Will Fifty Fifty's owner become its worst enemy? Possible

  • Fifty Fifty's owner has experience in showbiz and marketed it towards foreign markets since he saw very little chance of it succeeding in K-O-R-E-A.

    But, at this critical point, he is making quite a lot of questionable moves.

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    What the hell is it doing in K-O-R-E-A?

    Plus he let the lead vocalist have a surgery now and she appears to be out of game for quite a while.

    Is he playing games or what? In most companies, such behavior is not tolerated.

    In my opinion this move is as questionable as Psy's return to K-O-R-E-A to fulfill his contract with the third-rate colleges who felt their stupid events were more important than Psy's conquest of USA.

    At the worst possible moment, the owner wants to capitalize, and be recognized, in K-O-R-E-A, forgetting where its popularity is coming from.

    We have seen too many examples of the owners becoming the worst enemies of the acts they own. It seems Fifty Fifty's owner became blindsided by its unexpected success and is now listening to some questionable advices from those who didn't give a shit about it before but are now acting like its biggest fans.

    It would be better if he sells Fifty Fifty to some outfit in the west rather than him ruining the soup. Examples like the owners of GFriend, Chungha and others are too many to list - they never really had any business running successful acts and they became too greedy quickly, sacrificing their acts.

    Given the attitude of the owner, I am afraid no one will remember it by next year, and the 1,344 years old hag can rest easy.

    In 2013, out of all the dates, Cho Yongpil released his song on the same week Psy released his new release Gentleman, undermining it decisively. History does not repeat but rhymes - I feel the 1,344 years old hag will snipe Fifty Fifty directly like she had sniped IZOne and aespa before.


    Edited once, last by WhyKnock ().

  • Quote

    he let the lead vocalist have a surgery now and she appears to be out of game for quite a while

    Yes, he should have told her to toughen up

    No surgery just work through it

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  • Aran had surgery? For what?

  • Surgery for what?

    Something that can't make her body move well. Either a joint problem or ligament or some bones

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  • Aran had surgery? For what?

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    Also the surgery already done few days ago, she is now just taking some time to recover

  • must be very hard for their ceo and company now that they are suddenly popular and mega hits, it be hard out here for these nugu no name no life companies cuz they don't gots no experience or knowledge in the kpop industry and how to fraud like nobles lee soo man or bang si hyuk, they ain't gots no experience. so i would not be shocked if they struggle, if their ceo be struggling with all this money. but all we can do is pray for em, cause they out here being successful, but they ain't know what to do with that success, how to manage an A-list group, they ain't know. gots to pray for em, gots to.


  • You have one if the weirdest take on this forum like i can never tell if your trolling or it's truly how you see things :pepe-shame:

    Yeah Aran shouldn't have went to surgery, i mean why go fix your health problems when you can dance the pain away on stage. Promoting in Korea isn't a bad move, securing a stable fan base in their home country is important because if the international audience moves on with them at least they have an audience to rebound on, also groups can promote simultaneously in Korea and the west.

    And please stop undermining nugu companies, not all of them are ran by stupid man who only interest is a quick buck, Fifty fifty's company clearly put a lot of efforts to craft the group's identity and we're seeing the results of their hard work, i believe in their company because so far they're doing the right moves to keep the group momentum.

  • You have one if the weirdest take on this forum like i can never tell if your trolling or it's truly how you see things :pepe-shame:

    Yeah Aran shouldn't have went to surgery, i mean why go fix your health problems when you can dance the pain away on stage. Promoting in Korea isn't a bad move, securing a stable fan base in their home country is important because if the international audience moves on with them at least they have an audience to rebound on, also groups can promote simultaneously in Korea and the west.

    And please stop undermining nugu companies, not all of them are ran by stupid man who only interest is a quick buck, Fifty fifty's company clearly put a lot of efforts to craft the group's identity and we're seeing the results of their hard work, i believe in their company because so far they're doing the right moves to keep the group momentum.

    We don't know too much about the owner. he planned well. How he would manage is an unknown quality and in KPop there is no certainty. This owner might want to capitalize asap, we don't know.

    If the company is doing thing right they would be in the West, not wasting time on Korean shows

  • Even the big labels have trouble moving properly outside Korea without external help, you really think it would be easier for a small company?

    If they are sign with an American label, that would help a lot, but even then, they would still need to build a fanbase to keep the money coming from album sales and streaming.

  • Even the big labels have trouble moving properly outside Korea without external help, you really think it would be easier for a small company?

    If they are sign with an American label, that would help a lot, but even then, they would still need to build a fanbase to keep the money coming from album sales and streaming.

    And it is likely that the owner will suddenly rediscover his greedy side, thwarting any negotiations

    He has hit the jackpot and he will want to collect , a symptom seen in many other KPop owners who came from nowhere

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