYP group. The lack of fandom content outside Japan made their sales to peak fast until they eventually decreased
2AM just disappeared? They used to have many hits as well
The most you look at, the worst JYP situation looks. It's not like their artists were unknown or did not show potential, but the company seemed to be completely clueless about how to run their business. Twice really saved their assess
Maybe because Once and JYP stans attacked their bias groups of fans of SM groups the most, compared with other fandoms who did this far less?
I can only speak for myself, but in 2nd gen era I really couldn't stand Blackjacks and YG stans, for the very simple reason that they were the main ones who were constantly bashing, shading and ridiculing SNSD nonstop, for every single thing. On top of that I heavily disliked YG as a person, with his grooming and careerblocking his wife when she was an idol at his company since she was 13 years old, his excessive boasting and bragging (I dislike nonstop braggers), the way he treated his female artists etcetera.
I expected this antipathy to continue with YG in 3rd gen era, seeing how many Blackjacks became Blinks. However, it went totally different with Blinks not acting like Blackjacks in 2nd gen times, but instead generally being either neutral or supportive towards Red Velvet and Reveluv. Oddly, surprisingly it was Blinks as a whole that caused my cold dislike towards YG stans/stans of YG groups to melt away till nothing remains, and I'm grateful for that: it showed to me that feuds and negative feelings don't need to last forever but can fade out over time.
As a twist, in 3rd gen times most of the shading and bashing of the SM groups I liked seemed to come from Once and JYP stans, on top of that pretending not to be company stans but at the same time accusing everyone and anyone who liked at least 1 SM group or even defended or spoke positively of an SM group to be an SM stan, and so on.
My guess is it's the same with the intense Once-Blink feuds over the years: it doesn't matter who started what anymore, because after a while people simply start to grow dislike towards the fandom(s) that attack their own bias groups the most. And sometimes, for some that bleeds into being more biased against the bias group that the bashing fandom are stans of.
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