Sales show that the fandoms are growing but not necessarily because your lastest song/album was good

  • Fandom growth can be based on old discography (or even something unrelated to music at all)

    So it can be due to the hit cb or old content.

    That's why when your fandom is big enough, sales no longer reveal whether the song is good or not.

    I think the only metrics you can use to see how the song is doing are :

    -gp taste

    - virality of the song

    - radio play

    - and maybe (unique listeners)

    Charts and sales...both show success, but you can't use one to prove the other


    🥀 Partner in Crime🩸

  • Kpop stans should pick a side

    Y’all claim songs that do well on charts aren’t good tracks either

    Sales have nothing to do with song quality. There are fewer people who will buy an album because they ended up liking the tracks rather than they liked the artistes

    Sales just show fandom size/growth and I don’t think anyone around here thinks otherwise. Even debut groups nowadays that are selling a lot are doing so because they already established a fandom before comeback

  • Radio play can be manipulated.

    There are artists with lots of radio that can't sell out an arena.

    If radio decides to play something else, few people will care if they don't even know the artist's name.

    Agree with some of your other points.

    GP taste is important but it needs to be converted into something: recognition of the artist, so they will care about the next song and finally conversion into actual fans who are willing to spend money on them.

    People forget sometimes that all fans were GP once. It's not like GP is a whole different entity that is completely separate from fans.

  • If you are talking about physical album sales, most of it happens before the album is even out so lol

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  • Glass Animals has a giant hit but has that converted into more success overall for the band? Or are they touring the world playing festivals on the back of one song.

  • Size of the fanbase and sales is based on the previous release.

    Brave Girl got #3 with Chi Mat Ba Ram, the next release after Rollin when viral in 2021, but Chi Mat Ba Ram was such an average song, that their fanbase declined significantly after that.

  • Size of the fanbase and sales is based on the previous release.

    Brave Girl got #3 with Chi Mat Ba Ram, the next release after Rollin when viral in 2021, but Chi Mat Ba Ram was such an average song, that their fanbase declined significantly after that.

    Small groups operate differently...they always need to prove themselves to survive, unfortunately one hit is not enough


    🥀 Partner in Crime🩸

  • Are charts/GP taste a good measure to music quality? Not for me. Red Flavor is Red Velvet biggest hit, but Ice Cream Cake, Psycho and Peek a boo are so much better. Charts are more about trends and how catchy the song is.

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  • maybe i used gp because they are more rational than us (musically)

    I always thought that gp are public who don’t really care about music and will accept what ever presented to them via radio, tv, virality of the song, social media etc

    I was like that before, liking songs that were played all the time on the radio and others because most songs become bops when you hear them often. It’s really easy and you don’t have to have any musical knowledge. Not sure I was more rational than the average kpop stans at that time lol.

  • maybe i used gp because they are more rational than us (musically)

    Public literally the bottom barrel of music consumption. They largely don’t pay for any of music work (the most is .0004 dollar per stream) and only know songs because the music is being conveniently ready for their consumption from radio’s curation

    Also, come on, we always say “dumbing songs down for the public” for many popular artists about their viral songs but they are also the most rational? The narration is losing its plot now

    Stan probably is not the most objective when it comes to music but doesn’t mean public is the wise end either

    I agree that latest sales growth doesn’t equate to latest album’s quality and some of your points but that’s very case by case

  • I always thought that gp are public who don’t really care about music and will accept what ever presented to them via radio, tv, virality of the song, social media etc

    I was like that before, liking songs that were played all the time on the radio and others because most songs become bops when you hear them often. It’s really easy and you don’t have to have any musical knowledge. Not sure I was more rational than the average kpop stans at that time lol.

    but it is precisely because people recommend it that the song continues to play

    GPS are lazy to know what song to listen next, they only judge songs that are viral ( and then make a choice to add it on their playlist or not)

    for radioplay paid by company, it's another story... it can be a hit for a few months but gp will get tired very quickly and move on


    🥀 Partner in Crime🩸

  • your comment seems like i described gp as an angel, lol .. not

    their choice are maybe weirder than ours (and their taste are tasteless)... but their choice is simply based on their instincts

    myself as GP in the west music... i guess i'm weirdo and tasteless to enjoy miley new song (even if don't even like her)


    🥀 Partner in Crime🩸

  • your comment seems like i described gp as an angel, lol .. not

    their choice are maybe weirder than ours (and their taste are tasteless)... but their choice is simply based on their instincts

    myself as GP in the west music... i guess i'm weirdo and tasteless to enjoy miley new song (even if don't even like her)

    I mean, choosing from instinct is not honest nor rational choice to begin with when their choices is already curated by media and internet platforms knocking down their preferred artist to the public and most people don’t bother to find out more music outside of that. so the popularity correlates to song quality statement is not that straight forward

  • but it is precisely because people recommend it that the song continues to play

    GPS are lazy to know what song to listen next, they only judge songs that are viral ( and then make a choice to add it on their playlist or not)

    for radioplay paid by company, it's another story... it can be a hit for a few months but gp will get tired very quickly and move on

    From what you said, I’m not convinced that gp’s taste is more “rational” than your average kpop stan.

    I feel like any genre of music stans (be it kpop, metal heads, hip hop etc) are more beneficial to the artists than the fickle GP who will forget you once another trendy music arrives.

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