Results of 'NARUTOP99' Global Character Popularity Poll unveiled, winner to get their own manga by author Masashi Kishimoto

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    as a prize for winning Masashi Kishimoto is going to write and draw a one shot manga about Minato!



    new illustration by Masashi Kishimoto featuring the top 10


  • How familiar are you with Naruto and would you care if I spoiled a lot?

    I don't care about the spoilers, I never watched it other than knowing that there's Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura (oh and the sharingan). I read the Minato page on the wiki but what I gleaned from it is that he is the character that's stronger and more badass than the main character. I just wonder why he is the #1 character (Thanks)

  • I don't care about the spoilers, I never watched it other than knowing that there's Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura (oh and the sharingan). I read the Minato page on the wiki but what I gleaned from it is that he is the character that's stronger and more badass than the main character. I just wonder why he is the #1 character (Thanks)

    Minato was the 4th Hokage (village leader, usually the strongest one), Naruto's secret father and Kakashi's (Naruto's teacher) teacher. Student of Pervy Sage and has the whole Hokage-teacher pipeline thing going. Died the night Naruto was born. Came back near the end of part ii to fight in the war and played a big part before the whole thing got derailed on the dumber main plotline.

    Very powerful, originator of Naruto's signature move, very fast and is one of the few characters where we still don't know a lot about his backstory outside of Kakashi's team and the night Naruto died



  • Minato was the 4th Hokage (village leader, usually the strongest one), Naruto's secret father and Kakashi's (Naruto's teacher) teacher. Student of Pervy Sage and has the whole Hokage-teacher pipeline thing going. Died the night Naruto was born. Came back near the end of part ii to fight in the war and played a big part before the whole thing got derailed on the dumber main plotline.

    Very powerful, originator of Naruto's signature move, very fast and is one of the few characters where we still don't know a lot about his backstory outside of Kakashi's team and the night Naruto died


  • Actually, Itachi was always my favorite while watching Naruto, but since we've seen his story a lot, I thought it was fair that he placed 2nd. We've seen little of Naruto's father's past. Actually, the character of Minato was a bit boring to me. He has a lot of fans just because he's powerful and Naruto father. Personally, his character is too bland. Sakura's 3rd place is impressive. In fact, Sakura has a lot of fans who love as well as hate. Kishimoto explained that he actually likes the Sakura character, because the editors put pressure on the him who had to listen to a few noisy empty haters and put her into the background, unfortunately we never saw her development from her like Naruto and Sasuke.

  • Actually, Itachi was always my favorite while watching Naruto, but since we've seen his story a lot, I thought it was fair that he placed 2nd. We've seen little of Naruto's father's past. Actually, the character of Minato was a bit boring to me. He has a lot of fans just because he's powerful and Naruto father. Personally, his character is too bland. Sakura's 3rd place is impressive. In fact, Sakura has a lot of fans who love as well as hate. Kishimoto explained that he actually likes the Sakura character, because the editors put pressure on the him who had to listen to a few noisy empty haters and put her into the background, unfortunately we never saw her development from her like Naruto and Sasuke.

    I 100% agree with Minato, he have a big fanbase because of how strong he is and because he is naruto father

    but he is one of the most boring character, his character have no depthno backstory, and even the few times we saw him wasn't enough to really give him a personality

    But i disagree with the fact that we never saw any development from her character

    She went from the unconfident sakura, who couldn't express her emotions really that's why she had her inner fort and who couldn't fight and always had to stay in the back

    to her a mature sakura, who's more confident in herself and who have more ease to speak her mind and doesn't need to stay in the back and could actually fight

    and even in shippuden when she was in the back it was not because she was useless like when she was a kid but because she was actually more useful in the back thanks to her medicine jutsu

    and even with her relationship with Naruto and sasuke we could actually see a big development

    her relation with naruto went from seeing him only as a nuisance and a brat to seeing him as a real hero, someone who had her trust and could rely on her, and she really cared about him

    while for Sasuke, the start of shippuden she's still the naive girl "in love with him" and want to find him and bring him back to konoha

    to then realize that the sasuke now isn't the same that she knew and changed, to the point where she was decided to kill him to protect naruto and it really show a big change in her development where she finally put the safety of naruto above her obsession for sasuke

    sadly one of the reason why i Hate the end of Naruto and Boruto is because i feel that all this development that she had through Shippuden and towards Sasuke was completely threw over and erase with the end of naruto and boruto

    and people who deny that Sakura didn't have a development or say that she was useless in Naruto just act in bad faith in my opinion

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